Drutol / MALClient

Not so small client app for Myanimelist.net - Windows 10 UWP & Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Native forums! Aftermatch! #96

Closed Drutol closed 7 years ago

Drutol commented 7 years ago

They are almost done and quite usable in my opinion :D I'd like to release them next week and I'd like to test them before it'll crash world-wide.

What new?

What's missing?


This build is built in debug configuration which means it'll work slower but I'll get very detailed crash reports. See #73

Drutol commented 7 years ago

Aaand I see first crash ^^

Kimod commented 7 years ago

Notes from forum lurker:

And probably a lot more~ Will maybe come back later ^^

Drutol commented 7 years ago

As for these crashes, they happened in the background because of copy to search... it seems to work even if you are outside of app. Starred messges crashed because key that went into the things was null for some reason.

Drutol commented 7 years ago

There's new version available with stuff.

Kimod commented 7 years ago

More stuff!

Also no crashes in this version related to forums! yaay \o/

Kimod commented 7 years ago

I think these are the last issues from me, forums working somehow reliably for me, yaay o/

January almost behind us and you spend all of it on UWP... You should be ashamed that you left your android baby in the corner! Looks like MALclient will be your lifelong project :D

Drutol commented 7 years ago

The thing is that UWP is a breeze to develop in and the only reason why I spent whole January doing UWP (aside of @sinofanger insightful opinions 🍨 ) is new Visual Studio 2017. They brought so much new stuff that I just cannot stop doing things. But hey, I've my last exam on Wednesday (hopefully) so it's the whole February semi-free after I'm home from work :D And WoW server I'm waiting for has not opened yet so it won't end like 2016's February...

As for lifelong project... I worked on DKP/EPGP addon for Wildstar for a year and a half. I seem to have a hunch for long projects ^^

rahulrameshnair commented 7 years ago


>.< Because of my moaning (one of the reason), the app is soooooooo awesome right now. ✔️ Fixed

Drutol commented 7 years ago

I was wondering whether you are still around ^^ Are you over with your illness?

Drutol commented 7 years ago

Next version is up!

Kimod commented 7 years ago

The quickest report yet!

rahulrameshnair commented 7 years ago

@Drutol Ya, I am back, kicking.

Drutol commented 7 years ago


rahulrameshnair commented 7 years ago

This notification issue still happens. The app randomly shows some old notifications on start-up or resume or restart. From the image you can see that it is showing one month old notifications to me, today. @Drutol

Drutol commented 7 years ago

This appears because it wasn't marked as read and after app reinstall data about displayed notifications is lost.

There's no problem in marking them as read upon display. It's going to be better in your opinion?

rahulrameshnair commented 7 years ago

@Drutol I did not reinstall or update the app. This shows whenever I restart or wake up my laptop.

All these topics are those which I have clicked on "open topic" in the past.

Drutol commented 7 years ago

Count me surprised, these only re-appeared to me after I redeploy/reinstall app.

I'll mark them as read if user interacts with them.

Drutol commented 7 years ago

I'll be uploading package to the store tomorrow afternoon.

Drutol commented 7 years ago

IT'S BUILDING I'm a bit scared actually ;d

Kimod commented 7 years ago

Don't worry, I tested it more than any other build ^^ well maybe the lurking I was doing wasn't enough, @sinofanger should have at least downloaded it and do some of his basic forum posting :3 Let's hope for the best

Drutol commented 7 years ago

Hehe, I found 3 more rather annoying bugs just before clicking the button :D + I have problems to actually package it, because something...

Drutol commented 7 years ago

Well, I'm unable to build a package because Visual Studio refuses to do so. I wrote to support and now I'm waiting for response...

Drutol commented 7 years ago

The thing is in certification now! Let's see the world burn!

rahulrameshnair commented 7 years ago

@Drutol Yo, I was busy with uni works. Well I can see the build live. Shall I install? Each time I update I get all my past notifications :( nags

Drutol commented 7 years ago

Now if you click on them they will show no more.

I've received my final exam results this morning, it's end for me :D

rahulrameshnair commented 7 years ago

Ok ok, by the way, now that native forum is done. What is next in your agenda?

Drutol commented 7 years ago

Android ;d

Drutol commented 7 years ago

February is the month of android, I will make issue with february plans later today.

rahulrameshnair commented 7 years ago

Going to use material design?

Drutol commented 7 years ago

I'm going to use the design which will work with current UWP mobile design. I'm really not fan of material design so yeah.. as much as I can.

rahulrameshnair commented 7 years ago

In the new native forms wht is a "pool question"? I think you meant "Poll Question" right? That might be a typo.

