Duke-M-commits / Translation_ShortestTripToEarth_English

English translation files for Shortest Trip to Earth
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Simple Typo #3

Open eithallkats opened 3 years ago

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1134 Amount of aynthetics recieved after conversion Typo:"aynthetics"->"synthetics" 1133-1138 'Amount of organics recieved after conversion 'Amount of organics recieved after conversion 'Amount of aynthetics recieved after conversion 'Amount of aynthetics recieved after conversion 'Amount of explosives recieved after conversion 'Amount of explosives recieved after conversion 'Amount of exotics recieved after conversion 'Amount of exotics recieved after conversion 'Amount of metals recieved after conversion 'Amount of metals recieved after conversion 'Amount of datacreds recieved after conversion 'Amount of datacreds recieved after conversion Typo:"recieved"->"received"

10727 description Send crew into installed medbay to heal injuries.\nDespite our ability to craft DIY medbays aboard the ship, this one is much more efficient and can heal multiple crew in the same time0. Typo:"time0"->"time"

10579 unlockAnnouncementText During our travels, we met an individual specializing in cryosleep technology. After hearing our story, they promised to build us one for free, next time we go out adventuring. 10586 unlockAnnouncementText During our travels, we managed to inspire an old engineering teacher with our limitless idealism. They promised to build us a really good cryosleep pod next time we go for a run like this. Grammar: we met "An indivisual" but "they promised"

11120 text Most of the crew onboard {0} split after we had completed the salvage & rescue operations or Earth remains. Some settled down in the Tree Friend or anarchist colonies, but most joined the Freetravellers, and kept adventuring further. Typo?:Not sure, but the "or"(Earth) may be typo of "of" or "for", cause I can't translate it.

10112 displayName Accelerated chillnut tree 10114 unlockAnnouncementText Due to lack of favorite consumables, one of our crew has decided that he's going to take his chillnut tree with him, next time he travels anywhere. Typo?:chilenut? it's acceptable if it's a new plant. anyway I just translate them "nuts"

8710 Hybrid integrity technolgy with electronic countermeasures. Increases overall ship evasion, requires a hybrid slot. Typo:"technolgy"->"technology"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

79920968:2 P abandoned mine M, moonT.prefab 3976 Artificial stucture discovered "stucture"->"structure"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

101988086:2 P big precursor robot makes gift resources.prefab 4064 As soon as you mentally make the decision to try and attack the robot, something strange happens. The entire Mothership, its shuttles, bots and landing crew are taken hold of by an invisble, gravity-like force. The force levitates all of this stuff at terrifying speed until it reaches orbit. Luckily all of the crew had suits on, but some of our bots broke during lift-off. "invisble"->"invisible"

677288636:4 P precursor war robot.prefab 5042 The robot does not say anything, but the entire Mothership, its shuttles, bots and landing crew are taken hold of by an invisble, gravity-like force. The force levitates all of this stuff at terrifying speed until it reaches orbit. Luckily all of the crew had suits on. Some of our utility bots broke during lift-off.

1453749256:2356 P big precursor robot makes gift T, LRsensor3, Shield3.prefab 5900 As soon as you mentally make the decision to try and attack the robot, something strange happens. The entire Mothership, its shuttles, bots and landing crew are taken hold of by an invisble, gravity-like force. The force levitates all of this stuff in terrible speed until it reaches the orbit. Luckily all of the crew had suits on, but some of our bots broke during the lift-off.


eithallkats commented 3 years ago

2047060527:2 P commercial outpost, sells dual old ATK cannon.prefab 4090 Rember colony "Rember"->"???" I don't know what it is. No name around there like that. Can't just guess what.

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1141469158:2 P green forest OR, moon ET good nonweapons.prefab 4130 During the massive harvesting operation, a warp animal appeared from nowhere and started emittting unknown warp energies which completely disabled our harvester bots and other mission equipment. We decided to cut our losses and abort the mission. "emittting"->"emitting"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1575507205:2 P green forest OR, moon ET good nonweapons.prefab 4135 This chemically active moon is home to a form of crystalline life that slowly grows into geometrcially shaped city-like colonies. They live so slowly that they were thought to be just sediments and not "real" lifeforms in the past. We could easily take some with us to be used as explosives... although they probably wouldn't survive the experience. "geometrcially"->"geometrically"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

