DrFrankenstein / goot

a stupid GUI over a stupid content tracker
MIT License
1 stars 0 forks source link

.. role:: sh(code) :language: sh

.. we're outside of Sphinx, so just style files as code .. role:: file(code)

==== goot

All of git, but in a GUI.


If you haven't yet, install a C++ compiler. Most compilers should work, just make sure that you have the latest version, or at least one that supports C++20 well.

- On Windows: `Build Tools for Visual Studio 2022 <https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/fr/downloads/#build-tools-for-visual-studio-2022>`_.
- On macOS: run :code:`xcode-select install`.
- On Linux: This depends on your distribution, but you'll want a package
  like 'g++-12' or 'clang-11'.

If you haven't yet, install conan <https://conan.io/downloads.html>_. Conan is a package manager that automatically downloads all the necessary dependencies for this project and puts them in a central location, ready to be found and used.

If you haven't yet, install cmake <https://cmake.org/download/>_. CMake is a tool that takes the project files, checks your environment, and turns all that into build scripts that will work on your system.

Create a directory for your build, and go to it. e.g. :sh:mkdir out && cd out. [#out]_

Run CMake. e.g. :sh:cmake .., or follow these instructions <https://cmake.org/runningcmake/>_.

Build. e.g. :sh:cmake --build ., or run whatever build system you've configured it to use (:sh:make, :sh:ninja, :sh:msbuild...)

.. [#out] :file:.gitignore is already configured to ignore :file:out/, so this is the recommended directory to use.