Firmware for Nordic MCUs used in the Interphase Keyboard, contains precompiled .hex files, as well as sources buildable with the Nordic SDK This firmware is a dervivative of reversebias' mitosis firmware.
Tested on Ubuntu 16.04.2, but should be able to find alternatives on all distros.
sudo apt install openocd gcc-arm-none-eabi
Nordic does not allow redistribution of their SDK or components, so download and extract from their site:
Firmware written and tested with version 11
unzip -d nRF5_SDK_11
cd nRF5_SDK_11
A cofiguration file that came with the SDK needs to be changed. Assuming you installed gcc-arm with apt, the compiler root path needs to be changed in /components/toolchain/gcc/Makefile.posix, the line:
GNU_INSTALL_ROOT := /usr/local/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9-2015q1
Replaced with:
Inside nRF5_SDK_11/
git clone
sudo cp interphase-firmware/49-stlinkv2.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
Plug in, or replug in the programmer after this.
The programming header on the side of the keyboard, from top to bottom:
It's best to remove the battery during long sessions of debugging, as charging non-rechargeable lithium batteries isn't recommended.
Launch a debugging session with:
openocd -f interphase-firmware/nrf-stlink.cfg
Should give you an output ending in:
Info : nrf51.cpu: hardware has 4 breakpoints, 2 watchpoints
Otherwise you likely have a loose or wrong wire.
From the factory, these chips need to be erased:
echo reset halt | telnet localhost 4444
echo nrf51 mass_erase | telnet localhost 4444
From there, the precompiled binaries can be loaded:
echo reset halt | telnet localhost 4444
echo flash write_image `readlink -f precompiled-basic-left.hex` | telnet localhost 4444
echo reset | telnet localhost 4444
To use the automatic build scripts:
cd mitosis/interphase-keyboard-basic
An openocd session should be running in another terminal, as this script sends commands to it.