DynamoDS / DynamoRevit

Dynamo Libraries for Revit
328 stars 184 forks source link

packed nodes + code block data not showing revit 2022 / dynamo 2.12 - Generative design scheduled for uninstall #2753

Open jmcouffin opened 2 years ago

jmcouffin commented 2 years ago

Dynamo version

Core Dynamo Revit

Operating system

win 10 pro in french

What did you do?

opened a script that works in Revit 2021

What did you expect to see?

everything as usual in the graph

What did you see instead?


Journal file portion of interest

  '<<End build CT>> 
  ' 0:< ::92:: Delta VM: Avail +30 -> 134177308 MB, Used +1 -> 1281 MB, Peak +4 -> 1284 MB; RAM: Avail +48 -> 37854 MB, Used +1 -> 1433 MB, Peak +1 -> 1433 MB 
  ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9117, Used 883, User: Used 450 
  'E 13-Oct-2021 15:13:32.932;   0:< 
  Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,     58 ,      8
  'E 13-Oct-2021 15:13:32.932;   0:< 
  ' [Jrn.Tooltip] Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.CommandID: ID_OBJECTS_RAILING Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.ElapsedTime: 0.2269976 Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.Enabled: True Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.IsFirst: True Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.Key: ID_OBJECTS_RAILING Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.Progressive: True Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.Progressive.Delay: 2 
  'E 13-Oct-2021 15:13:33.675;   0:< 
  Jrn.Command "Ribbon"  , "Lancer Dynamo , ID_VISUAL_PROGRAMMING_DYNAMO" 
  ' 1:< ::95:: Delta VM: Avail -83 -> 134177225 MB, Used +2 -> 1283 MB, Peak +1 -> 1286 MB; RAM: Avail -7 -> 37847 MB, Used +14 -> 1448 MB, Peak +16 -> 1450 MB 
  ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9117, Used 883, User: Used 450 
  ' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Dynamo For Revit (8d83c886-b739-4acd-a9db-1bc78f315b2b). } 
  ' 1:< ::95:: Delta VM: Avail -955 -> 134176270 MB, Used +477 -> 1761 MB, Peak +479 -> 1765 MB; RAM: Avail -336 -> 37511 MB, Used +416 -> 1864 MB, Peak +418 -> 1868 MB 
  ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9069, Used 931, User: Used 473 
  ' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ApplicationClosing event by application Dynamo For Revit (8d83c886-b739-4acd-a9db-1bc78f315b2b). } 
  ' 1:< ::95:: Delta VM: Avail -5 -> 134176266 MB, Used +4 -> 1765 MB; RAM: Avail -17 -> 37495 MB, Used +4 -> 1869 MB, Peak +0 -> 1869 MB 
  ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9069, Used 931, User: Used 475 
  ' 1:< Registering journalClient for CEF browser: http://localhost/library.html 
  ' 0:< CEF FrameLoadEnd: URL = http://localhost/library.html; numCalls = 1 
  ' 0:< ::95:: Delta VM: Avail -40 -> 134176226 MB, Used +44 -> 1809 MB, Peak +44 -> 1809 MB; RAM: Avail -43 -> 37453 MB, Used +24 -> 1893 MB, Peak +24 -> 1894 MB 
  ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9066, Used 934, User: Used 476 
  'H 13-Oct-2021 15:14:24.991;   0:< 
  Jrn.Data  _
          "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  , 0
' 0:< The above Jrn.Command comes from QAT with CommandId [ID_VISUAL_PROGRAMMING_DYNAMO] 
' 0:< CEF FrameLoadEnd: URL = http://localhost/library.html; numCalls = 2 
' 1:< ::95:: Delta VM: Avail -193 -> 134176034 MB, Used +164 -> 1973 MB, Peak +197 -> 2007 MB; RAM: Avail -119 -> 37334 MB, Used +40 -> 1934 MB, Peak +52 -> 1947 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9063, Used 937, User: Used 478 
' 1:< SLOG $ed27ed08 2021-10-13 15:14:28.279 .LockUsers  R locked 
'  0.135953   1:<<<acquirePermissionsLocks 
' 0:< SLOG $ed27ed08 2021-10-13 15:14:28.294 >Auto 
' 3:< EP::readDeltas 1900 -- no deltas 
' 4:< syncEPtoDisk stats: 0 misses / 0 hits = NaN ratio 
' 3:< SLOG $ed27ed08 2021-10-13 15:14:28.405 .Auto:LockUsers  R unlocked 