857136633:2 P mineral surface outcrops2 M, maybe junksatellites m.prefab 4219 This lifeless planet is covered with abundant outcroppings of valuable mineral ore. It could be easily processed into duranite metal. Inititate surface mining operation? "Inititate"->"Initiate" I don't know duranite too, but it could be SiFi metal

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

2 Pi Freetravellers colony, FORCT, trader w engineL4.prefab 4376 cultural exhange complete "exhange"->"exchange"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1029871909:2 Pi local chem warfare EFmR.prefab 4412 We are able to convince the largest warring factions to hold temporary ceasefires in order to assess colletaral damage to the planet's ecosystem. The leaders do not realize they are already too late and 90% of all local life will perish in the coming years due to the ecological damage the planet has suffered. "colletaral"->"collateral"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

2 Pi pyramid refugee colony FOC trade mlaser4, stinger2.prefab 4420 trade operation complet "complet"->"complete"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1953241299:3 P abyss MF, maybe satellite.prefab 4582 Seismic activity increased rapidly during the operation, turning quickly into a full-blown earthquake. Most of the technology printed for this mission got trapped undergound, and we lost access to the mineral seam. "undergound"->"underground"

1938750955:3 P lost alien fuelpod F.prefab 4713 Seismic activity increased rapidly during the operation, turning quickly into a full-blown earthquake. Most of the minerbots printed for this mission managed to escape in time, but a few got trapped undergound forever.


eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1778150990:3 P anomaly planet taster m.prefab 4628 We prospect the inside the planet shell, filled with broken planet pieces. While we don't detect any valueble minerals, the data on the anomaly was valuable. "valueble"->"valuable"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

533471009:3 P Deep fissure with metal.prefab 4672 No issues to report. The crew waiting in orbit had quality time playing sex games. We recoverd some of the synthetics used in the operation, reducing overall cost of resources. "recoverd"->"recovered"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

144582947:3 P Deep fissure with metal.prefab 4681 Unexpected seismic acitivity buried our mining equipment and the entire mining team. We had to spend extra resources to dig out the crew. "acitivity"->"activity"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

315404390:3 P light mushrooms Or.prefab 4697 We leave the unique ecosystem of this planet untouched, except for taking small scientific samples. It would be interesting to see how a planet with such trippy visuals evolves without our intererence. "intererence"->"interference"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

945013834:3 P nat picturesque iron piles T.prefab 4744 We lost some external equipment on the way down. \nDespite harsh storms in the outer atmosphere, air on the surgace is very calm. The winds have blown iron dust particles into tall, picturesque piles. No signs of life. "surgace"->"surface"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

859968551:3 P self-destructing warp beacon.prefab 4759 The signal is emittted from an unknown piece of self-sustainable technology. Pictographic warnings on the surface warn about not messing with the device. External research would require extensive time to record and analyze all the different wawelengths it's casting on. "emittted"->"emitted" "wawelengths"->"wavelengths"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

730614398:3 P warp tree crystal and visions T.prefab 4803 The crew experience strange visions, and feel a mental link forming with the crystal. One of them fails to handle the xenotelepathic intensity and must be evacuated. The crystal is a warp organism, kind of a warp "tree". It wishes to be left alone, and our crew respects that. The team takes some quick remote recordings before returning to Motherhsip. "Motherhsip"->"Mothership"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

3 P wilderness reserve, O, moonMf and LRsensors.prefab; 4 wr blue biotech slab ship active MTo rare weapons.prefab 4823 non-interference excercised "excercised"->"exercised"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1816581979:3 P wilderness reserve, O, moonMf and LRsensors.prefab 4827 The structure was a beacon left behing by a precursor species called the Chrysid. We disassembled it and salvaged everything of value, including information from the beacon's data core. "behing"->"behind"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

366094632:4 P Ngani security station active TE orbital mines.prefab 4964 The True Belief Church Corporation outpost is abandoned, and only the warning message transmittor works. We scavenge the whole structure, covered in what looks like obvious religious lies. Its main cannon could be installed onboard Mothership. "transmittor"->"transmitter"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

840593303:4 P ordinary sand or psy party T.prefab 5004 This planet seems extremely ordinary and there is nothing particulary interesting. Low chance of low-value minerals... possibly. "particulary"->"particularly"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

821887475:4 P precursor tech cave MoT, good weaponsx3.prefab 5035 The worm used a personal warphole to jump near the Mothership and take a large bite of it. The worm was ultimately defeatedm, but we had already received critical damage. "defeatedm"->"defeated"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

