DreamMaoMao / hycov

hyprland overview mode plugin,a new tile window workflow
MIT License
336 stars 29 forks source link
hyprland hyprland-plugin wayland


A Hyprland overview mode plugin, a new tiling WM workflow.

[!NOTE] This repository only maintains the hyprland version corresponding to each hycov release, please do not bring up the issue of non-release versions, because I do not have enough time to track every commit.

What can it do?


Anyone is welcome to fork. If you end up improving the plugin, please let me know, and I'll be happy to use your fork.

Manual Installation


  1. After Hycov is installed, you will need to logout, then log back in. This may happen automatically, but do not worry. This behaviour is normal.
  2. Only supports hyprland source code after 2023-10-22, because the plugin requires this commit in hyprland.
  3. Each release of hycov corresponds to each release of hyprland. If you are using a release version of hycov, but you are using the latest hyprland-git, this may not be available.
Using meson and ninja:
git clone https://github.com/DreamMaoMao/hycov.git
cd hycov
sudo meson setup build --prefix=/usr
sudo ninja -C build
sudo ninja -C build install # `libhycov.so` path: /usr/lib/libhycov.so
Using CMake:
git clone https://github.com/DreamMaoMao/hycov.git
cd hycov
bash install.sh # `libhycov.so` path: /usr/lib/libhycov.so
Using hyprpm:
hyprpm update
hyprpm add https://github.com/DreamMaoMao/hycov
hyprpm enable hycov

Usage (hyprland.conf)

# When entering overview mode, you can use left-button to jump, right-button to kill or use keybind

#  If you are installing hycov with hyprpm, you should comment out this 
plugin = /usr/lib/libhycov.so

# If you are installing hycov by manually compile , you should comment out this 
exec-once = hyprpm reload

# bind key to toggle overview (normal)
bind = ALT,tab,hycov:toggleoverview

# bind key to toggle overview (force mode, not affected by `only_active_workspace` or `only_active_monitor`)
bind = ALT,grave,hycov:toggleoverview,forceall #grave key is the '~' key

# bind key to toggle overview (force mode, not affected by `only_active_workspace` or `only_active_monitor`)
bind = ALT,c,hycov:toggleoverview,onlycurrentworkspace

# bind key to toggle overview (shows all windows in one monitor, not affected by `only_active_workspace` or `only_active_monitor`)
bind = ALT,g,hycov:toggleoverview,forceallinone 

# The key binding for directional switch mode.
# Calculate the window closest to the direction to switch focus.
# This keybind is applicable not only to the overview, but also to the general layout.

# if you want that focusmove can cross monitor, use this

plugin {
    hycov {
        overview_gappo = 60 # gaps width from screen edge
        overview_gappi = 24 # gaps width from clients
        enable_hotarea = 1 # enable mouse cursor hotarea, when cursor enter hotarea, it will toggle overview    
        enable_click_action = 1 # enable mouse left button jump and right button kill in overview mode
        hotarea_monitor = all # monitor name which hotarea is in, default is all
        hotarea_pos = 1 # position of hotarea (1: bottom left, 2: bottom right, 3: top left, 4: top right)
        hotarea_size = 10 # hotarea size, 10x10
        swipe_fingers = 4 # finger number of gesture,move any directory
        move_focus_distance = 100 # distance for movefocus,only can use 3 finger to move 
        enable_gesture = 0 # enable gesture
        auto_exit = 1 # enable auto exit when no client in overview
        auto_fullscreen = 0 # auto make active window maximize after exit overview
        only_active_workspace = 0 # only overview the active workspace
        only_active_monitor = 0 # only overview the active monitor
        enable_alt_release_exit = 0 # alt swith mode arg,see readme for detail
        alt_replace_key = Alt_L # alt swith mode arg,see readme for detail
        alt_toggle_auto_next = 0 # auto focus next window when toggle overview in alt swith mode
        click_in_cursor = 1 # when click to jump,the target windwo is find by cursor, not the current foucus window.
        hight_of_titlebar = 0 # height deviation of title bar height
        show_special = 0 # show windwos in special workspace in overview.
        raise_float_to_top = 1 # raise the window that is floating before to top after leave overview mode

suggested additional configuration


detail picture ![image](https://github.com/DreamMaoMao/hycov/assets/30348075/332f4025-20c1-4a44-853b-1b5264df986e) ![image](https://github.com/DreamMaoMao/hycov/assets/30348075/500d9fd7-299b-48bc-ab72-146f263044a5)

Alt switch mode

enable_alt_release_exit = 1
alt_toggle_auto_next = 0 # auto focus next window when enter overview in alt mode
# alt_replace_key = Alt_L # If your MainKey of toggleoverview is ALt, you can ignore it


such as alt + tab:

If you don't want to use `alt` as MainKey in alt mode such as use `super` to repalce `alt` - 1.bind toggleoverview ``` bind = SUPER,tab,hycov:toggleoverview ``` - 2.use `alt_replace_key` to specify what is the detection key on release. ``` # use keyname alt_replace_key = Super_L # Alt_L,Alt_R,Super_L,Super_R,Control_L,Control_R,Shift_L,Shift_R # use keycode alt_replace_key = code:133 # use `xev` command to get keycode ```

NixOS with home—manager

# flake.nix

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";

    home-manager = {
      url = "github:nix-community/home-manager";
      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

    hyprland.url = "github:hyprwm/Hyprland";

      url = "github:DreamMaoMao/hycov";
      inputs.hyprland.follows = "hyprland";

  outputs = { nixpkgs, home-manager, hyprland, hycov, ... }:
      system = "x86_64-linux";
      pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
      homeConfigurations."user@hostname" = home-manager.lib.homeManagerConfiguration {
        pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux;

        modules = [
            wayland.windowManager.hyprland = {
              enable = true;
              package = hyprland.packages."${pkgs.system}".hyprland;
              plugins = [
              extraConfig = ''
                bind = ALT,tab,hycov:toggleoverview

                plugin {
                    hycov {
                      overview_gappo = 60 #gaps width from screen
                      overview_gappi = 24 #gaps width from clients
                        hotarea_size = 10 #hotarea size in bottom left,10x10
                        enable_hotarea = 1 # enable mouse cursor hotarea
              '' + ''
                # your othor config
          # ...

Frequently Asked Questions

1.Please pull the latest waybar source code compilation,
this issue has been fixed in the waybar project, fix date (2023-10-27)

2.Change the {id} field in hyprland/workspace field to {name}


sudo rm -rf /usr/include/hyprland sudo rm -rf /usr/include/wlr sudo rm -rf/usr/local/include/hyprland sudo rm -rf /usr/local/include/wlr


yay -S wlroots-git hyprland-git

## Some cool use cases
<summary> hycov + [hyprland-easymotion](https://github.com/zakk4223/hyprland-easymotion) </summary>


bind = ALT,tab, exec, ~/.config/hypr/scripts/hycov-easymotion.sh
bind = ALT, Tab, exec, ~/.config/hypr/scripts/hycov-easymotion.sh

workspace_name=$(hyprctl -j activeworkspace | jq -r '.name')

if [ "$workspace_name" = "OVERVIEW" ]; then
    hyprctl dispatch hycov:leaveoverview
    hyprctl dispatch hycov:enteroverview
    hyprctl dispatch 'easymotion action:hyprctl --batch "dispatch focuswindow address:{} ; dispatch hycov:leaveoverview"'