Duckle29 / Hollow-Clock-ESP

An ESP8266 or ESP32 firmware for the Hollow Clock
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# Hollow-Clock-ESP

This is my code for running the Hollow clock V2 with an ESP using NTP for time synchronization.

It even does DST correction if you set the right timezone :)

How to use it

This uses platformIO to compile and upload the code. The best experience is through VSCode, but if you just want to upload this program you can use PIO core straight on the command-line. Just pio run -t upload if you're using a d1_mini like me, or add -e esp32 if using a esp32 development board.


All user config is done in include/config.hpp.


The firmware supports adding buttons for moving the dial forward or backwards. You configure one or more of the buttons by setting their pin number in config.hpp The four buttons are:

On something like the D1 mini, the pins available are very limited. Recommended pinout if using buttons would be:
{D5, D6, D7, D8, // IN1..IN4
D1, D2, D3, D4} // Buttons

This is because some IO are pulled up or down during and after boot. This way, the pins for the driver won't be high on boot, and the pins for the buttons will have pull-ups available.