824772547:4 P shielded artifact TM-f.prefab 5073 After several hours of sustained fire from all of our energy weapons and cutters, we were able to overpower the precursor shield and get to the advanced technology inside. Unfortunately, the piece of technology which made the shield inpenetrable burned up when we overpowered the shields. "inpenetrable"->"impenetrable"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1204319942:4 Pi Collector trade gone bad F plus nuke.prefab 5155 After orbital group assasinations of leading warlords and strategic bombardment, the surviving leaders capitulate and disarm. The rebuilding can start but much of the planet is now a nuclear wasteland. We confiscate their last remaining nuke. "assasinations"->"assassinations"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

235827686:5 P conflict remains x4.prefab 5386 We didn't want to take further chances and destoyed the bunker by firing our ship weapons from a safe distance. Freshly printed bots salvaged everything of value from the ruins. "destoyed"->"destroyed"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

252574882:5 P treestump with hostile nanobots.prefab 5494 The entire planet is a desolate ball of dirt, except for a giant fossilized tree trunk, along with a few smaller ones. Some kind of exotic moss colony seems to be living on the tree remains. We detect it's emitting trace amounts of warp enegy. "enegy"->"energy"

477688768:P precursor tech MT, possibly dysfunctional visited icon.prefab 5678 This planet is devoid of life. Atmospheric bots have found nothing of interest, but deep scans registered a faint warp enegy signature from an underground source. It's either advanced technology or a warp animal. Send bots for a closer look?


eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1948689850:5 Pi nuclear digital militants MFE 2.prefab 5566 The local militiaries discovered our bots and shot them down. "militiaries"->"militaries"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

51869875:5 wr. shipsx8.prefab 5596 It is a large shipwreck of unknown design, floating in a cloud of debree and starfuel. Closer inspection reveals corrosion and plasma damage marks, indicating a warplife attack. "debree"->"debris"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

654817634:P city ruins, life destroyed by nanobots M.prefab 5730 We discovered the reason this planet is so void of life. Apparently, the local leading military developed nanobots to destroy their enemies (locals of different DNA-type) once and for all. Apparently, the nanobots didn't care too much about the specifics of its victims DNA and eventually wiped out all local life. We left the planet after taking the first samples. We spent extra energy to make sure none of the nanobots survived on the surface of our shipl. "shipl"->"ship"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1179873275:8 spideraa awesome garbage x10.prefab 5754 Our bots found an intact ecopod. Multicellular life inside the dome has been dead for a long time due to erosion of life support. After converting all of the remaining biomass into organics, we realized the dominant fungus colony seeems to have sealed a crack in the pod glass. A coincidence or perhaps, pre-sentients? In either case, we discovered this too late. "seeems"->"seems"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1179873280:8 spideraa awesome garbage x10.prefab 5757 Something made of exteremly high-quality composite metal was destroyed here. "exteremly"->"extremely"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

881665254:23 7x Pi Dark Market2 ATKold3, matconvertors, hydrophonics1b.prefab 5831 To your relief, the place does not have any obvious connections to sentient slavery. This market seems to be mostly supplied by smugglers and thieves - which, you feel, is much better than pirates and slavers. A local insectoid trader has a particularly attractive offer: some kind of cheap materials convertor. He explains its origins, "An acquintance gave it to me completely willingly." "acquintance"->"acquaintance"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

315794582:235 P planetminerals, maybe junk satellites.prefab 5862 Unfortunately, the local mineral resources were too deep in the planet's crust to initiate cost-effective mining. However, we found a pair of ancient bot wrecks. Dissassembling them revealed intact digital memorybanks, yielding data with historic value. 315794571:235 P planetminerals, maybe junk satellites.prefab 5869 Unfortunately, the local mineral resources were too deep in the planet's crust to initiate cost-effective mining. However, we found a pair of ancient bot wrecks. Dissassembing them revealed intact technology.


eithallkats commented 3 years ago

2136336621:2356 P big precursor robot makes gift T, LRsensor3, Shield3.prefab 5888 The warp energy emanates from a large robot, possibly of prercursor origin. The robot communicates "SAFETY" via pictographic holograms. "prercursor"->"precursor"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

