DynamoDS / DynamoRevit

Dynamo Libraries for Revit
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try updating subset of failing tests with new trace data #3012

Closed mjkkirschner closed 7 months ago

mjkkirschner commented 7 months ago


I expect that this PR will fix the following tests that are crossed out. The CopyPaste test, I am not sure how this is affected by element binding changes and will need to be able to run the test or to see a log to fix it.

~AddIns\Dynamo\SystemTests\Bugs\EleBindingTest.txt~ AddIns\Dynamo\SystemTests\Core\CPAllNodesOnRevit.txt ~AddIns\Dynamo\SystemTests\ElementBinding\MultiDimenDecReOpen.txt~ ~AddIns\Dynamo\SystemTests\ElementBinding\MultiDimenIncReOpen.txt~ ~AddIns\Dynamo\SystemTests\ElementBinding\MultipleCustomNodeInstance.txt~ ~AddIns\Dynamo\SystemTests\ElementBinding\NodeDelBeforeRun.txt~ ~AddIns\Dynamo\SystemTests\ElementBinding\SingleDimenDecReOpen.txt~ ~AddIns\Dynamo\SystemTests\ElementBinding\SingleDimenIncReOpen.txt~

(these were marked failure previously according to @Mikhinja) but I can now run them locally and they pass

~AddIns\Dynamo\SystemTests\ElementBinding\CreateInDynSaveCloseOpenRun.txt~ ~AddIns\Dynamo\SystemTests\ElementBinding\ExceptionThrown.txt~ ~AddIns\Dynamo\SystemTests\ElementBinding\JsonRestoresBinding.txt~ ~AddIns\Dynamo\SystemTests\ElementBinding\UpdateLocation.txt~

~I also give no guarantee this fixes anything as I can't run the tests.~

~I am still trying to convert RTF to the minimum viable console runner so I can execute them.~ (this is done but it's a a hacky mess, not ever intended for committing)

Additionally, there are many more element binding tests which were not included in the failure list that @Mikhinja provided me which is concerning.

I can think of two possibilities

  1. These tests are not useful since they somehow continue to pass even through we know element binding data is being ignored.
  2. These tests are not even run in the Revit test farm...

@sm6srw @Mikhinja any ideas? I did not update these tests yet, if I can get a local run then I will look at them.

In this PR I also updated a bunch of the old .RVT files to 2025 format so the tests run faster locally, this was necessary for a few tests were the update to the new format threw a warning.


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Mikhinja commented 7 months ago

Yes, I have an idea, they could have already been failing for a different reason after the .NET 7 migration, and I haven't got around to investigate them.