DriftSDK is the official Drift SDK written in Swift!
DriftSDK can be added to your project using CocoaPods by adding the following line to your Podfile
pod 'Drift', '~> 2.4.1'
To use the Drift iOS SDK you need an embed ID from your Drift settings page. This can be accessed here by looking after the drift.load method in the Javascript SDK.
In your AppDelegate didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
or in ObjC
[Drift setup:@""];
Once your user has successfully logged into the app registering a user with the device is done by calling register user with a unique identifier, typically the id from your database, and their email address:
Drift.registerUser("", email: "")
or in ObjC
[Drift registerUser:@"" email:@""];
When your user logs out simply call logout so they stop receiving campaigns.
or in ObjC
[Drift logout];
Thats it. Your good to go!!
A user can begin a conversation in response to a campaign or by presenting the conversations list
or in ObjC
[Drift showConversations];
You can also go directly to create a conversation using
or in ObjC
[Drift showCreateConversation];
Thats it. Your good to go!!
Contributions are very welcome 🤘.