Drwalin / ICon7

Asynchronous C++ RPC library based on ICon6, but networking library agnostic. Currently only uSocekts tcp/ssl reliable networking backend is implemented.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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networking rpc


Provides async interface for Remote Procedure Call (RPC), agnostic towards networking library. The library itself does not provide encryption or reliability mechanisms but require the underlying library to provide those themselfs if needed.

Remote method invocation

Remote method invocation is not implemented any more. It can be simply reimplemented as wrapper around RPC.


Unreliable message size is limited to MTU, which usually is around 1500 bytes, but for safety reasons it shouldn't be more than around 768 or 1024 bytes.

Reliable messages (with headers) should be smaller than 64 KiB, but size is limited by 2^28 (256 MiB). Size of messages may be limited by underlying networking library more.


The same as underlying networking library.


How to compile

mkdir build
cmake ..



Examples are provided in examples/ directory. Examples called example1.cpp and example6.cpp work only on linux. It is recommended to learn on chat_server/chat_client or echo_server/echo_client.

Protocol description

Protocol is fully asynchronous and duplex, but requires the underlying network library to be received as continous data in case of stream protocols.

For sake of simplicity call, return calls, messages, control messages (if implemented in future) will be named as messages.

Each message have header that describes it's size and some aditional information. Within one packet (definition depends on underlying library) can be as many message as can fit inside.

In case of streaming protocols, such as TCP, messages are distinguished by their headers.

Structure of message header

Header has variadic size of from 1 byte up to 4 bytes. The following figure represents header structure:

 /                   \
| zzzzyyxx | zz....zz | ... message body |

xx - (2 least significant bits of first byte) - determine size of header:

    - 00 - header 1 byte, body size from 1 to 16 bytes
    - 01 - header 2 bytes, body size from 1 to 4 KiB
    - 10 - header 3 bytes, body size from 1 byte to 1 MiB
    - 11 - header 4 bytes, body size from 1 byte to 256 MiB 

yy - determines type of RPC message:

zzzz...zz - size of body of message, stored in little endian. Effectively to extract size of message body one needs to get little endian integer from whole header and then bit shift it by 4, then add 1 to result:

    uint8_t header[4] = ...;
    uint8_t sizeOfSize = header[0] & 0b11;
    uint32_t bodySize = 0;
    if (sizeOfSize == 0b11) {
        uint32_t tmp = get_little_endian_uint32(header);
        bodySize = (tmp>>4) + 1;
    } else if ...

Controll packet structure

         Header           1 byte
  ___________________   ___________
 /                   \ /           \
| zzzz11xx | zz....zz | vector call | ... message body |

Vector call byte values:

structure of message body

| Header... | optional 4 bytes feedback id | ... message body |

If message is a function/procedure with return feedback then first 4 bytes are taken by call id of size of 4 bytes, stored in little endian order.

Next there is a function name string NULL terminated.

Finally there are function arguments, endcoded in little endian (integers), and floats are stored in little endian with IEEE 754 standard single or double precision.

Arrays, sets and maps are stored with number of elements as first element uint32_t. Maps elements are stored as pairs of (key, value).

String are stored as NULL-terminated utf-8 strings.

Return feedback

A message that is a return feedback of function call, as data has first 4 bytes call id.

Then there may be optional returned values.

Implemented backends

uSockets tcp

uSocket tcp+udp

Custom protocol for controll sequence:

Vector call byte in controll sequence values:

Vector call 0x80 is sent through tcp connection to the other peer during handshake. Packet data: offset bytes description
0 1 Vector call of value 0x80
1 4 This peer receiving identity
The following for SSL connections only
5 32 This peer encryption key
Vector call 0x81 is sent as acknowledgement after receiving first udp packet from client by server. Can be sent by either tcp or udp (preferably by UDP to fully establish dublex routing in NAT routers). Packet data: offset bytes description
0 1 Vector call of value 0x81

UDP protocol

Packet data: offset bytes description
0 4 Endpoint receiving identity
4 4 Packet id in sequence
The following for SSL connections only
8 XXX Encrypted packet payload encrypted with chacha20
using Packet id in sequence as last 4 bytes of
nonce and endpoint receiving identity as AAD
XXX+8 16 (?) Packet MAC poly1305
For not encrypted connections
8 XXX Unencrypted packet payload