DyaPlus / CSE312G42

Ain Shams Project for Tiva C board a counter with reset functionality
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Ain Shams Project for Tiva C board a counter with reset functionality

The final project can be found in Integration of the project folder

Team members and their tasks :

1-Dyaa adel

1-Lcd init
2-Delay function c and header file
3-Set pull down function

2- Khaled Mohammed

1- Button decrement function
2- Lcd display string at certain row and column
3- send command to the lcd
4- set pull up resistance for a pin
5- header file of button driver

3- Khaled ahmed abdelgalil

1- Lcd clear screen
2- LCD display character
3- MCAL.h header file
4-Button reset
5-Port init

4-Ahmed el sherif

1- LCD integer to string
2- itoa function
5- DIO_FlipPort

5-Omar taher saad

1-Button increment

main function is shared between us