DylanBorchert / APP-wya-where-you-at

Final project for COMP-3504 at Mouint Royal University.
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Final project for COMP-3504 at Mouint Royal University.

The prototype for this project was created on Figma, and can be viewed by clicking here. An account is required to access the prototype. After following the link, click the "Team Project" pane on the screen, then click the "Prototype" file.

Once you're in the right file, it is best viewed by clicking the "Present" button in the upper-right corner while on the "Complete Prototype" page. That will take you to an interactive demo of the app.

Enviroment setup

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Install vs code here
  3. Install React Native Tools here
  4. Install node 16.8.1 here
  5. cd to app directory and npm install
  6. Create an Expo account here and remeber your login details (needed to do boop)
  7. do npx expo login and sign in
  8. download expo go app on your phone here (our app is optimized for android)
  9. do npm start VS code will now do a build
  10. scan the qr code with your phone
  11. Sign up in our app