DwangDistracted / Zombies-are-Vegan

Zombies are Vegan
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SYSC3110 Zombies Are Vegan

A Turn Based Plants v Zombies Clone

This is Turn Based Plants v Zombies Clone made for SYSC 3110 (Software Development Project) Fall 2018 Carleton University.

Team Members (Group 2): Derek Shao, David Wang, Michael Patsula, Tanisha Garg

Milestone 1 (10-17-2018):

This game represents iteration #1 of the SYSC3110 Plants Vs Zombie Project created by Michael Patsula, Derek Shao , David Wang and Tanisha Garg. In this iteration, the game will retrieve and display information through the console. Moreover, there is currently only one level and three units (regular zombie, sunflower and peashooter units).

In the following iteration, the game will drop the text-based representation in preference for a GUI based implementation. Some planned additions for the future are more varied plant and zombie types, a undo/redo and save/load feature and an extension on the current LevelLoader code.

Change Log:

Milestone 2 (11-16-2018):

Change Log:

Milestone 3 (11-23-2018):

Change Log:

Milestone 4 (12-07-2018):

Change Log:

Known Issues