DylanLeveille / C2KA-GUI

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GUI to Assist the C2KA TOOL

This project consists of a graphical user interface (GUI) to assist the C2KA tool (developed by Dr. Jason Jaskolka). With simple entries, the GUI can generate a text file describing an agent’s specification.

Getting Started

  1. Download the entire project folder (found at https://github.com/DylanLeveille/C2KA-GUI).
  2. Open a python IDE (using a version of Python 3.6).
  3. Run the main program by compiling the gui.py file in the IDE.

Note: Steps 2 and 3 may be skipped by starting the executable found in the project folder.

Prerequisites *(ideas borrowed from Dr. Bailey's course outline for SYSC 1005, Carleton University)

All the software used in this project is free. Here's what you need to install this software on your own computer:

● Python 3.6.2 can be downloaded from: python.org/downloads/release/python-362. For Windows platforms, download the Windows x86-64 executable installer: python-3.6.2-amd64.exe.

● Wing 101 v. 6.0.7-1 can be downloaded from: wingware.com. Please ensure that you download and install Wing 101, not Wing Professional. The latter IDE has a free 30-day trial license, after which a license must be purchased. Wing 101 is free, and does not require you to purchase a license. For Windows platforms, download the 32-bit/64-bit installer (wingide-101-6.0.7-1.exe).

Note: as of Version 6.0, Wing Personal is free. This IDE has more features than Wing 101, but fewer than Wing Professional.


To install the software correctly, install python, followed by Wing 101.

Please note there are known issues with OS X, Python's Tkinter module and the third-party Tcl/Tk GUI toolkit on which it depends (these issues are documented at python.org). This should, however, not be an issue for this project.

Running tests

No automated tests available due to the nature of this project.

However, we recommend testing out the project with various different text entries and to attempt producing the result shown in the example below.

We do not recommend using the program with a resolution less than 1280x720 since some buttons and scrolling areas may not be properly displayed.


Inserting the following information should generate the preview shown below (single agent example).

Stimuli: ips, abor, allo, help, noop.

Agent Name: R


SINCE1 ; SINCE2 ; SINCE3; SINCE4 ; READ ; ((AVG1 ; RESET1) + (AVG2 ; RESET2) + (AVG3 ; RESET3) + (AVG4 ; RESET4))

Concrete behaviour (with text radio button active):

since1 := since1 + delta;
since2 := since2 + delta;
since3 := since3 + delta;
since4 := since4 + delta;
n := cmd;
if n = 1 -> avg1 := since1 / num1; since1 := 0
 | n = 2 -> avg2 := since2 / num2; since2 := 0
 | n = 3 -> avg3 := since3 / num3; since3 := 0
 | n = 4 -> avg4 := since4 / num4; since4 := 0

Table values:

For circle table, please insert each row (behaviour) name along the row.

For lambda Table, fill with Neutral stimuli (N), except bottom right corner, in which is entered the deactivation stimulus (D).


begin AGENT where

R := SINCE1 ; SINCE2 ; SINCE3; SINCE4 ; READ ; ((AVG1 ; RESET1) + (AVG2 ; RESET2) + (AVG3 ; RESET3) + (AVG4 ; RESET4))


