DynamoDS / DynamoRevit

Dynamo Libraries for Revit
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Dynamo Revit still unstable after removing other Add Ins. It has never fully functioned. #1181

Open JH789 opened 7 years ago

JH789 commented 7 years ago

If this issue is not a bug report or improvement request, please check the Dynamo forum, and start a thread there to discuss your issue.

Dynamo version

(Which version of Dynamo are you using? Go to Help > About if you're not sure.)

Revit version 2016 ( not R2 )

(Which version of Revit are you using?)

Operating system Windows 7

(e.g. Windows 7, Windows 8.1, etc)

What did you do?

(Fill in here)Opened Dynamo 1.1.0. from inside Revit 2016

What did you expect to see?

(Fill in here) A stable platform with the background 3D navigation view visible

What did you see instead?

(Fill in here) Graph view only with flickering fuzzy impression of 3D background view . Geometry cannot be placed. Same message repeatedly comes up in dialogue window at base even after all other add ins removed:

Welcome to Dynamo! 00:00:00.8720137 elapsed for loading Dynamo main window. notification:System.IO.FileLoadException: Dynamo has detected a conflict with a dependency and may be unstable. If any issues are detected, please uninstall addins or packages and contact the provider.: While loading assembly Greg, Version=1.0.5959.26179, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null, Dynamo detected that the dependency Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed was already loaded with an incompatiable version. It is likely that another Revit Addin has loaded this assembly, please try uninstalling other Addins, and starting Dynamo again. Dynamo may be unstable in this state. It is likely one of the following assemblies loaded the incompatible version: BusinessLogic

sharadkjaiswal commented 7 years ago

@JH789 It seems BusinessLogic plugin is causing this conflict. Can you please let us know more about kind of issues you are facing? In the meantime, you can try disabling BusinessLogic and run Dynamo.