DynamoDS / DynamoRevit

Dynamo Libraries for Revit
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Dynamo player is joining the Structural Framing by default! #2543

Open BetzaPerez opened 4 years ago

BetzaPerez commented 4 years ago

Dynamo version -

Revit version -

Revit 2020

Operating system - Windows 10

What did you do?

I'm running Dynamo player to place several structural framing families (beams) between grid lines spaced 100mm.

What did you expect to see?

I was expecting to see a gap of 100mm in between the end of one beam and the beginning of the other. Which are the curve's start and end points I'm setting with the script.

What did you see instead?

When I run Dynamo Player, the beams are joined. The end of one beam with the beginning of the other. When I run the full Dynamo, it places the beams properly. To solve this issue some people created a node to disable the structural framing join. This required further work by changing the beam extend one by one!. However, I want my script to run correctly with Dynamo Player without extra work. This is important as the script is meant to be use by non Dynamo users using Dynamo Player.

DynamoFullBeamCorrect DynamoPlayerBeamJoined

ZiyunShang commented 4 years ago

Hi @BetzaPerez , could you provide your script not only dyn files but also Revit files, so we can reproduce this issue on our side.