'  0.109406    2:<<TWC get lock [H:\_DOCS\rac_basic_sample_projectR22.rvt] 
' 4:< >ER::dumpCache 0 OLD versus 0 NEW 
' 4:< <ER::dumpCache 
'  0.109884   1:<<transactWithCentral 0- refresh 
' 0:< SLOG $ed27ed08 2021-10-13 15:14:28.415 <Auto 
  ' 0:< ::95:: Delta VM: Avail +17 -> 134176052 MB, Used -72 -> 1902 MB; RAM: Avail +45 -> 37380 MB, Used -4 -> 1930 MB 
  ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9060, Used 940, User: Used 478 
  'E 13-Oct-2021 15:14:54.175;   0:< 
  Jrn.AddInEvent "AddInJournaling"  , "WpfWindow(_this,Dynamo).WpfListBox(0,recentListBox).SelectItems(1,Dynamo\.UI\.Controls\.StartPageListItem)" 
  'E 13-Oct-2021 15:14:54.179;   0:< 
  ' [Jrn.WpfEvent._this.recentListBox] Rvt.Attr.WindowType: WpfWindow Rvt.Attr.WindowName: _this Rvt.Attr.ControlType: WpfListBox Rvt.Attr.ControlName: recentListBox Rvt.Attr.Action: SelectItems(1,Dynamo\.UI\.Controls\.StartPageListItem) 
' 1:< ::97:: Delta VM: Avail -1303 -> 134174750 MB, Used +1018 -> 2921 MB, Peak +1260 -> 3267 MB; RAM: Avail -992 -> 36389 MB, Used +980 -> 2911 MB, Peak +1305 -> 3252 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9059, Used 941, User: Used 483 
' 1:< SLOG $ed27ed08 2021-10-13 15:16:05.778 .LockUsers  R locked 
'  0.164269   1:<<<acquirePermissionsLocks 
' 0:< SLOG $ed27ed08 2021-10-13 15:16:05.796 >Auto 
' 3:< EP::readDeltas 1900 -- no deltas 
' 4:< syncEPtoDisk stats: 0 misses / 0 hits = NaN ratio 
' 3:< SLOG $ed27ed08 2021-10-13 15:16:05.888 .Auto:LockUsers  R unlocked 
' 4:< >ER::dumpCache 0 OLD versus 0 NEW 
' 4:< <ER::dumpCache 
' 0:< SLOG $ed27ed08 2021-10-13 15:16:05.898 <Auto 
  ' 0:< ::97:: Delta VM: Avail -2 -> 134174748 MB, Used -8 -> 2913 MB; RAM: Avail +114 -> 36503 MB, Used -7 -> 2904 MB 
  ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9053, Used 947, User: Used 488 
  'E 13-Oct-2021 15:16:11.218;   0:< 
  Jrn.AddInEvent "AddInJournaling"  , "WpfWindow(,Le graphique contient un moteur Python obsolète).WpfButton(0,OkBtn).Click()" 
  'E 13-Oct-2021 15:16:11.218;   0:< 
  ' [Jrn.WpfEvent.Le_graphique_contient_un_moteur_Python_obsolète.OkBtn] Rvt.Attr.WindowType: WpfWindow Rvt.Attr.WindowName: Le_graphique_contient_un_moteur_Python_obsolète Rvt.Attr.ControlType: WpfButton Rvt.Attr.ControlName: OkBtn Rvt.Attr.Action: Click() 
' 1:< ::99:: Delta VM: Avail -14 -> 134174735 MB, Used +13 -> 2927 MB; RAM: Avail +140 -> 36644 MB, Used +13 -> 2918 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9048, Used 952, User: Used 485 
' 1:< SLOG $ed27ed08 2021-10-13 15:17:06.037 .LockUsers  R locked 
'  0.131728   1:<<<acquirePermissionsLocks 
' 0:< SLOG $ed27ed08 2021-10-13 15:17:06.052 >Auto 
' 3:< EP::readDeltas 1900 -- no deltas 
' 4:< syncEPtoDisk stats: 0 misses / 0 hits = NaN ratio 
' 3:< SLOG $ed27ed08 2021-10-13 15:17:06.148 .Auto:LockUsers  R unlocked 
' 4:< >ER::dumpCache 0 OLD versus 0 NEW 
' 4:< <ER::dumpCache 
' 0:< SLOG $ed27ed08 2021-10-13 15:17:06.158 <Auto 
' 1:< ::99:: Delta VM: Avail -116 -> 134174620 MB, Used -20 -> 2907 MB, Peak +148 -> 3415 MB; RAM: Avail +157 -> 36801 MB, Used -111 -> 2807 MB, Peak +61 -> 3314 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9059, Used 941, User: Used 479 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Dynamo For Revit (8d83c886-b739-4acd-a9db-1bc78f315b2b). } 
  ' 0:< ::99:: Delta VM: Avail +285 -> 134174905 MB, Used -250 -> 2658 MB; RAM: Avail -13 -> 36789 MB, Used -4 -> 2803 MB 
  ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9066, Used 934, User: Used 482 
  'E 13-Oct-2021 15:17:29.590;   0:< 
  Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,    361 ,     11
  'E 13-Oct-2021 15:17:29.590;   0:< 
  Jrn.LButtonUp    0 ,    361 ,     11
  ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
  ' 0:< ::101:: Delta VM: Avail +35 -> 134174941 MB, Used -1 -> 2657 MB; RAM: Avail -17 -> 36772 MB, Used 2803 MB 
  ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9068, Used 932, User: Used 478 
