Duke-M-commits / Translation_ShortestTripToEarth_English

English translation files for Shortest Trip to Earth
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Simple Typo #3

Open eithallkats opened 3 years ago

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1134 Amount of aynthetics recieved after conversion Typo:"aynthetics"->"synthetics" 1133-1138 'Amount of organics recieved after conversion 'Amount of organics recieved after conversion 'Amount of aynthetics recieved after conversion 'Amount of aynthetics recieved after conversion 'Amount of explosives recieved after conversion 'Amount of explosives recieved after conversion 'Amount of exotics recieved after conversion 'Amount of exotics recieved after conversion 'Amount of metals recieved after conversion 'Amount of metals recieved after conversion 'Amount of datacreds recieved after conversion 'Amount of datacreds recieved after conversion Typo:"recieved"->"received"

10727 description Send crew into installed medbay to heal injuries.\nDespite our ability to craft DIY medbays aboard the ship, this one is much more efficient and can heal multiple crew in the same time0. Typo:"time0"->"time"

10579 unlockAnnouncementText During our travels, we met an individual specializing in cryosleep technology. After hearing our story, they promised to build us one for free, next time we go out adventuring. 10586 unlockAnnouncementText During our travels, we managed to inspire an old engineering teacher with our limitless idealism. They promised to build us a really good cryosleep pod next time we go for a run like this. Grammar: we met "An indivisual" but "they promised"

11120 text Most of the crew onboard {0} split after we had completed the salvage & rescue operations or Earth remains. Some settled down in the Tree Friend or anarchist colonies, but most joined the Freetravellers, and kept adventuring further. Typo?:Not sure, but the "or"(Earth) may be typo of "of" or "for", cause I can't translate it.

10112 displayName Accelerated chillnut tree 10114 unlockAnnouncementText Due to lack of favorite consumables, one of our crew has decided that he's going to take his chillnut tree with him, next time he travels anywhere. Typo?:chilenut? it's acceptable if it's a new plant. anyway I just translate them "nuts"

8710 Hybrid integrity technolgy with electronic countermeasures. Increases overall ship evasion, requires a hybrid slot. Typo:"technolgy"->"technology"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

Ops, that was already fixed

Duke-M-commits commented 3 years ago


eithallkats commented 3 years ago

mmm, better adding here than open new?

'686894030:Memorial services.prefab 1166 We took the whole evening to honor the lost one by browsing all the data they left behind, including their aestethic personal encounter art collection with some truly inspiring scenes of physical or metaphorical communication. The event proceeded into a sexual encounter between some of the crewmembers at the end. "aestethic"->"aesthetic"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1770310863:Memorial services.prefab 1170 The lost crewmember was commorated with a psychedelic meditation ritual, involving collective meditation upon the idea that all beings are temporary material expressions of immortal causality patterns. Many reported experiencing a deep state of emotional peace. "commorated"->"commemorated"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

420469489:Help panel.prefab 1077 To save organics, send unused crewmembers into crysoleep module, so they consume no organics while the ship is travelling. "crysoleep"->"cryosleep"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1727929282:Help panel.prefab 1069 Synthethics is a general category for all kinds of ceramics, composite alloys, plastics and valuable artificial substances, including recreational consumables.\n\nSynthetics are mostly used for repairing modules. \nRepairing 1 module hitpoint costs 10 synthetics.\n\nSynthetics are also used when building temporary structures, such as planetary harvesting technology or utility bots. "Synthethics"->"Synthetics"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

749694654:Help panel.prefab 1010 Repairing ship or modules takes metal & synthetics. Make sure your resources are ready for emergency repairs, and be ready to scrap modules if you need more metal or synthethics. "synthethics"->"synthetics"(end of the line)

