DrLutzi / wakfu-theme-manager

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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⚠️ WARNING: WTM down as of WAKFU 1.82 UPDATE ⚠️

The 1.82 introduces a new way of using several themes and moving them around. This effectively obsoletes the first core purpose of this application, which is to change the theme on-demand. The other core purpose, updating themes, is still relevant: however, the application is not fit for the current new structure of the themes folder, hence it cannot be expected to work currently.

Wakfu Theme Manager (WTM)

WTM is a desktop application used to manage themes for the game Wakfu. It is used to efficiently download and update community-made themes.

README in other languages: Français


Download the appropriate binaries for your machine bellow, unzip the archive, and open wtm.exe.

Release 2.1.1 -- Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 - 64-bit


On Windows, powershell 3.0 or more must be installed (which is the case by default), and on other OS, unzip must be installed.







First use

If the application cannot find your game's theme folder (unusual), you will be asked to provide it. Otherwise, the game's theme folder will be written on the status bar.

Working with themes

  1. Export folder: copies and paste a folder containing a theme into the game's theme folder.
  2. Export Zip: imports a .zip archive containing a theme. If this does not work, make sure your archive meets the requirements described in #community-themes.
  3. Reset theme: removes the "colors" and "images" folder in your game's theme folder. You will be prompted for a confirmation.
  4. Dowmload default theme: for creators, downloads the latest theme files of Ankama into themes/ankama.
  5. Settings: access two settings: the path to the game (useful if you have several installs), and the link to Ankama's json (if it ever changes).
  6. Forum link: opens the link to the forum in your web browser.
  7. Download: downloads the theme and puts it in your game's theme folder.

WARNING: Removal of files

The application will occasionally need to remove the following folders and all of its contents, recursively:

Community themes

The main list shows you themes that I registered. The list is automatically updated when I update it remotely. If you want more themes shown, contact me on discord (Lutzi#3767) with a link to the forum page of the custom theme you want.


For your theme to be on the list, please make sure of the following:

If you submit a theme to me, you can attach a 128x128 picture representing your theme.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. If you have any suggestion but are not familiar with coding C++, please open an issue.


You will need Qt 5.14 or more. Use of QtCreator is highly recommended since it is bundled with a C++ compiler on Windows, QDesigner, used to design the GUI, and QLinguist, used to translate the application in French.

To compile on Linux and macOS without QtCreator:

qmake wtm.pro

With QtCreator, compile and copy the configuration file in the build directory.


Should you require the French translation file, you can compile it with lrelease and copy the created .qm file into your application's folder.
