Droppers / AnimatedBottomBar

A customizable and easy to use BottomBar navigation view with sleek animations, with support for ViewPager, ViewPager2, NavController, and badges.
MIT License
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android android-bottom-navigation android-library android-tabs android-ui animations badges bottom-navigation bottombar bottomnavigationview customizable java kotlin navcontroller navigation navigationbar navigationcomponent sleek-animations viewpager viewpager2


A customizable and easy to use BottomBar navigation view with sleek animations, with support for ViewPager, ViewPager2, NavController, and badges.

           By Joery Droppers
## Screenshots ## Playground app Download the playground app from Google Play, with this app you can try out all features and even generate XML with your selected configuration. ## Contents - [Getting started](#getting-started) - [Managing tabs](#managing-tabs) - [Usage with ViewPager](#usage-with-viewpager) - [Configuration](#configuration) ## Getting started This library is available on Maven Central, install it by adding the following dependency to your build.gradle: ```gradle implementation 'nl.joery.animatedbottombar:library:1.1.0' ``` *Versions 1.0.x can only be used with jCenter, versions 1.1.x and up can be used with Maven Central.* Define `AnimatedBottomBar` in your XML layout with custom attributes. ```xml ``` Create a file named `tabs.xml` in the `res/menu/` resources folder: ```xml ``` Get notified when the selected tab changes by setting callbacks: ```kotlin bottom_bar.onTabSelected = { Log.d("bottom_bar", "Selected tab: " + it.title) } bottom_bar.onTabReselected = { Log.d("bottom_bar", "Reselected tab: " + it.title) } ``` Or set a listener if you need more detailed information: ```kotlin bottom_bar.setOnTabSelectListener(object : AnimatedBottomBar.OnTabSelectListener { override fun onTabSelected( lastIndex: Int, lastTab: AnimatedBottomBar.Tab?, newIndex: Int, newTab: AnimatedBottomBar.Tab ) { Log.d("bottom_bar", "Selected index: $newIndex, title: ${newTab.title}") } // An optional method that will be fired whenever an already selected tab has been selected again. override fun onTabReselected(index: Int, tab: AnimatedBottomBar.Tab) { Log.d("bottom_bar", "Reselected index: $index, title: ${tab.title}") } }) ``` ## Managing tabs Short overview on how to manage tabs using code. ### Creating new tabs ```kotlin // Creating a tab by passing values val bottomBarTab1 = AnimatedBottomBar.createTab(drawable, "Tab 1") // Creating a tab by passing resources val bottomBarTab2 = AnimatedBottomBar.createTab(R.drawable.ic_home, R.string.tab_2, R.id.tab_home) ``` ### Adding new tabs ```kotlin // Adding a tab at the end AnimatedBottomBar.addTab(bottomBarTab1) // Add a tab at a specific position AnimatedBottomBar.addTabAt(1, bottomBarTab2) ``` ### Removing tabs ```kotlin // Removing a tab by object reference val tabToRemove = AnimatedBottomBar.tabs[1] AnimatedBottomBar.removeTab(tabToRemove) // Removing a tab at a specific position AnimatedBottomBar.removeTabAt(tabPosition) // Removing a tab by the given ID resource AnimatedBottomBar.removeTabById(R.id.tab_home) ``` ### Selecting tabs ```kotlin // Selecting a tab by object reference val tabToSelect = AnimatedBottomBar.tabs[1] AnimatedBottomBar.selectTab(tabToSelect) // Selecting a tab at a specific position AnimatedBottomBar.selectTabAt(1) // Selecting a tab by the given ID resource AnimatedBottomBar.selectTabById(R.id.tab_home) ``` ### Enabling / disabling tabs ```kotlin // Disabling a tab by object reference val tabToDisable = AnimatedBottomBar.tabs[1] AnimatedBottomBar.setTabEnabled(tabToDisable, false) // Use true for re-enabling the tab // Disabling a tab at a specific position AnimatedBottomBar.setTabEnabledAt(1, false) // Disabling a tab by the given ID resource AnimatedBottomBar.setTabEnabledById(R.id.tab_home, false) ``` ### Intercepting tabs This could be useful for example restricting access to a premium area. You can use a callback or a more detailed listener: ```kotlin bottom_bar.onTabIntercepted = { if (newTab.id == R.id.tab_pro_feature && !hasProVersion) { // e.g. show a dialog false } true } ``` Detailed listener: ```kotlin bottom_bar.setOnTabInterceptListener(object : AnimatedBottomBar.OnTabInterceptListener { override fun onTabIntercepted( lastIndex: Int, lastTab: AnimatedBottomBar.Tab?, newIndex: Int, newTab: AnimatedBottomBar.Tab ): Boolean { if (newTab.id == R.id.tab_pro_feature && !hasProVersion) { // e.g. show a dialog return false } return true } }) ``` ## Tab badges Instructions on how to set badges for tabs, a `AnimatedBottomBar.Badge` object should be supplied to the BottomBar, note that it is also possible to add badges without text. ### Adding badges ```kotlin // Adding a badge by tab reference val tabToAddBadgeAt = AnimatedBottomBar.tabs[1] AnimatedBottomBar.setBadgeAtTab(tabToAddBadgeAt, AnimatedBottomBar.Badge("99")) // Adding a badge at a specific position AnimatedBottomBar.setBadgeAtTabIndex(1, AnimatedBottomBar.Badge("99")) // Adding a badge at the given ID resource AnimatedBottomBar.setBadgeAtTabId(R.id.tab_home, AnimatedBottomBar.Badge("99")) ``` ### Removing badges ```kotlin // Removing a badge by tab reference val tabToRemoveBadgeFrom = AnimatedBottomBar.tabs[1] AnimatedBottomBar.clearBadgeAtTab(tabToRemoveBadgeFrom) // Removing a badge at a specific position AnimatedBottomBar.clearBadgeAtTabIndex(1, AnimatedBottomBar.Badge("99")) // removing a badge at the given ID resource AnimatedBottomBar.clearBadgeAtTabId(R.id.tab_home, AnimatedBottomBar.Badge("99")) ``` ### Styling individual badges Additionally there is also the possibility to individually style badges. ```kotlin AnimatedBottomBar.Badge( text = "99", backgroundColor = Color.RED, textColor = Color.GREEN, textSize = 12.spPx // in pixels ) ``` ## Usage with ViewPager It is easy to use the BottomBar with a ViewPager or ViewPager2, you can simply use the `setupWithViewPager()` method. Please note that the number of tabs and ViewPager pages need to be identical in order for it to function properly. Usage ```kotlin // For ViewPager use: bottom_bar.setupWithViewPager(yourViewPager) // For ViewPager2 use: bottom_bar.setupWithViewPager2(yourViewPager2) ``` ## Configuration An overview of all configuration options. All options can also be accessed and set programmatically, by their equivalent name. ### Tabs
Attribute Description Default
abb_tabs Tabs can be defined in a menu file (Menu resource), in the res/menu/ resource folder.