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

504829447:Help panel.prefab 996 • Ignore shields\r (exept if anti-shield nuke)\n• Single use\n• Large area of effect\n• A variety of special effects\n• Missile itself travels slowly and takes more time to reach the target "exept"->"except"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago


eithallkats commented 3 years ago

PointDefDamageDealer.cs 230 Enemy defences have nutralized one of our {0}s "nutralized"->"neutralized"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

314789423:Comchannel tip.prefab 621 We've run out resources for repairing. Repairing requires metal or synthethics. Want to see my database entry about ship hull repairing? "synthethics"->"synthetics"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

2101896747:Comchannel tip.prefab 627 We have lost our only engine. We should either craft a new one or prepare for combat and activate the SOS signal. It may attract a trader who sells engines or parts neede to craft engines "neede"->"needed?"or"need?" and lack of period at the end of the line

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1470197391:Comchannel tip.prefab 634 The Rat Empire "civlization" is organized as a system of social & resource inequality. Egalitarianism is ridiculed and organizing everything into pyramidal hierarchies is highly praised. \nRat military doctrine focuses on incendiary bombs, gatling guns and generally brute firepower (because the Rat corporations that produce these keep bribing the Rat generals). Their techology is inferior compared to ours, but perfectly capable of besting ships like me in combat. "civlization"->"civilization" "techology"->"technology"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

533218391:Comchannel tip.prefab 642 Warzones are usually full of conflict remains, including active minefields and shipwrecks. Most importantly, intergalactic wars usually attract Slaver fleets. Slavers are criminals united by their psychopathic lack of empathy, low cooperation skills and willingnes to enslave and hurt other sentient beings. I recommend nuking them if you can. Avoid being captured alive at all costs. "willingnes"->"willingness"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

25227073:Comchannel tip.prefab 646 My current HP has reached 0. Any further damage will permanenly reduce my max HP value, until my destruction at 0 max HP. Repairs or emergency measures such as modules that improve HP are highly recommended. It's been a pleasure, captain. "permanenly"->"permanently"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

243186086:Game summary panel.prefab 831 Fate points gained from encouters during this run. "encouters"->"encounters"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1775322865:Help panel.prefab 860 Sector view detials (warp) "detials"->"details"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1224239619:Menu panel.prefab 108332399:Menu panel.prefab 1185 When you run out of ship HP, you start losing ship max HP instead of simpy dying.\nSpace pauses the game.\nYou start with additional resources. 1187 When you run out of ship HP, you start losing ship max HP instead of simpy dying.\nSpace pauses the game.\nAny damage to module(s) might also reduce their maximum possible hitpoints. 1051670160:Menu panel.prefab; 560922648:Menu panel.prefab 1211 When you run out of ship HP, you start losing ship max HP instead of simpy dying.


eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1697177267:Module data subpanel.prefab 1540 Module hitpoints, repairing 1hp consumes 10 synthethics "synthethics"->"synthetics" again

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1105452739:Module data subpanel.prefab 1629 Maximun number of items this storage can hold "Maximun"->"Maximum?" my dictinary tells it's wrong but still it was translated as no matter.

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

242636747:Module data subpanel.prefab 1636 Synthethics gained if scrapped 925617220:Module data subpanel.prefab 1637 Synthetics gained if scrapped

Already there is correct one. so, need to merge?

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

2106581677:Player panel.prefab 1735 Synthetics low!\nSynthethics are necessary to repair modules.\nRecycling almost any module will provide more synthetics. "synthethics"(2nd)->"synthetics"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

563909847:Sector summary panel.prefab 1845 Fate points gained from encouters in this sector. "encouters"->"encounters" similar above

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

16580397:Shop panel tabbed.prefab; 320220067:Shop panel tabbed.prefab 1870 Average price when sold by stations: 2 credits.\nSynthethics are consumed when repairing broken ship modules. "Synthethics"->"Synthetics" I need to make sure to count not same one

