DrewLazzeriKitware / simulation-modeler

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Simulation Modeler

With this app a user can model various runs of the parflow hydrologic simulator. Parflow is a submodule of this repository, so clone with git clone --recursive [URL to this Git repo] or after cloning, initialize the submodule with git submodule update --init.

Building and running

First we have to build our vuejs component library which trame will import.

simulation-modeler $ cd component_lib
client $ npm i
client $ npm run build
client $ cd ..

Then we can make our python environment and run the server.

simulation-modeler $ python3 -m venv .venv # I use python3.9
simulation-modeler $ source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) simulation-modeler $ pip install -r requirements.txt
(.venv) simulation-modeler $ pip install -e parflow/pftools/python/parflow # Need to build generated.py first, see below
(.venv) simulation-modeler $ mkdir output data share
simulation-modeler $ deactivate # Visualizations require pvpython, which gets deps from venv  
simulation-modeler $ PV_VENV=.venv pvpython server/app.py -O output -D data -S share

Making parflow changes

The code for parflow is here, including a python module and solver definitions this application depends on.

Whenever you change the pf-keys definitions, you have to 1) Remake generated.py for the pftools module

cd parflow
source .venv/bin/activate
python pf-keys/generators/pf-python.py pftools/python/parflow/tools/database/generated.py

This should update automatically if you're using pip install -e parflow/pftools/python/parflow for pftools. 2) Generate the simput model from parflow keys

source .venv/bin/activate # Use environment with req's from scripts/parflow/requirements.txt
python scripts/parflow/generate_model.py -d parflow/pf-keys/definitions/ -o server/model/

End to end workflow

Here is a diagram of the whole workflow, from running a simulation, back through editing the run, and starting with generating the simput model.

1) Generate simput model (model.yaml) with scripts/parflow/generate_model.py
2) (optional) Read an existing run into a simput save with scripts/parflow/read_run.py
3) Edit with simput components in app.py
4) Export with RunWriter in app.py

  parflow/pf_keys/definitions   ┌─────────────────┐
                                └─────────────────┘              │
                                   model.yaml                    │
              │                                    ┌──────┐
              ├───────────────────────────────────►│      │
              │                                    │      │
              │  ┌───────────┐                     │simput├──────┐
              │  │           │  pf_settings.yaml   │      │      │
              └─►│           ├────────────────────►│      │      │
                 │read_run.py│                     └──────┘      │
  LW_test.yaml   │           │                                   │
 ───────────────►│           │                                   │
                 └───────────┘                                   │
                                   (simput state)                │
              │   ┌────────────┐
              └──►│            │  run.yaml+files
  FileDatabase    │RunWriter.py├────────────────────
 ────────────────►│            │

(edit with https://asciiflow.com/#/)