Dtananaev / CarlaFSD

MIT License
15 stars 2 forks source link


The package for Carla simulation of self-driving car.

Note: All instructions below is given for Ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04.


First create carla workspace folder e.g.:

mkdir ~/carla_workspace
cd carla_workspace

Than clone CarlaFSD repository into this folder.

Python environment

  1. Open linux shell and install virtualenv as following:

    sudo apt install virtualenv
    sudo apt install  python3.7
  2. Create python3 virtualenv inide carla_workspace folder as follows (tested with python 3.7):

    virtualenv ~/carla_workspace/carla_venv -p python3.7
  3. Activate virtualenv

    source ~/carla_workspace/carla_venv/bin/activate
  4. Install necessary requirements

    cd ~/carla_workspace/CarlaFSD
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. If you want to deactivate virtualenvironment use:


Carla installation

Go to the page with releases and upload latest release tar archive for Linux and additional maps into ~/carla_workspace/archive folder.

  1. Create floder to extract:
    mkdir -p ~/carla_workspace/CARLA
  2. Unpack tar archive (tested for carla 0.9.15 version):
    tar -xvzf ~/carla_workspace/archive/CARLA_0.9.15.tar.gz -C ~/carla_workspace/CARLA
  3. Move the package with additional maps into ~/carla_workspace/CARLA/Import and unpack as follows:
    mv ~/carla_workspace/archive/AdditionalMaps_0.9.14.tar.gz ~/carla_workspace/CARLA/Import/
    cd ~/carla_workspace/CARLA
    bash ImportAssets.sh
  4. Finally install carla into python environment:
    pip install ~/carla_workspace/CARLA/PythonAPI/carla/dist/carla-0.9.15-cp37-cp37m-manylinux_2_27_x86_64.whl
    pip install -r  ~/carla_workspace/CARLA/PythonAPI/examples/requirements.txt

Git lfs installation

Install git lfs:

cd ~/carla_workspace/CarlaFSD
git lfs install

pull the lfs files by next command:

git lfs fetch
git pull origin main


Before strating any script below first run carla simulator by the following command:

cd ~/carla_workspace/CARLA

bash CarlaUE4.sh

This command should run simulator server.

Run fisheye drive

Check medium blog for implementation details In order to run fisheye camera drive apply command:

source ~/carla_workspace/carla_venv/bin/activate
cd ~/carla_workspace/CarlaFSD
python -m carla_fsd.camera_fisheye.drive

Note: since we are not building package the run command should be invoked from CarlaFSD folder.