DressPD / IPv6_probing

Repo to check existence of IPv6 address and check validity avoiding aliases
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Repository to check existence and map IPv6 addressed and check respondse tates while avoiding aliases


python environments - READ CAREFULLY


Entropy-ip set up and configuration - READ CAREFULLY

to set up entropy-ip:

  1. run git clone https://github.com/akamai/entropy-ip.git in terminal in current reporitory to extract the source code
  2. read and execute 0-create_py_envs.txt to set up a conda enviroment with python 2 and necessary packages for entropy-ip (consider pip or atp as alternative solutions) to run entropy-ip for addresses modeling:
  3. Prepare your IPv6 dataset in hex IP format (32 hex characters per line, no colons)
  4. Change working directory to newly generated repository and activate py2_env
  5. Run ./ALL.sh <ips> <target>, where <ips> is your dataset file, and <target> is the output directory for storing the results

eip-generator set up and configuration - READ CAREFULLY

to install eip-generator:

  1. run https://github.com/pforemski/eip-generator in terminal in current reporitory to extract the source code
  2. run sudo apt-get install golang-go to install GO if not available
  3. build the program with make \ go build -o eip-generator eip-generator.go lib.go to run eip-generator for addresses creation:
  4. run ./eip-convert.py ../ipv6_model/segments ../ipv6_model/analysis ../ipv6_model/cpd > ../ipv6_model/eip.model to translate the model
  5. Change working directory to newly generated repository and activate py2_env
  6. Run ./eip-generator -M 100000 -N 8000000 < ../ipv6_model/eip.model > generated_ipv6_addresses.txt to generato 100k new addresses
  7. Run python3 ipv6_de_transform.py > ../ipv6_hitlists/generated_ipv6_addresses.txt to format the addresses
    -M int -> max. number of addresses per model state (default 1000)
    -N int -> approx. number of addresses to generate (default 1000000)
    -P int -> max. depth in model to run in parallel (default 4)
    -S float -> minimum state probability, 0 = auto
    -V -> verbose
    -p -> pass stdin to stdout

Instructions to run the experiment

1. IPv6 retrieval and aliasing

to execute the operation, perform the following processes:

  1. open a bash terminal in a folder containing this repository (locally or via ssh)
  2. run chmod +x 1-retrieve_addresses.sh to allow execution of customs bash files
  3. execute ./1-retrieve_addresses.sh that will download weekly list of actives addresses and decode into a local .txt file:
    1. ipv6_retrieval.py will be executed downloading and storing in the working directory ipv6 hitlist called responsive_ipv6_addresses.txt
    2. ipv6_identify_prefixes.py will iterate the hitlist, remove aliased addresses in /64 prefix and generate 1 pseudo-random address for each 4-bit /68 subprefix storing the output in a list and file called aliased_ipv6_addresses.txt

2. Scan IPv6 addresses and de-aliasing


  1. the file aliased_ipv6_addresses.txt contains a list structured of 1 original address and 16 aliases every 17 lines. Zmpav6 will send 16 packets to aliased addresses (pseudo-random addresses within generated addresses in IPv6 prefix) using TCP/80 and ICMPv6 enforcing traversal of a subprefix with different nybbles. SUDO permissions required for Linux kernel
  2. responsive addresses are counted. If we obtain responses from all 16 (either TCP/80 or ICMPv6 is ok) , we label the prefix as aliased and remove it. If not, we write the original address (line 1) in a file called dealiased_ipv6_addresses.txt
  3. chmod +x dealiase_addresses.sh to allow execution of customs bash files
  4. ./2-dealiase_addresses.sh will do the previous two jobs, and it is included and called also in ./1-retrieve_addresses.sh

3. Model IPv6 Addresses using entropy-ip


  1. open a bash terminal in a folder containing this repository (locally or via ssh)
  2. run chmod +x 3-model_addresses.sh to allow execution of customs bash files
  3. execute ./3-model_addresses.sh that will provide the folllowing tasks:
    1. ipv6_transform.py will prepare dealiased_ipv6_addresses.txt IPv6 list in hex IP format (32 hex characters per line, no colons)
    2. ./ALL.sh <ips> <target> will generate new ipv6 model based on the input hitlist
    3. new addresses will be stored in the folder ipv6_model for further analysis

4. Generate new IPv6 Addresses using eip-generator


  1. run chmod +x 4-generate_addresses.sh to allow execution of customs bash files
  2. execute ./4-generate_addresses.sh that will provide the folllowing tasks:
    1. eip-convert.py will convert the previous model in readble input to generat addresses
    2. ./eip-generator will generate new ipv6 addresses based on the input file
    3. new addresses will be stored in generated_ipv6_addresses.txt

5. Scan de-aliased and generated IPv6 addresses for one week


  1. run chmod +x 5-scan_all.sh to allow execution of customs bash files
  2. run ./5-scan_all.sh daily to get the scan result for de-aliased and generated addresses and produce reports in dedicate folder
  3. it was not possible for us to set up daily scanning using Cronjob or equivalent methods, but it would have been a cool strategy to partially automate the process

6. Daily active IPv6 addresses report and results


  1. Once the 7 daily reports are available and stored in the target folder
  2. run chmod +x 6-analysis.sh to allow execution of customs bash files
  3. run ./6-analysis.sh
    1. result_aggregate.py will aggregate the results in numerical format from the responses collected
    2. plotting.py will iterate the named files and produce a line chart showing the hit ratio per day in the reports folder
    3. Remember to check the files to adjust hard-coded paramaters as hitlists size and files name