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1475316399:Player panel.prefab 1725 No synthetics, module repairs not possible.\nConsider scrapping less useful modules if you need more synthethics. 659760531:123456 P Gas giants revisitable.prefab 2272 Let's see if we can scrap anything for synthethics 2559590:123 Exo cargo commercial x10, O,M,Repair and trap.prefab 2568 The container was full of high-potency synthethic fertilizer with volatile properties. 1909258195:123456 Exo garbage x10.prefab; 1179873278:8 spideraa awesome garbage x10.prefab 2638 Synthethics collected 453931684:25 Exo debris, capmissile attack or artifact.prefab 2818 Scavenge with printed bots & equipment [-50 synthethics] 1486481263:3 Exo wreck warp ambush.prefab 2917 Print long-range scouting bots and stay at a safe distance [-40 synthethics] 1022744480:SOS5 exo, spare parts and explos.prefab; 433373080:SOS6 exo, reactor or explos.prefab 3189 We do not have enough synthethics. We may return later if we have more. 1447900597:1 wr. online ship, turrets PD terran3, PD G1, combatsensor2.prefab 3844 Print disposable bots for a closer look [-20 synthethics] 1303414747:2 Pi pyramid refugee colony FOC trade mlaser4, stinger2.prefab 4430 We are approached by a pair of local asteroid miners. Hearing of our quest, they ask if we are interested in buying a set of 3 mining lasers. One of their mining ships crashed recently and will be decommissioned, but all of its weapons should be still functional. The weapons should also provide much synthethics if scrapped, they explain. 520326627:2 Pi pyramid refugee colony FOC trade mlaser4, stinger2.prefab 4439 Donate 100 synthethics to the anti-tyranny fund 672686459:4 P fuel lake Fo.prefab 4937 Set up fuel extraction facilities [-50 synthethics] 1886907309:4 Pi Collector trade gone bad F plus nuke.prefab 5139 We've discovered and contacted a primitive civilization, the Collectors. It is a species of mammals who are in the middle of the industrial age. The personal freedom in their society is very inequal, they still need to learn a lot. After a private conversation with our AI, the primitives' representatives come to terms of possible trade. They desire our advanced synthethics. 2027603741:5 P nanobot atmosphere R.prefab; 252360366:5 P nanobot atmosphere R.prefab 5417 Send bots to investigate [-20 synthethics] 3998550:5 P primcyanide life, E.prefab 5459 Research & eco-mine [-50 fuel, -50 synthethics] 949190855:5 P shipwreck squid mo orbital mines.prefab 5489 The wreckage contained a few useful materials, including some synthethic parts and remains of the squid crew, which we recycled into universal organics. 252574882:5 P treestump with hostile nanobots.prefab 5495 Print bots to harvest the moss for resources & research [-30 synthethics] 1833042540:5 P volcanic EF.prefab 5538 Print more bots [-20 synthethics] 2110551246:P precursor Megacity ruins MTr.prefab 5669 We were able to scavenge an assortment of synthethic materials and even a piece of technology from the megacity ruins. 849929042:P precursor tech MT, possibly dysfunctional visited icon.prefab 5687 Extended excavating operation [-40 fuel, -40 synthethics] 1587738215:3 Pi Shop Dark Market mlaser3,medbay,combat sensors3,jammer3, automaticPD2.prefab 5943 Inspection after purchase reveals some of the explosives to have dangerously low quality. About half of them will have to be discarded and used as synthethics. Too late to complain now, the salesman has vanished from the market. 1951490523:34 P Public convertor x3 MFO.prefab 5953 Not enough synthethics 1878132518:34 P Public convertor x3 MFO.prefab 5961 Convert another 100 synthethics to fuel 1059983736:36 P volcanic M.prefab 5984 Print suitable mining equipment [-35 synthethics] 1884570080:38 P jellyfish colony.prefab 6011 Research & eco-harvest organics [-20 fuel, -30 synthethics] 1094712793:1P FOODx19, sh unique warp mushrooms.prefab 6207 Research & process the resin [-60 synthethics] 236559479:2345 shopless P Kustom junkyard Container.prefab 6358 Order metal/synthethics dual container [-140 credits] 236559479:2345 shopless P Kustom junkyard Container.prefab 6359 Order large metal/synthethics/explosives multi-container [-240 credits] 798589780:Tutorial Battle.prefab 6504 Module damaged. Damaged modules stop working and are colored red until repaired. Modules can be repaired only by your crew and if you have enough synthethics... 