Duncan-McD / OCamlStocks

OCaml Bot for Investing
5 stars 1 forks source link


Duncan McDonald, Peter Bell, Miguel Roberts, Matthew Chan

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Install and Run

OCamlStocks Overview

Welcome to OCamlStocks! This program aims to enable the user to research the effectiveness of Reddit as an Investment Advisor. This is built through multiple different steps:

The above equation is our algorithm.

  1. run opam install . --deps-only to install dependencies using opam
  2. run make or make bot to run the bot/program
  3. run make build to build project
  4. run make utop to open the project in utop
  5. run make test to run ounit test cases
  6. run make clean to remove the old _build folder and docs
  7. run make zip to make a zip file of the project
  8. run make install to be walked through an install process (Further details are in Install.md)
  9. run make docs to make the documentation
    • After making docs:
    • open index.html in _doc.public to see public docs
    • open index.html in _doc.private to see private docs