Drathonix / LoadMyChunks

A server friendly chunk loading mod
MIT License
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Modrinth CurseForge Discord

Load My Chunks is a standalone server-safe chunk loader mod that reduces server lag by refusing to load laggy chunks


Block Entity ticking is now executed chunk-wise rather than dimension wise. Chunks time their tick duration only if necessary.

Chunks are forceloaded only if they contain at least one chunk loader. If the chunk tick duration exceeds the server side maximum, then the chunk will cease being forceloaded and enter a dormant state for some time.

Dormant forced chunks will awaken once more at the end of the dormant period and enter a brief grace period where they are immune from tick duration checks, this is done to give multiblock structures a chance to reinitialize (I.E. Mekanism multiblocks which have an initial overhead on chunk load).

Chunk loaders work with or without the player being online.

Utility Items

Advanced Information about a chunk's lag and load state can be obtained using the chunkometer.

Chunk lag can also be measured in world using the lagometer block.


For info on configurability see the Wiki.

Conflicts and Dependencies

Load My Chunks depends Architectury on architectury for platform abstraction.

The mod supports Java 8 on MC1.16.5, Java 17 on 1.18.2-1.20.4, and Java 21 on 1.20.6+. It is recommended to use the correct Java version to avoid issues.

Known Mod Conflicts:

Known Stonecutter IDE issues

The Migration to stonecutter was massively helpful, but it did cause some issues with IDE stability. Running the client on the IDE may be impossible in some versions and will require testing externally.

Versions 1.16.5-all, and 1.20.4-forge do not run client. Version 1.19.2-forge runs, but mixins are not loaded (I have no idea why)

IDE Stability Overview Chart

✅= Works fine ⛔= Game starts, but mod does not work ❌= Game does not start at all.

MC_Version Fabric Forge NeoForge
1.21 NA
1.20.6 NA
1.20.1 NA
1.19.4 NA
1.19.2 NA
1.18.2 NA
1.16.5 NA