Dweebs-Global / DweebsEye-Mobile-Application

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Takes audio input with the microphone and displaying the recognised words.

Uses (speech_to_text 3.1.0)[https://pub.dev/packages/speech_to_text] package for speech recognition.

Tap the microphone button and say something. Above the button you will see the recognised text or an error message. The app listens for 5 seconds. Continuous listening is not supported by this or other speech recognition packages. The user has to invoke listening (it could be a huge button in the middle of a screen or touching of any part of the screen).


Gives speaker output based on the contents of mic input.

Uses (flutter_tts 2.1.0)[https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_tts] package for text-to-speech.

After taking mic input the button becomes disabled, the input gets filtered in commands.dart function checkCommand() and either returns the command description (for words "object" and "face") or returns what the user had said. When the audio stops playing, the mic button becomes enabled again.