Duke-M-commits / Translation_ShortestTripToEarth_English

English translation files for Shortest Trip to Earth
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Simple Typo #3

Open eithallkats opened 3 years ago

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

1134 Amount of aynthetics recieved after conversion Typo:"aynthetics"->"synthetics" 1133-1138 'Amount of organics recieved after conversion 'Amount of organics recieved after conversion 'Amount of aynthetics recieved after conversion 'Amount of aynthetics recieved after conversion 'Amount of explosives recieved after conversion 'Amount of explosives recieved after conversion 'Amount of exotics recieved after conversion 'Amount of exotics recieved after conversion 'Amount of metals recieved after conversion 'Amount of metals recieved after conversion 'Amount of datacreds recieved after conversion 'Amount of datacreds recieved after conversion Typo:"recieved"->"received"

10727 description Send crew into installed medbay to heal injuries.\nDespite our ability to craft DIY medbays aboard the ship, this one is much more efficient and can heal multiple crew in the same time0. Typo:"time0"->"time"

10579 unlockAnnouncementText During our travels, we met an individual specializing in cryosleep technology. After hearing our story, they promised to build us one for free, next time we go out adventuring. 10586 unlockAnnouncementText During our travels, we managed to inspire an old engineering teacher with our limitless idealism. They promised to build us a really good cryosleep pod next time we go for a run like this. Grammar: we met "An indivisual" but "they promised"

11120 text Most of the crew onboard {0} split after we had completed the salvage & rescue operations or Earth remains. Some settled down in the Tree Friend or anarchist colonies, but most joined the Freetravellers, and kept adventuring further. Typo?:Not sure, but the "or"(Earth) may be typo of "of" or "for", cause I can't translate it.

10112 displayName Accelerated chillnut tree 10114 unlockAnnouncementText Due to lack of favorite consumables, one of our crew has decided that he's going to take his chillnut tree with him, next time he travels anywhere. Typo?:chilenut? it's acceptable if it's a new plant. anyway I just translate them "nuts"

8710 Hybrid integrity technolgy with electronic countermeasures. Increases overall ship evasion, requires a hybrid slot. Typo:"technolgy"->"technology"

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

done...it's the end of the file.

Duke-M-commits commented 3 years ago

That's a looooot, you're great, thank you.

eithallkats commented 3 years ago

I learned a lot of words I didn't know yesterday. lol And I don't think I could spell synthetic whole in my life if I hadn't met the game.