193561810:36 P nature min encounter, org.prefab 5976 No incidents. We also discovored a few exposed ore seams during the operation. "discovored"->"discovered"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1884570080:38 P jellyfish colony.prefab 6012 Resarch & harvest organics [-20 fuel] "Resarch"->"Research"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1535287716:23456 wr. stationx6 science, medbay5, MOCT.prefab 6106 This used to be a science base researching bioweapons and is quite well preserved. Large tanks of biomass have stayed intact. We also scaveged some exotic samples from the lab. "scaveged"->"scavenged"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1824617132:356 wr. digested ship, warp jellyfish attack.prefab 6162 We opened fire from projectile weaponry and left hastily printed mines floating into space. The predators received significant damage, but followed us still for a while, using some kind of advanced rays that disintegrated synthetics and corrputed organics. "corrputed"->"corrupted"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

2034562734:Warpgate worm.prefab 6585 Our energy weapons do not penetrate the jellyfish warpshield. The animal displayes agressive colors and sizzles into a personal warphole. Before you can react, it re-emerges right next to your ship and casts a pink ray of death at your ship, damaging a part of the hull. It blinks satisfyingly with all colors and then warps off. "displayes"->"displays"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1163960597:SOS Ambusher L4 Insectoid hunters.prefab 6617 [Attack these life-gambling psychopats] "psychopats"->"psychopaths"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

353030155:SOS generous adventurers.prefab 6650 "We can see you are in trouble but we do not wish communication. Prepare for some free emergency max level generousity. This is all we can do at the moment - we have our own plans of saving the universe, obviously." "generousity"->"generosity"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

124849615:SOS warplife L1 exotic eater rainbow worms.prefab 6830 Our signals have attracted seemingly peaceful warp animals. One of the worm-like creatures becomes somehow semisolid and fllies directly through our ship, shutting off power and consuming a portion of our exotics. We record all of it as valuable scientifc data. "fllies"->"flies" "scientifc"->"scientific"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

313529243:SOS warplife L7 cloud.prefab 6893 Our SOS warpcast signal has attracted the attention of an anomalous warp being, made of gaseous matter. It observes us for a couple of minutes and then performs a series of rhytmic movements with its tentacles, as if dancing to some invisible music. The creature leaves soon after and we record everything for scientific purposes. "rhytmic"->"rhythmic"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

2099175564:Ambusher L2 pirates explorer and or pirate rat.prefab 7072 "Your ship is stonger than we thought, but nobody needs to get hurt here. Would you let us go and accept these crates of explosives we have lying around, plus some good old gold? And everyone can live happily ever after. It's not like we're worse than the other rats around here." "stonger"->"stronger"

601888120:Ship destroyed game over text pool.prefab 12245 This is but a scratch. You'll be back. Stonger and with more nukes than ever. "Stonger"->"Stronger"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

676026525:Ambusher L2 pirates, kalev + sstriker.prefab; 61413681:Ambusher L2 pirates, sstriker and arrowhead.prefab 7106 "Oh, it's you, you've already paid us. What, you wan't to pay again? [cruel laughter] We're in a good mood today, no robbery today. Move along." "wan't"->"want"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1664153245:Ambusher L2 Solipsist medium.prefab 7142 "Aha, we have another claims-to-be consciousness here! I don't like illusions, and I will remove you." \nOur AI explains the Solipsists believe this entire reality is just an illusion, along with all beings, except themselves. \nThis makes the Solipists dangerous, because they do not believe they can cause suffering to others. "Solipists"->"Solipsists"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1664153245:Ambusher L2 Solipsist medium.prefab; 460417737:tester ambuser.prefab 7144 Preprare for battle "Preprare"->"Prepare"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1066557110:Ambusher L2 Solipsist medium.prefab 7148 "Although your questions are clever, they are something Iexpected from an illusionary character. I will remove all illusions from this world because I like the Truth. And since you are obviously an illusion, you are Lie, which is the opposite of Truth and requires removal. You can't argue with something so profoundly logical, right?" "Iexpected"->"I expected"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

715098902:Ambusher L4 Insectoids smallbeetle + 1or2 scarabeus.prefab 7201 "Your soul has been purified, emptiness tresspassor. But remember that we must do crystal healing with you each time you enter the holy emptiness that we guard." "tresspassor"->"trespasser"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

433659679:Ambushers L6 squid patrol 2 scouts.prefab; 796207548:Ambushers L6 squid patrol.prefab 7279 "Attention, you are criminally trespassing Squid Dominon space! If you surrender now, you will be offered a chance for an interrogation without torture, followed by quick & almost painless semi-voluntary euthanasia. Will you surrender?" "Dominon"->"Dominion"