  'E 13-Oct-2021 15:17:32.500;   0:< 
  Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    398 ,      1
  'E 13-Oct-2021 15:17:32.500;   0:< 
  ' [Jrn.Tooltip] Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.CommandID: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Toggles%Revu Popup Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.ElapsedTime: 0.1540002 Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.Enabled: True Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.IsFirst: True Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.Key: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Toggles%Revu Popup Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.Progressive: True Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.Progressive.Delay: 2 
  'E 13-Oct-2021 15:17:33.120;   0:< 
  ' [Jrn.Tooltip] Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.CommandID: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%pyRevit%Search Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.ElapsedTime: 0.575 Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.Enabled: True Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.IsFirst: True Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.Key: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%pyRevit%Search Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.Progressive: True Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.Progressive.Delay: 2 
  'E 13-Oct-2021 15:17:33.230;   0:< 
  ' [Jrn.Tooltip] Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.ElapsedTime: 0.0639987 Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.Enabled: True Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.IsFirst: True Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.Key: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%pyRevit%Spy Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.Progressive: True Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.Progressive.Delay: 2 
  ' 0:< ::105:: Delta VM: Avail 134174941 MB, Used -4 -> 2653 MB; RAM: Avail +10 -> 36783 MB, Used -4 -> 2799 MB 
  ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9068, Used 932, User: Used 478 
  'E 13-Oct-2021 15:17:35.057;   0:< 
  ' [Jrn.Tooltip] Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.CommandID: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%pyRevit%Reload Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.ElapsedTime: 1.7900016 Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.Enabled: True Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.IsFirst: True Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.Key: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%pyRevit%Reload Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.Progressive: True Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.Progressive.Delay: 2 
  'E 13-Oct-2021 15:17:36.185;   0:< 
  ' [Jrn.Tooltip] Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.CommandID: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%pyRevit%Reload Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.ElapsedTime: 0.2639993 Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.Enabled: True Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.IsFirst: False Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.Key: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%pyRevit%Reload Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.Progressive: True Rvt.Attr.Tooltip.Progressive.Delay: 2 
  ' 0:< ::107:: Delta VM: Avail -30 -> 134174911 MB, Used +0 -> 2654 MB; RAM: Avail +8 -> 36791 MB, Used +1 -> 2800 MB 
  ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9060, Used 940, User: Used 481 
  'E 13-Oct-2021 15:17:40.702;   0:< 
  Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%pyRevit%Spy%Open Current Session Journal:pyrevitcore-pyrevit-pyrevit-tools-spy-opencurrentsessionjournal" 