Also, is there any method to drag and drop images into the forum post and buttons to embed youtube links? I know MAL does not allow that, so guess you will have to rely on imgur api or something like. I donno, try it if it seems worthwhile. @Drutol

Drutol commented 7 years ago

Wohoo, now that's something big and complicated, while adding editor buttons for bbcode is something I have in mind, uploading photos is something I'm not going to do. One can only do so much offtop xd

Pool questions, you can only ask questions about pools obviously. Try asking something different and my neural network will BSOD your computer... xd

rahulrameshnair commented 7 years ago

-_- admit the typo lol.

Also I made my first post using your native forums, worked well. The text typing area could be improved. Try typing a long text and some text goes beyond screen area. The preview area works well.

Well or you can just create buttons to that insert or wrap bbcode around content. Buttons for "bold", "italics", "underline", spoiler", "youtube" etc. That should be better right?

In the MAL news section, could you implement comment section. Is MAL using disqus? And in the news section, can you show news from anime news network? I asked because most MAL news are copied from ANN. ANN is the official source for English anime news. So ANN news is way better than MAL news.


Drutol commented 7 years ago

They typo is a lie!

How could I forget to add wrapping there, I think I added it at some point...

These buttons will come, I'm quite hyped for them.

I do not plan doing anything with news right now, too much hustle right now + there are exact copies of them on the forums, right?

rahulrameshnair commented 7 years ago


@Drutol The native forums are not showing replies I am getting on my forum posts -_-. No notifications as well. Now am using website of MAL. I think the post thread is cached or something, it is not being updated with new replies

Drutol commented 7 years ago

Hmm, notifications are handled by mal anyway. It seems like I forgot that you would want to refresh forum page... lurkers were unable to notice that :D

rahulrameshnair commented 7 years ago

Not the forum page. The new topics that I create, I want to refresh them, or else how will I see the replies and new comments. Put a "refresh button" just like the button in main forum area. Also, if possible enable background refresh every 15 minutes or so.

I am telling this because, without refreshing and notifications, now I am relying on MAL website notifications which I get on my email inbox -_- That is counter productive when I have an MAL app dedicated for this.

rahulrameshnair commented 7 years ago

@Kimod -_- What exactly did you test? You did not spot these two minor errors? >.<

rahulrameshnair commented 7 years ago

@Drutol Error -2

In a forum thread each reply box is scrollable. Why is that needed? It makes it so hard to scroll through a page, because instead of the page the reply box gets tried to be scrolled. Try scrolling a forum posts with large number of replies; use your laptop track pad to scroll.

rahulrameshnair commented 7 years ago

@Drutol Error 3

In a new forum topic, when we reply to someone's comment, our reply is nowhere to be found. Just reload the entire thread after each reply or comment is made.


An easy way for you to understand these is, just make any forum thread in the recommendation thread like: "Suggest me some anime like Yuri on Ice". Then you will star getting comments from people and try replying to them, and you will see all the bugs that I have pointed out.

Kimod commented 7 years ago

@sinofanger I can actually answer a lot of those!

rahulrameshnair commented 7 years ago

@Kimod pool is a typing error. Also, it is not about you or me. When we are beta testing anything, it is always about the general end-users and making sure everything is working for them.

Kimod commented 7 years ago

@sinofanger I know, that's why you're better suited for testing forums, I'm not really using forums in my free time, you are using them 24/7 and using every feature, they can offer, so your feedback is more valuable than mine ^^

rahulrameshnair commented 7 years ago

Aah it is fine. I was just telling. No actually, I use forums only for getting anime recommendations. MAL users are very knowledgeable when it comes to recommendations and suggestions. Anyway hope @Drutol sama starts troubleshooting all of these.

Drutol commented 7 years ago

To sum up:

rahulrameshnair commented 7 years ago

Ohh, if those issues are fixed. Please upload the new package to Windows store. My version of the app is not useful right now :'(

By the way, instead of having blank color background, why not allow users to set a custom pick as app background like Windows 10 Mail.

Or, even more better: you can provide an option to automatically change app background every single day, by making use of images from Reddit. More like Bing's "image of the day". But I think you will need to make sure the picture size that is randomly selected will match with the user's screen resolution. That may be a headache.

Drutol commented 7 years ago

Okay, I'll catch up with Re:Zero webnovel and I'm off to fixing stuff. (https://translationchicken.com/2016/09/21/rezero-web-novel-fan-translation-table-of-contents/) good stuff

Drutol commented 7 years ago

@sinofanger what's the DPI of your screen?

Drutol commented 7 years ago

I'm unable to reproduce missing replies. I've just created new topic with new reply and everything works.

Drutol commented 7 years ago

Here you go by the way... image And I swear this will go to production.