DrakeVorndran / Canvas_Cellular_Automata

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Cellular Automation Editor

pssst, its live here

Cellular Automation

Cellular automation is a fairly simple idea.
You start with an infinite grid, and every cell's state is determined by the cells around it.
There are a few types of "neighborhoods" or ways to count your neighbors. In this project, I use what is known as a Moore neighborhood. If you don't know what that means, think minesweeper, every cell just checks the 8 cells surrounding it.
Every cell's state is determined by the states of the cells' around them. So in the simplist example, conway's game of life, every cell can have 2 states, alive or dead. A dead cell becomes alive in the next step if it has 3 alive neighbors. An alive cell becomes dead if it has less than 2 or more than 3 alive neighbors.

My Project

My project allows you to edit the rules in a simple and easy to understand way.


Technical Stuff

I used html5 canvas in this project to draw everything necessary. I didn't use any libraries.

Future Additions

I do plan to keep working on this project after the intensive and get people that are also interested in cellular automation to work with me to add features, that being said I do have a todo page with all of the current and future plans.