1911404527:Tutorial Battle.prefab 6506 ...repairing each module hitpoint needs 10 synthethics. Scrap the synthethics packages from your module storage to get repair materials. 1835056541:Tutorial Battle.prefab 6511 Module repairs are possible if you have obtained necessary resources by scrapping the synthethics packages from the module storage. 6512 Yeah, I have synthethics for repairs 1008150789:multicontainer ESM-1.prefab; 426751082:multicontainer ESM-2.prefab 8545 Increases storage capacity of metal, synthethics & explosives. 1380487708:multicontainer MS-1.prefab 8587 Increases storage capacity of metal & synthethics. 165493307:synthetics container 0 diy.prefab; 376986556:synthetics container2 medium.prefab; 620471997:synthetics container1 small.prefab; 637430109:synthetics container3 large.prefab 8622 Increases synthethics storage capacity. 737359377:garden 6 synthethics.prefab 8795 A module that supports fully synthetic non-carbon life. Uses excess heat generated with ship movement to rapidly produce synthethics. 1531409027:fuel combinator 1A old.prefab 8873 Instantly combines organics & synthethics into starfuel. Minor chance of malfunctions. Robust structure improves ship HP. 194638103:fuel processor 1B.prefab 8879 Instantly combines organics & synthethics into starfuel. Robust structure improves ship HP. 373200662:synthetics cooker 1.prefab 8891 Synthethics cooker, grade I 8894 produced by synthethics cooker 383658151:dronebay 1 basic.prefab 8903 Repair station for drones. Repairing each drone hitpoint costs synthethics, The station can repair several drones in the same time. 2025144458:general pack organics, synth, metal.prefab 9072 Selection of various substances prepared for printing everyday items. Provides organics, synthethics and metal when scrapped. 458272126:weapon gatling Insectoid cyano 15,4.prefab 9879 Synthethic poison-tipped projectiles deal extra damage to enemy crew. The weapon is more economic than average gatling guns, the projectiles are propelled using reactive organics. Launched projectiles have 1hp each. 1672628016:Perk add organics 3, braindead.prefab 10127 +10 synthethics 986856836:Perk add synthetics 3, ex container.prefab 10158 +70 synthethics 1312794238:Perk add synthetics and fuel.prefab 10165 +50 synthethics 1289207917:Perk add synthetics.prefab 10169 Repairing modules costs 10 synthetics per module hitpoint. \nSynthethics are also used to build temporary structures on planets. 780498261:Perk augment 001a elastic augmentations.prefab 10182 -90 synthethics 1425666963:Perk drone 01 DIY fire safety.prefab; 1734489161:Perk Replace autogatling with better one, for Nukerunner.prefab 10368 -25 synthethics 124153277:Perk drone 02 DIY guard.prefab 10374 -40 synthethics 1559698830:Perk drone 06 DIY gunnery.prefab 10401 -50 synthethics 81789966:Perk module fuel combinator, to atlas.prefab 10699 This module combines organics & synthethics into starfuel. Being able to produce your own fuel is highly recommended for long flights. 1783804007:Perk module synth cooker, to tigerfish.prefab 10760 Synthethics Cooker 9000 10761 This sustainability module allows converting organics to synthetics. Being able to produce synthethics means you never run out of materials that are necessary for repairing ship modules. 354963362:Tips pool.prefab 12429 Losing utility bots during events may result in loss of synthethics and metals. 12431 Your ship uses metals and synthethics to construct utility bots automatically. 12434 Your ship automatically builds & tactically sacrifices utility bots during battles that happen off-screen. This results in loss of metals & synthethics. 12450 When you get excess organics or synthethics and have a fuel convertor, convert these resources into fuel instead of dumping them.

