Drakuwa / Fridge

New version of aFridge - virtual refrigerator item organizer...
GNU General Public License v3.0
2 stars 1 forks source link

Fridge for Android

"Discover the FREE and easy way to a full refrigerator, and never let expired food or an empty ice box spoil your life again!"

Fridge is second version of the aFridge Android application I've published a long time ago, and it's totally rewritten from scratch, implementing some of the newest programming and design trends. Basically, the idea behind the application is the same - it keeps track of your refrigerator items, and has a convenient feature for adding and sharing notes, for example, sharing shopping lists. The application now syncs its records with a CouchDB database server from where they are distributed to its users devices, if the user decides to sign in with their Facebook/Twitter or Google+ accounts.

The application is a free software published under the GNU GPLv3 license and is published on the Play Store.

Project structure:

You can generate the Javadocs by calling ./gradlew generateDebugJavaDoc or ./gradlew generateReleaseJavaDoc

The projects extracted Javadoc documentation can be found in ..app/docs/compiled/release/ or ..app/docs/compiled/debug/ where you can easily see the package organization.


For any kind of questions, complains and requests, find me on Twitter, Facebook, or GMail