Code block not showing any text image

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

FYI: @DynamoDS/dynamo

jmcouffin commented 2 years ago

While trying to edit a custom node containing ironpython code: image

La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.

   à Dynamo.WorkspaceDependency.WorkspaceDependencyView.DependencyRegen(WorkspaceModel ws)
   à Dynamo.WorkspaceDependency.WorkspaceDependencyView.OnWorkspaceChanged(IWorkspaceModel obj)
   à System.Action`1.Invoke(T obj)
   à Dynamo.Extensions.ReadyParams.OnDynamoModelPropertyChanged(Object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
   à System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
   à Dynamo.Models.DynamoModel.OnPropertyChanged(String propertyName)
   à Dynamo.Models.DynamoModel.OpenCustomNodeWorkspace(Guid guid)
   à Dynamo.ViewModels.DynamoViewModel.FocusCustomNodeWorkspace(Guid symbol)
   à Dynamo.ViewModels.DynamoViewModel.GoToWorkspace(Object parameter)
   à Dynamo.Controls.NodeView.topControl_MouseLeftButtonDown(Object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
   à System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target)
   à System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)
   à System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)
   à System.Windows.UIElement.ReRaiseEventAs(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args, RoutedEvent newEvent)
   à System.Windows.UIElement.OnMouseDownThunk(Object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
   à System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target)
   à System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)
   à System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)
   à System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
   à System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseTrustedEvent(RoutedEventArgs args)
   à System.Windows.Input.InputManager.ProcessStagingArea()
   à System.Windows.Input.InputManager.ProcessInput(InputEventArgs input)
   à System.Windows.Input.InputProviderSite.ReportInput(InputReport inputReport)
   à System.Windows.Interop.HwndMouseInputProvider.ReportInput(IntPtr hwnd, InputMode mode, Int32 timestamp, RawMouseActions actions, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 wheel)
   à System.Windows.Interop.HwndMouseInputProvider.FilterMessage(IntPtr hwnd, WindowMessage msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
   à System.Windows.Interop.HwndSource.InputFilterMessage(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
   à MS.Win32.HwndWrapper.WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
   à MS.Win32.HwndSubclass.DispatcherCallbackOperation(Object o)
   à System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
   à System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
Amoursol commented 2 years ago

@mjkkirschner @QilongTang Another case of the collapsed nodes on top of each other.

@jmcouffin quick question - was Dynamo Player or the Dynamo CLI involved in this process at all?

mjkkirschner commented 2 years ago

There are many of these cases - I can't dig one up at the moment - but I would try disabling pyRevit and other revit addins as a starting debug step.

Next Dynamo packages and check if it reproduces, there are many warnings in the log about potential version conflicts with xceed.

jmcouffin commented 2 years ago

@Amoursol nope. @mjkkirschner I did just that, after posting the issue, to no avail.

jmcouffin commented 2 years ago

The script is working in revit 2019,2020 and 2021 with latest patch

jmcouffin commented 2 years ago

And it did open properly before the latest Revit 2022 patch

mjkkirschner commented 2 years ago

Can you provide the file? What version of Revit exactly? You can also try disabling adsk addins in Revit as a next step.

jmcouffin commented 2 years ago

And Finally... I found what did mess up the whole thing. At least found the fix. I had the generative design packages (that comes with dynamo/revit) scheduled for uninstall (as I did not use them, I figured I would get them out of the way the first time I setup Revit 2022. And all came back to normal. Code blocks, organization, groups ans colors image

I then tried to bring back all the addins and did try the script again. And all was well...

QilongTang commented 2 years ago

@saintentropy @nate-peters Were you aware of such issue?

mjkkirschner commented 2 years ago

hmm - I blame system.windows.interactivity, GD seems to reference a newer version than revit or dynamo - a similar issue here: https://github.com/eirannejad/pyRevit/issues/1101#issuecomment-813516295

I think Konrad points out the potential problem, and I believe we have this tracked, somehow our nuget brings in a transitive dep dll that people end up referencing, and it's different from the version we or Revit actually ship.

I think the task thats filed suggested just getting rid of this whole dep and internalizing the code, because it's been open sourced, and the number of repeat bugs and conflicts this library causes is a drain on us and users.

mjkkirschner commented 2 years ago

FYI @jasonstratton @QilongTang https://jira.autodesk.com/browse/DYN-3573

in the mean time @nate-peters you can try aligning versions of system.windows.interactivity - if we can reproduce this with the @jmcouffin's graph.

mjkkirschner commented 2 years ago

@jmcouffin - I do want to clarify something though - you say you had the GD packages marked for uninstall - did removing GD fix the issue, or did putting GD back fix the issue? Can you explain your steps with a bit more detail?

jmcouffin commented 2 years ago

@jmcouffin - I do want to clarify something though - you say you had the GD packages marked for uninstall - did removing GD fix the issue, or did putting GD back fix the issue? Can you explain your steps with a bit more detail?

sure @mjkkirschner, pretty simple Cancelling the 'mark for uninstall' did the trick. I did not removed the GD (marking it for uninstall did not do anything for months _ I did mark it last april and did not touch dynamo too much in revit 2022 in the meantime)