I stop one by one reporting and search "synthethic" in the tsv file. some prefab name also hit but I ignored them.

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

241738085:dronebay 0 diy.prefab; 383658151:dronebay 1 basic.prefab 8899 Warning, drone repairing stopped due to lack of synhtetics and another version "synhtetics"->"synthetics"

1904770087:multicontainer FSE biotech.prefab 8571 This biotech container increases storage capacity of fuel, synhtetics & exotics. Armored structure adds ship HP.

I had never used the word synthetic before the game.

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1109572311:123456789 Gasgiants violent Fx10m wrecksx5.prefab 2295 This rare gas giant does not contain suitable fuel elements, however considerable traces of exotic matter have been detected in the atmoshphere. General weather conditions unpredictable. The atmosphere is covered in active megastorms. Harvesting from here is inherently risky. "atmoshphere"->"atmosphere"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1115734615:456 Planets aesthetic empty x 8.prefab 2409 Some of our crew wanted to take a closer look and entered the atmosphere in shuttles. Nothing interesting was found, but the crew had a good time speeding around in the atmosphere and admiring the local visuals.osphere and admiring the local visuals.

cut the repeated line after period."osphere and admiring the local visuals."

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

758686165:P Planets empty x 50.prefab 2423 Planet with atmopshere "atmopshere"->"atmosphere"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1122594796:Level 9 exit no fight.prefab 2553 We have won the war! The Squid Domininion will collapse without their tyrant leader. It's time to return to Earth as heroes and celebrate. "Domininion"->"Dominion"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

993756778:123 Exo cargo with bombtrap x10, MTEE.prefab We were able to disable the trap without incidents. The container was filled with a sortiment of old munitions. "a sortiment"->"an assortment?" suddenly german! It could be not Typo. just report.

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

316220610:3 Exo friendly warp animal.prefab 2845 The animal has led us to a nearby gas cloud, hididng a severly injured warp whale. We could help the animals... or kill them. The choice is yours. The whale is so huge that printing adequate amounts of medicine or nanoscopic regenbots could take a lot of resources. "hididng"->"hiding"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

2105427712:3 Exo friendly warp animal.prefab 2869 The warp animal seems to enjoy our attention. It performs a dance of flight, showing us impossibly dexterious movements, combined with jumping into personally created warpholes and glowing body lights. The creature left as abruptly as it arrived. We documented everything as xenodata. "dexterious"->"dexterous"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

428317342:3 Exo warp Whale wounded RMO.prefab 2890 We were able to kill the wounded animal with ease. Some of the crew expressesed strong disagreement with killing such a peaceful animal who was probably only seeking help. "expressesed"->"expressed"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

428317341:3 Exo warp Whale wounded RMO.prefab 2891 We were able to kill the animal, but it let out a telephatic scream of concentrated agony at the moment of its death. Several crewmembers started bleeding from eyes and ears. Scans indicated light brain damage. "telephatic"->"telepathic"

773759861:3 Exo warp Whale wounded RMO.prefab 2892 We were able to use organics to feed & heal the whale. The wounds closed quickly and the creature beamed pure telephathic gratitude at us before warping away. "telephathic"->"telepathic"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1599717037:4 Exo static anomaly baby.prefab 2955 After consuming the resources, the anomaly shuts up. It slowly changes into a strand of rainbow colors, and then starts producing wonderful telepathic music thats sounds a bit like laughter from another dimension. The colorful lights then race through our ship, filling our crew with inexplicable life energy.

