Droppers / AnimatedBottomBar

A customizable and easy to use BottomBar navigation view with sleek animations, with support for ViewPager, ViewPager2, NavController, and badges.
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(JAVA) Adding text to AnimatedBottomBar.Badge() not working #27

Closed ZenHap closed 3 years ago

ZenHap commented 3 years ago

Code (Java) bottom_bar.setBadgeAtTabIndex(1, new AnimatedBottomBar.Badge("1"));

Cannot resolve constructor 'Badge(java.lang.String)'

Not sure if this is working in kotlin, but so far this means badges can't have text when using java

ZenHap commented 3 years ago

To fix: bottom_bar.setBadgeAtTabIndex(1, new AnimatedBottomBar.Badge("1", Color.BLACK, Color.WHITE, 9));

AnimatedBottomBar.Badge(badge_value, background_color, text_color, font_size)

you must set the values for the text and badge properties or you'll get an error, no default values

Droppers commented 3 years ago

I am reopening this as this definitely needs to be improved for easier use with Java.

ZenHap commented 3 years ago

something else I noticed is that it can sometimes be extremely unreliable to set, especially with time based or long running functions. I have a function where it retrieves the count of notifications to set the number within the dot to, and when it's in this function it does not work.

I also tried using a webview, and using onPageFinished, it's impossible to change or remove the badge inside onPageFinished

Droppers commented 3 years ago

Next version will have new constructors which allows the following: new AnimatedBottomBar.Badge() or new AnimatedBottomBar.Badge("1")