begin NEXT_BEHAVIOUR where

(ips, SINCE1)  = SINCE1

(ips, SINCE2)  = SINCE2

(ips, SINCE3)  = SINCE3

(ips, SINCE4)  = SINCE4

(ips, READ)    = READ

(ips, AVG1)    = AVG1

(ips, AVG2)    = AVG2

(ips, AVG3)    = AVG3

(ips, AVG4)    = AVG4

(ips, RESET1)  = RESET1

(ips, RESET2)  = RESET2

(ips, RESET3)  = RESET3

(ips, RESET4)  = RESET4

(abor, SINCE1) = SINCE1

(abor, SINCE2) = SINCE2

(abor, SINCE3) = SINCE3

(abor, SINCE4) = SINCE4

(abor, READ)   = READ

(abor, AVG1)   = AVG1

(abor, AVG2)   = AVG2

(abor, AVG3)   = AVG3

(abor, AVG4)   = AVG4

(abor, RESET1) = RESET1

(abor, RESET2) = RESET2

(abor, RESET3) = RESET3

(abor, RESET4) = RESET4

(allo, SINCE1) = SINCE1

(allo, SINCE2) = SINCE2

(allo, SINCE3) = SINCE3

(allo, SINCE4) = SINCE4

(allo, READ)   = READ

(allo, AVG1)   = AVG1

(allo, AVG2)   = AVG2

(allo, AVG3)   = AVG3

(allo, AVG4)   = AVG4

(allo, RESET1) = RESET1

(allo, RESET2) = RESET2

(allo, RESET3) = RESET3

(allo, RESET4) = RESET4

(help, SINCE1) = SINCE1

(help, SINCE2) = SINCE2

(help, SINCE3) = SINCE3

(help, SINCE4) = SINCE4

(help, READ)   = READ

(help, AVG1)   = AVG1

(help, AVG2)   = AVG2

(help, AVG3)   = AVG3

(help, AVG4)   = AVG4

(help, RESET1) = RESET1

(help, RESET2) = RESET2

(help, RESET3) = RESET3

(help, RESET4) = RESET4

(noop, SINCE1) = SINCE1

(noop, SINCE2) = SINCE2

(noop, SINCE3) = SINCE3

(noop, SINCE4) = SINCE4

(noop, READ)   = READ

(noop, AVG1)   = AVG1

(noop, AVG2)   = AVG2

(noop, AVG3)   = AVG3

(noop, AVG4)   = AVG4

(noop, RESET1) = RESET1

(noop, RESET2) = RESET2

(noop, RESET3) = RESET3

(noop, RESET4) = RESET4


begin NEXT_STIMULUS where

(ips, SINCE1)  = N

(ips, SINCE2)  = N

(ips, SINCE3)  = N

(ips, SINCE4)  = N

(ips, READ)    = N

(ips, AVG1)    = N

(ips, AVG2)    = N

(ips, AVG3)    = N

(ips, AVG4)    = N

(ips, RESET1)  = N

(ips, RESET2)  = N

(ips, RESET3)  = N

(ips, RESET4)  = N

(abor, SINCE1) = N

(abor, SINCE2) = N

(abor, SINCE3) = N

(abor, SINCE4) = N

(abor, READ)   = N

(abor, AVG1)   = N

(abor, AVG2)   = N

(abor, AVG3)   = N

(abor, AVG4)   = N

(abor, RESET1) = N

(abor, RESET2) = N

(abor, RESET3) = N

(abor, RESET4) = N

(allo, SINCE1) = N

(allo, SINCE2) = N

(allo, SINCE3) = N

(allo, SINCE4) = N

(allo, READ)   = N

(allo, AVG1)   = N

(allo, AVG2)   = N

(allo, AVG3)   = N

(allo, AVG4)   = N

(allo, RESET1) = N

(allo, RESET2) = N

(allo, RESET3) = N

(allo, RESET4) = N

(help, SINCE1) = N

(help, SINCE2) = N

(help, SINCE3) = N

(help, SINCE4) = N

(help, READ)   = N

(help, AVG1)   = N

(help, AVG2)   = N

(help, AVG3)   = N

(help, AVG4)   = N

(help, RESET1) = N

(help, RESET2) = N

(help, RESET3) = N

(help, RESET4) = N

(noop, SINCE1) = N

(noop, SINCE2) = N

(noop, SINCE3) = N

(noop, SINCE4) = N

(noop, READ)   = N

(noop, AVG1)   = N

(noop, AVG2)   = N

(noop, AVG3)   = N

(noop, AVG4)   = N

(noop, RESET1) = N

(noop, RESET2) = N

(noop, RESET3) = N

(noop, RESET4) = D



R => [ since1 := since1 + delta;
       since2 := since2 + delta;
       since3 := since3 + delta;
       since4 := since4 + delta;
       n := cmd;
       if n = 1 -> avg1 := since1 / num1; since1 := 0
        | n = 2 -> avg2 := since2 / num2; since2 := 0
        | n = 3 -> avg3 := since3 / num3; since3 := 0
        | n = 4 -> avg4 := since4 / num4; since4 := 0
       fi ]


Things to be aware of

Do note that there is no guarantee that the program won't crash if uncommon characters are inputted in the entry boxes. Characters which are found on the standard English keyboard work fine and are usually what is used for this application.


● The parsing implemented in the program allows the program to ignore extra whitespace in the entries. Therefore, the user does not need to worry about putting too much whitespace in their entries.

● Empty entries in the stimuli page are ignored. However, at least one stimuli must be entered to proceed to the next page.

● Entered behaviours are automatically capitalized. For behaviours to be valid, they must be seperated by whitespaces.

Ex: x + y; z is good, not x + y;z nor x+y;z .

● The Filter agent is not recognized as an agent, but as a behaviour.

Ex: FILTER ; (IDLE + WAITPAY + WAITRST) as an agent behaviour will be recognized as four different behaviours by the program (FILTER is not taken to be an agent).

● The Neutral stimulis is represented by the capital N, and the Deactivation stimulus is represented by the capital D.

● In the circle table, entries don't need to be capitalized (the program will do this automatically once you submit the data).

● A backup copy of the agent specification can be found in the agent_text_backup folder in the main program's folder (next to the executable) in case the user forgets to save the file.

Dependency graph

The graph can be found in the documentation foder. It is important to note that the Tkinter module was left out due to virtually all of the functions being dependent on that module.

Making an executable

An executable for Windows and Mac are availible for use. If these do not work (or you would prefer making your own), then please refer to the follwing steps or watch a quick short video on how to do so from the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOIJIk_maO4 (Video is on Windows, but steps are still relevant for any OS).

  1. Install the right version of pyinstaller for your operating system from the pyinstaller website (found in the Built With section of this document).

  2. Change your environement variables by adding a path to the Scripts folder of the python directory of the version you are using.

  3. Open a terminal and type: pip install pyinstaller . This will make pyinstaller available to you.

  4. Change the terminal's directory to the location of the gui.py module foiund in the gui folder of this project.

  5. Type: pyinstaller -w -F gui.py

  6. Once completed, you will have an executable ready in a dist folder that was created by pyinstaller. You can make a new folder next to the Windows and Mac ones and copy paste that executable in there. The build folder made and the gui.spec file made can be safely deleted.

  7. In the folder you place the executable in, please also copy the images and agent_text_backup folder (which can both be found in the Windows and Mac folders).

  8. The executable is now ready for use.

Built With


We accept contributions from anyone willing to put effort into the project.



Dr. Jason Jaskolka for giving us an interesting project for our internship and for his continous help.

Miguel Martinez Lopez for letting us use his code for a scrollable frame.