666893891:4 Exo static anomaly baby.prefab 2966 After consuming the resources, the anomaly shuts up. It slowly changes into a strand of rainbow colors, and then starts producing wonderful telepathic music thats sounds a bit like laughter from another dimension. The colorful lights then race through our ship, casually repairing ship damage.


eithallkats commented 3 years ago

332950309:SOS2 exo, contaminated lizardman.prefab 3141 "/.../ and I am the last surivor. The virus has infected me, and I will be dead within hours. If you can cure me, I will serve your noble cause to death" "surivor"->"survivor"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

961354279:SOS2 exo, contaminated lizardman.prefab 3147 We don't have a mebay, but we could easily craft a DIY medbay into an empty internal slot, if we have the resources. "mebay"->"medbay"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

838086982:1 P cussian library M.prefab 3333 The library contained a single severe trap- a warp ray effector hidden in a wall. One our crewmembers took a hit and survived due to exotics consumed earlier.The library administration AI offered us highly valuable data for free. "earlier.The"->"earlier. The" there are no space between them.

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1890267054:1 P cussian library M.prefab 3338 A structure on the planet's surface is emitting some kind of uknown signal. The planet itself is uninteresting and lacks significant vegetation. "uknown"->"unknown"

18632179:13 wr. shipsx8, mostly carcasses, rare cat.prefab 6066 We have discovered a shipwreck of uknown design, floating in space and damaged beyond repair. It seems all systems are offline . Send scavenging engineers to board the ship?


eithallkats commented 3 years ago

149806903:1 P exotics mine, guarded by satellites M.prefab 3380 The hardness of the mountain stone proved to be slightly different than expected, resulting in total collapse of the tunnel and a large part of the mountain. The mine has become inacessible so we at least scavenged the door. "inacessible"->"inaccessible"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1455035407:1 P Noncarbon life, metal mining and animal attacks.prefab 3436 We do not have the necessary resources to recover our equipment. We leave our printed tech deep in the ground, which may soon collapsepse - perhaps to be puzzled over by alien archeologists, thousands of years from now. "collapsepse"->"collapse"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1956178076:1 P oretree exo.prefab 3500 Despite some objections from the crew, the tree has been cut down, researched, and then processed into quality organics. We installed mining equipment in its place and mined all the acessible nanochromium. Others have died so that we may live. "acessible"->"accessible"

1059983736:36 P volcanic M.prefab 5985 acessible metal seams

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

314759809:1 P volcanic MT x4.prefab 3537 We only found aestethical value on this planet. One of the crewmembers who coordinated the prospector bots later wrote a metaphorical poem about her burning desire for more sex. Others found it not metaphorical enough. "aestethical"->"aesthetical"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1465171892:1 Pi dome city, Playii TMO.prefab 3611 An alien shuttle approaches our ship and our volunteer goes aboard. We observe the shuttle leaving and soon entering atmosphere of the Playii planet. After a while, we get a message from our operative, informing us that they've ageed to all the rules and will start playing shortly. We must now wait. "ageed"->"agreed"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1599612918:1 Pi jenbau, RT.prefab 3696 The robot intercepted some of our ordinance, but was eventually overwhelmed and reduced to unrecognizeable pieces. "unrecognizeable"->"unrecognizable"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1777728098:1 Pi jenbau, RT.prefab 3714 The sandstone structures proved to be ruins of a primitive civilization long gone. Their pictographic writings talk about an ecological catastrophy, but most of their writing has been eroded by time and sand. "catastrophy"->"catastrophe" I didn't know that is misspell

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1 Pi nuclear industr militants MFE.prefab 3748 reseources stolen "reseources"->"resources"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

975764675:1 wr. online ship, turrets PD terran3, PD G1, combatsensor2.prefab 3857 We destroyed all of the ship's point defence weapons with ranged precision fire. Scavenging operation revelead an intact module inside the ship. "revelead"->"revealed"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1786820568:10 P desert fortress w cubecannon.prefab 3940 The planet is covered with endless deserts, but we've found what looks like an abandoned primitive fortess. "fortess"->"fortress"