DreRandaci / Watson

NSS Back-end capstone. An iOS mobile application built on React-Native that allows users to take pictures of any object and get prediction classifications from IBM Watson's Visual Recognition service. Classifications are also provided with links to Google and Wikipedia for quick search results.
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Watson - NSS Front-End Capstone

By Dre Randaci

Summary: An iOS mobile application built on React-Native that allows users to take pictures of any object and get prediction classifications from IBM Watson's Visual Recognition service. Classifications are also provided with links to Google and Wikipedia for quick search results. Users can save pictures to their camera roll and access any picture they have previously taken for classification. Image details include a Google Maps view with marker for location discovery.

The app consumes a C#/.NET Web API (here) built specifically for this project.



Running the app on your device

Screen Shots




Prediction Modal



URL Prediction

URL Prediction