Dseal95 / AGA8-Detail

Python Implementation of AGA8 DETAIL method for calculating gas compressibility factor, Z from P, T and gas composition.
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AGA8 Detail

Python Implementation of AGA8 DETAIL method for calculating gas compressibility factor, Z from P, T and gas composition.



  1. create .venv using the instructions inside the setup_venv.sh script OR run the shell script using the bash cmd: sh setup_venv.sh
  2. run command pip install -e ./src to install the AGA8 package (in editable mode).
  3. Choose what inputs, P, T and x you want to run the AGA8 Detail method on and add them to the main.py
  4. Run main.py and output Z and approximated P are printed to the screen


All tests for AGA8Detail are inside the /tests folder. The tests cases are split into 2: