Duke-M-commits / Translation_ShortestTripToEarth_English

English translation files for Shortest Trip to Earth
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Simple Typo #3

Open eithallkats opened 3 years ago

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1134 Amount of aynthetics recieved after conversion Typo:"aynthetics"->"synthetics" 1133-1138 'Amount of organics recieved after conversion 'Amount of organics recieved after conversion 'Amount of aynthetics recieved after conversion 'Amount of aynthetics recieved after conversion 'Amount of explosives recieved after conversion 'Amount of explosives recieved after conversion 'Amount of exotics recieved after conversion 'Amount of exotics recieved after conversion 'Amount of metals recieved after conversion 'Amount of metals recieved after conversion 'Amount of datacreds recieved after conversion 'Amount of datacreds recieved after conversion Typo:"recieved"->"received"

10727 description Send crew into installed medbay to heal injuries.\nDespite our ability to craft DIY medbays aboard the ship, this one is much more efficient and can heal multiple crew in the same time0. Typo:"time0"->"time"

10579 unlockAnnouncementText During our travels, we met an individual specializing in cryosleep technology. After hearing our story, they promised to build us one for free, next time we go out adventuring. 10586 unlockAnnouncementText During our travels, we managed to inspire an old engineering teacher with our limitless idealism. They promised to build us a really good cryosleep pod next time we go for a run like this. Grammar: we met "An indivisual" but "they promised"

11120 text Most of the crew onboard {0} split after we had completed the salvage & rescue operations or Earth remains. Some settled down in the Tree Friend or anarchist colonies, but most joined the Freetravellers, and kept adventuring further. Typo?:Not sure, but the "or"(Earth) may be typo of "of" or "for", cause I can't translate it.

10112 displayName Accelerated chillnut tree 10114 unlockAnnouncementText Due to lack of favorite consumables, one of our crew has decided that he's going to take his chillnut tree with him, next time he travels anywhere. Typo?:chilenut? it's acceptable if it's a new plant. anyway I just translate them "nuts"

8710 Hybrid integrity technolgy with electronic countermeasures. Increases overall ship evasion, requires a hybrid slot. Typo:"technolgy"->"technology"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

597001486:Merchants L2 fuel trader githanki duo.prefab 7346 "Existential salutations, fellow consciousness! Let us trade forms of energy for mutual profit. Our fleet will be leaving this system after this little trade encounter, so this is truly our last and best offfer!" "offfer"->"offer"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1990035535:Hand weapon flamepistol.prefab 7635 Self-defence mini-flamer for neautralizing poisonous insects or vermin. \nFocused heatflow technology ensures lack of collateral damage. "neautralizing"->"neutralizing"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1884929318:Drone fire safety.prefab 7757 Fast fire safetey drone, AI based on cat consciousness. High fire-resistance. "safetey"->"safety"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1815720576:Level 4, insects.prefab; 1963731161:dlc2/Level 4b, insects.prefab 8182 (new runs can be started from sectors 1,2,3)\n\nThis entire sector is "administred" by the Insectoid Alliance, although not colonized. The Insectoid Alliance is a multispecies faction that holds repetition, rituals and traditions as the deepest cornerstones of all civilized interactions. The alliance was formed to defeat an ancient enemy, the Spideraa.\n\nFrom the captains log:\n/.../ I never liked the collective traditions. They often enjoy a special status not because they're good, but because some kind of majority somewhere is doing it, and have been doing it for a long time.\nI'm more of a personal-traditions-only person myself, and right now I'm considering mostly my own very favorite traditions of survival, such as making sure we create more organics than we eat while flying around /.../ "administred"->"administered"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1392338414:artifactmodule tec 38 accuracy datacore manysquares.prefab 8393 A giant, obsolete data core unit with some credits remaining inside. Contains 16 living (totally not conscious) memory cores. Can be used to calcualte targeting vectors, increasing accuracy of all ship weapons. "calcualte"->"calculate"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1717910481:ECM 0 terran old.prefab; 178792571:ECM 03 insectoid.prefab; 738383845:ECM 02 terran.prefab; 738383846:ECM 03 terran.prefab; 738383848:ECM 01 terran.prefab 8686 Hybrid integrity technolgy with electronic countermeasures. Increases overall ship evasion, improves ship HP, requires a hybrid slot. Typo:"technolgy"->"technology"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

2023634410:engine 2.5 terran.prefab 8766 Good maneuverability (evasion bonus) and high fuel consumpiton. Durable structure improves ship HP. "consumpiton"->"consumption"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

698348090:weapon Sniper cannon 4.prefab 9599 Precision microcannon with four barrels for increased armor pentration chance. Projectiles have 3hp each. "pentration"->"penetration"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1983239915:weapon exoticscannon1.prefab 9969 Exotic destabilzer cannon "destabilzer"->"destabilizer"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

28396574:Perk barter get exotics for explosives.prefab 10252 During our travels, we've met a professional warplife huner who is willing to exchange exotics for explosives. "huner"->"hunter"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

142590729:Perk crew gormor gardener.prefab 10286 This Gor-Mor individual is a famous gardener-philosopher, praised highly by political leaders and spiritual acolytes who seek enlightment. He wants to help us in exhcange for exotic consumables and robot sex. "exhcange"->"exchange"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

260900693:Perk module container FO for Riggy.prefab 10538 +1 fuel & organics mutlicontainer "mutlicontainer"->"multicontainer"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1860627745:Perk module DIY integrity.prefab 10629 While not the most valuable thing in the world, having an extra intergrity module is better than having nothing. We've been promised one if we pick it up ourselves, next time. "intergrity"->"integrity"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

450636944:Perk module integrity 3.prefab 10709 Integrity biotechnology like this was salvaged from the Outward Abyss by previous explorers. It has been reverese-engineered and we may order a similar one for the upcoming journey. Adds +13 ship HP when installed. "reverese-engineered"->"reverse-engineered"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

28205014:Perk module integrity blue scales, unlockable for weirdship.prefab 10717 Integrtiy module made of artificially grown crystals. Adds +10 ship hull points when installed, can be used to gain HP quickly during an emergency. "Integrtiy"->"Integrity"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

28205014:Perk module integrity blue scales, unlockable for weirdship.prefab 10718 Our ship AI has found this blueprint through acccess to insectoid technology networks. "acccess"->"access"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1304884710:Perk module shroomery for gardenship.prefab 10757 Adds an aditional module for rapidly growing edible mushrooms. All gardens remove operator food consumption and generate additional organics during ship movement. "aditional"->"additional"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

798912976:Perk pack, explosive cargo for gardenship.prefab 10868 Explosive merchandice 10869 Destructive merchandice that was unsold in the cargo hold at the time we bought this ship. "merchandice"->"merchandise"

1420718850:Perk pack, organic cargo for gardenship.prefab 10879 Organic merchandice 10880 Edible merchandice that was unsold in cargo bay at the time we bought this ship,

4 merchandice and the last punctuation is comma, not period.

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

Perk Replace organics containers with betters for gardenship.prefab 10989 Both onboard organics containers are upgraded for improved capacity. All organics containers have acitve biotech within, turning any organic matter into human-consumable form. "acitve"->"active"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1570827982:Perk warpshell extra hitpoints.prefab 11049 The living part of Warpshell ship has a range of exotic nutriets it needs to consume, couple of times a year. If this diet is carefully optimized, the ship's living tissue will grow more resistant to damage. "nutriets"->"nutrients"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1266226718:Tutorial quest FSM.prefab 11185 Now craft one of the avaialble DIY weapons by clicking on a weapon slot and making sure it is empty. Then scroll and click on a weapon module to craft it. "avaialble"->"available"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1525832280:Beedroid description pool.prefab 11289 Beedroid cyborg musician. Has built-in electronid drums inside their body. "electronid"->"electronic"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1525832280:Beedroid description pool.prefab 11296 Beedroid cyborg Serenity monk, learning serenity by owerflowing itself with pleasure from constant digital drugs. Very peaceful. "owerflowing"->"overflowing"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1621701858:Human basic crew description pool.prefab 11593 A drugs conoisseur. Enjoys jogging. Has three kidneys. "conoisseur"->"connoisseur"

1621701858:Human basic crew description pool.prefab 11664 A retired drug conoisseur. Now focuses on scientific work. Muscle augmentations. 576556414:Human fighter-gunner description pool.prefab 11850 A retired drug conoisseur. Wants to become a law-guardian. 900487516:Human good operator description pool.prefab 11884 A legal drugs conoisseur. Interested in sensor technology. 837827031:Human operator wildcard description pool.prefab 11921 A drugs conoisseur. Favorite drug: weedseed. 253197677:Human scientist description pool.prefab 12065 A retired drug conoisseur. Now interested in xenobiology, especially distributed life systems.

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1621701858:Human basic crew description pool.prefab; 837827031:Human operator wildcard description pool.prefab 11657 A retired animal sanctionary administrator. Has only ~100 years left to live. "sanctionary"->"sanctuary?" It's hard to guess what kind of job if it's sanctionary.

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

837827031:Human operator wildcard description pool.prefab 11992 A famous psygame artist. Silent type. Likes tentacle aestethics. 253197677:Human scientist description pool.prefab 12054 A young scientist. Currently researching GuGurkian sexual aestethics. Purely for academic reasons. "aestethics"->"aesthetics"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

450630272:Human repairman description pool.prefab 12001 A professional ship architect & repairman.Manually built a shuttle once, although it exploded. "repairman.Manually"->"repairman. Manually" space

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

450630272:Human repairman description pool.prefab 12035 A young phsyical systems scientist. Already famous for being hot. Also good at repairs. "phsyical"->"physical"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

253197677:Human scientist description pool.prefab 12071 An existense scientist. Thinks life is an illusionary system for educating proto-beings. "existense"->"existence"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

253197677:Human scientist description pool.prefab 12072 A systems-theory scientist whose favorite activity is helping others. Uses brain implants that constantly administer a coctail of pleasant drugs. "coctail"->"cocktail"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

613938926:Insectoid description pool.prefab 12094 An enterpreneur who needs some capital. "enterpreneur"->"entrepreneur"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

613938926:Insectoid description pool.prefab 12101 An ex-philospher in search of greater meaning. "ex-philospher"->"ex-philosopher"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

601888120:Ship destroyed game over text pool.prefab 12225 The unfairness in a Game is the least of our concens compared to the unfairness that goes on outside of the Game. "concens"->"concerns"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

601888120:Ship destroyed game over text pool.prefab 12256 Fine. In this case "Fine" means "It is okay" becaue it's okay to die in a roguelike. Totally, perfectly okay, anytime for any stupid reason. "becaue"->"because"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

2001231991:Starmap move log line pool.prefab 12345 A crewmember was publicly playing saxofon last night. It was beautiful. "saxofon"->"saxophone"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

354963362:Tips pool.prefab 12412 Any damage to ship module makes it completeley nonfunctional. "completeley"->"completely"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

for Dlc files 93253305:sdlc/Tortoise.prefab 34 A large tortoise with natural firebreathing ability. The creature has learned gardening in the Univeristy for Presentients. "Univeristy"->"University"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1711403825:sdlc/Tiger sharpnel nuke launcher.prefab 70 Tigerclaw, sharpnel nuke 1258798551:sdlc/Tiger sharpnel nuke.prefab 137 Tiger sharpnel nuke "sharpnel"->"shrapnel"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1581121396:sdlc/Perk nuke Battle Tiger monolith.prefab 79 A heavily armored single-shot missile that rams the target with force that could shatter micromoons. Smalle AoE. "Smalle"->"Small"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

Dlc2 1593560708:dlc2/1 Pi Capitaalo planet, want organics.prefab 22 We've contacted a Capitaalo colony. They are a quasi-primitive civilization, and this colony seems to be on the verge of collapse. It seems industrial activity has nearly destroyed tthe ecosphere of their planet. Some of the wealthier elites want to buy new plants and seeds from us (for their personal undergound bunker greenhouses). The only thing they have in abundance is gold, and they offer to pay with it. "undergound"->"underground"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

95437423:dlc2/2 Pi Phobian planet 1, want credits.prefab; 1340021236:dlc2/2 Pi Phobian planet 3, give weapon.prefab 40 "Attention, traveller! Your presence is not allowed due to the cultural danger aliens like you present, but trade is still possible remotely. The local business leaders will contanct you shortly." "contanct"->"contact"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

2091024948:dlc2/Ambusher L1b and 2b Fighterclan pirates, 2 smalls.prefab 73 Two smalll ships with unknown design are approaching tactical range, weapons hot. "smalll"->"small"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1673943048:dlc2/Ambusher L1b Capitaalo, 1 plus 2.prefab 86 Haltl! Your presence is destabilizing our financial system. You have already thrown thousands of honest businessmen into extreme poverty and hunger, merely by passing this space! You must immediately pay for these damages in gold or we will be forced to destroy you. "Haltl"->"Halt"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

726669123:dlc2/Ambusher L1b Capitaalo, 2x cap 2.prefab 97 Can you hear me? Is this thing working? Good. The appearance of your ship on our radars have thrown our markets into chaos. People are losing jobs, but you can still avert catastrophy if you send us some precious metals. "catastrophy"->"catastrophe"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1558037196:dlc2/Ambusher L1b or 2b Moralor, 1 small.prefab; 920984994:dlc2/Ambusher L4b and chance for 5b Moralor testers, smalls.prefab 118 Aha! Your answer was incrorrect, and thus, the universe has spoken: those who do not know the simplest of truths (especially that the right way to sleep is tentacles on the left, tail on the right) must be put do death. Everybody knows that the greatest blasphemy is perverting the holy union of consciousness and sleep with disgusting body positions. "incrorrect"->"incorrect"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1160503939:dlc2/Ambusher L2b Phobians, londiste 1x3.prefab; 313691705:dlc2/Ambusher L2b Phobians, londiste 2 and 1 or londiste 2.prefab; 407787024:dlc2/Ambusher L2b Phobians, londiste 4.prefab; 865317036:dlc2/Ambusher L2b Phobians, londiste 2x2 or londiste 3.prefab; 1264992626:dlc2/Ambusher L2b Phobians, londiste 3 and 1.prefab 155 Your threat to stability neutralization payment has been accepted, you must pay each fleet separately. As s token of hospitality of Phobian Civilization, we also give you a medal of Exceptional Compliance. It is very big. "s token"->"a token"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1824961476:dlc2/Ambusher L2b Phobians, londiste 2x2 or londiste 3.prefab 162 Our scientists have uncovered that your ship is a Chaotic Element, disrupting the Phobian way of life, especially our traditional wiews about saying important welcoming words. It means we're forced to destroy you for logical reasons. It doesn't matter if you pay us, though. "wiews"->"views"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

2070521959:dlc2/Ambusher L3b Hunter Crab.prefab 181 We would have rather preferred to eat the contents of your lifepods instead, but the nom-nomings you prorvided were satisfactory. We especialy enjoyed the Chokulaatu. Go in peace. "prorvided"->"provided" "especialy"->"especially"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

316343971:dlc2/Ambusher L5b and chance for 4b Moralor redeemer 1 medium.prefab 214 "Aha! Looks like either a case of Criminal Poverty or TULG (Totally Unmorally Low Level of Generosity) to me. The Universe has spoken: those who do not give fairly demandend cash to Moralor Redeemers are indeed totally unmoral and shall be righteously put do death." "demandend"->"demanded"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1549336500:dlc2/Ambusher L6b, chance for 7b Moralor redeemer 1 large.prefab 233 We are Moralors, and I am the Law King. The Moral Law states plainly that anybody we meet that isn't moral must pay in cash, 350 creds in your case. And you are totally not moral. Your crew has sex, and that is enough to insult the god, who must witness this disgusting activity in his omnisense. I bet you also sleep tentacles on the right like a total perv. Now pay up or be eradicated for your sins.

2016973337:dlc2/Ambusher L6b, chance for 7b Moralor redeemer 1 large.prefab 237 "You must be crazy, how can you not see that any sex or sleeping with tentacles on the right is bad for the universe? Don't you have pity for the god who must every day see your blasphemous activities due to their omnisense! You don't have the right to insult god like this. Insulting god is bad for the whole universe. We are forced to fight you." "omnisense"->"omniscience"