DynamoDS / DynamoRevit

Dynamo Libraries for Revit
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Cannot Launch Dynamo For Revit #2830

Open holdenrasmussen opened 2 years ago

holdenrasmussen commented 2 years ago

If this issue is not a bug report or improvement request, please check the Dynamo forum, and start a thread there to discuss your issue.


(Which version of Dynamo are you using? Go to Help > About if you're not sure.)


(Which version of Revit are you using?)

Windows 10

(e.g. Windows 7, Windows 8.1, etc)

What did you do?

Tried to launch Dynamo. Have not launched since upgrading to 2022.1.3 and switching license type from maintenance to subscription.

What did you expect to see?

Dynamo launching as usual.

What did you see instead?


mjkkirschner commented 2 years ago

Hi @holdenrasmussen - please see this thread for ideas and if you identify a cause on your system please report: https://forum.dynamobim.com/t/cannot-open-dynamo-in-revit/77329/13

holdenrasmussen commented 2 years ago


Ok, thanks for the link. Was able to copy the binary, and Dynamo will now launch. A few notes:

  1. All addins are still in place and operational.
  2. Now that I'm able to launch Dynamo, I realize the version is 2.12 (not sure this changes anything, but just an FYI).
  3. I get some System.IO.FileLoadExceptions in Dynamo (see attached images).
  4. All "images" in Revit are now black boxes...not sure what's going on there (see attached images).
  5. I'm a quick study, but coding/programming is not my background, just becoming an interest. Any idea how I can find "RestSharp" and/or the addin with which it is associated?

Screenshot 2022-06-10 141520 Screenshot 2022-06-10 141550 Screenshot 2022-06-10 141635 Screenshot 2022-06-10 141654

mjkkirschner commented 2 years ago

@QilongTang @wangyangshi this is getting interesting - it appears that GregRevitAuth.dll was not updated in the hot fix updates - and when the user manually updates it with the latest versions from nuget - Dynamo will start.

It also appears that while we updated DynamoRevit, Dynamo, Greg etc to use a newer RestSharp, that the Revit library (or some addin called Library) did not update, or updated to an even newer version?!

holdenrasmussen commented 2 years ago


FYI - I was reviewing Jacob's comments on the post you provided. I decided to unload pyRevit just to check. After doing so, all file load exceptions in Dynamo went away. Also, black images in Revit seemed to resolve themselves. Launching the program again did the trick...not sure what was going on there.