The icon and title attribute are required. By default all tabs are enabled, set android:enabled to false to disable a tab.
<menu xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
        android:enabled="true|false" />
abb_selectedIndex Define the default selected tab index.
abb_selectedTabId Define the default selected tab by its ID, for example @id/tab_id
### Tab appearance
Attribute Description Default
abb_selectedTabType Determines whether the icon or text should be shown when a tab has been selected.



abb_tabColor The color of the icon or text when the tab is not selected. @color/textColorPrimary
abb_tabColorSelected The color of the icon or text when the tab is selected. @color/colorPrimary
abb_tabColorDisabled The color of the icon or text whenever the tab has been disabled. @color/textColorSecondary
abb_textAppearance Customize the look and feel of text in tabs, down below is an example of a custom text appearance.

Define a new style in res/values/styles.xml:
<style name="CustomText">
    <item name="android:textAllCaps">true</item>
    <item name="android:fontFamily">serif</item>
    <item name="android:textSize">16sp</item>
    <item name="android:textStyle">italic|bold</item>
abb_textStyle Style (normal, bold, italic, bold|italic) for the text.

Use bottom_bar.typeface to programmatically set text style.
abb_textSize Size of the text. Recommended dimension type for text is "sp" (scaled-pixels), for example: 14sp. 14sp
abb_iconSize Increase or decrease the size of the icon. 24dp
abb_rippleEnabled Enables the 'ripple' effect when selecting a tab.

abb_rippleColor Change the color of the aforementioned ripple effect. Default theme color
### Badges
Attribute Description Default
abb_badgeBackgroundColor The background color of the badges. #ff0c10 (red)
abb_badgeTextColor The text color of the text inside the badges. #FFFFFF
abb_badgeTextSize The text size of the text inside the badges. Recommended dimension type for text is "sp" (scaled-pixels), for example: 14sp. 10sp
abb_badgeAnimation The enter and exit animation type for badges.

abb_badgeAnimationDuration The duration of the entry and exit animation of a badge. 150
### Animations
Attribute Description Default
abb_animationDuration The duration of all animations, including the indicator animation. 400
abb_tabAnimation The enter and exit animation style of the tabs which are not selected.




abb_tabAnimationSelected The enter and exit animation style of the selected tab.




abb_animationInterpolator The interpolator used for all animations.

See "Android Interpolators: A Visual Guide" for more information on available interpolators.

Example value: @android:anim/overshoot_interpolator
### Indicator
Attribute Description Default
abb_indicatorColor The color of the indicator. @android/colorPrimary
abb_indicatorHeight The height of the indicator. 3dp
abb_indicatorMargin The horizontal margin of the indicator. This determines the width of the indicator. 0dp
abb_indicatorAppearance Configure the shape of the indicator either to be square or round.




abb_indicatorLocation Configure the location of the selected tab indicator, top, bottom or invisible.



abb_indicatorAnimation The animation type of the indicator when changing the selected tab.



## Featured in - [Android Weekly: Issue 404](https://androidweekly.net/issues/issue-404) - [Medium: The 25 Best Android Libraries and Projects of 2020](https://medium.com/better-programming/25-best-android-libraries-projects-of-2020-summer-edition-dfb030a7fb0a) - [Medium: The Top 5 Trending Android Libraries From Q1 2020](https://medium.com/better-programming/the-top-5-trending-android-libraries-from-q1-2020-45deda73af0f) ## Credits - [Dribble: Readable Tab Bar](https://dribbble.com/shots/6130593-Readable-Tab-Bar) ## License ``` MIT License Copyright (c) 2021 Joery Droppers (https://github.com/Droppers) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ```