DuTianshi / Speedup-Griddata

Speedup the scipy.interpolate.griddata function when employing it on multiple data with the same mapping relations
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The griddata function in scipy.interpolate offers a way to interpolate data on a grid. However, its performance can be suboptimal when dealing with large datasets due to recalculating grid relationships each time. To address this issue, a separate implementation of the griddata function has been developed, inspired by scipy.interpolate.interp1d functions.

This alternative implementation divides the griddata process into two parts:

  1. Establishing Grid Relationships: The first step involves establishing the relationships between the old and new grids.

  2. Applying Established Relationships: The second step utilizes these established relationships to interpolate different input data efficiently.


To install speedup_griddata, simply clone this repository and run the setup file using the following command:

$ python setup.py install


speedup_griddata requires the following dependencies to be installed:

"numpy", "scipy"


speedup_griddata do the exact same thing as scipy.interpolate.griddata, but faster when interpolating multiple data with the same grid.


Contributions to speedup_griddata are welcome! Please feel free to fork this repository and submit pull requests with your improvements.


This software is written by Tianshi DU in 2023 in Qingdao, Shandong, China.