DynamoDS / DynamoRevit

Dynamo Libraries for Revit
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Mesh Toolkit issues #2984

Open HC-Austin opened 9 months ago

HC-Austin commented 9 months ago

Dynamo Version

Core: Revit:

Revit Version


Operating System

Windows 10

What did you do?

Need to create a MeshTK Mesh for a code

What did you expect to see?

a TK Mesh

What did you see instead

Null Values


No response



Above image shows a test build where I create a standard mesh out of a group of elements, then convert them to Faceindices and VertexPositions and back to a TK mesh

This was a test because setting the asTookitMesh to true results in just nulls with no error so i wanted to see if I could reproduce the issue by using the Toolkit Mesh by vertices and indices

Note: this is not my actual code i'm building, just a test to demonstrate the issue and try to resolve without a bunch of other packages causing potential issues.


Packages used: image

HC-Austin commented 9 months ago

note, this code works 100% in earlier versions of Revit (23, 23, 21, ect)

avidit commented 9 months ago

@aparajit-pratap Any insights on this one?

mjkkirschner commented 9 months ago

The version of meshtoolkit that we have released is not compatible with the ADSK geometry library in Revit 2024. We have to make another release of the package. Theres been some internal discussions on this that we need to revisit first.