Dreamwalker420 / honeypot

Simple Honeypot Implementation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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CS 410/591 - Computer Security

Final Project : Honeypot


A simple Honeypot Implementation


Kirk Powell kirk.powell@siu.edu


Do not use this service without being aware of the full consequence. It will open a bash terminal to the machine with no restrictions. It is designed to entice a hacker to track their activities and garner as much information about them before the honeypot is compromised, destroyed, or otherwise incapacitated.

Compile the server.c file: gcc server.exe -o server.c
Set up on any computer connected to the internet and run ./server.exe

Client connections are made through IP access ./client.exe


There is a set of slides (presentation.odp) that explains what a honeypot is and how it works. Review this material if you are unclear about honeypots.