This is the official GitHub page for Refined Relocation!
The Java JDK is used to compile Refined Relocation.
Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for Java SE
, and download it (if you have a 64-bit OS, please download the 64-bit version).emerge dev-java/oracle-jdk-bin
pacman -S jdk7-openjdk
apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk
Control Panel\System and Security\System
, and click on Advanced System Settings
on the left-hand side.Environment Variables
.System Variables
, click New
.Variable Name
, input JAVA_HOME
.Variable Value
, input something similar to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51
(or wherever your Java JDK installation is), and click Ok
, and double-click on it.;%JAVA_HOME%\bin
. Make sure the location is correct; double-check just to make sure.javac
. If it spews out a bunch of possible options and the usage, then you're good to go. If not, try the steps again and make sure your Path
variable is correct.Git is used to clone Refined Relocation and update your local copy.
Mercurial is used to clone some dependencies of Refined Relocation.
This allows ForgeGradle to know what it's compiling.
) by executing mkdir [folder location]
and then cd [folder location]
. This location is known as mcdev
from now on.git clone
. This will download Refined Relocation's source into mcdev
|-Other misc Refined Relocation files (should include `build.gradle`)
Open a command line in your ForgeGradle folder and execute gradlew build
if using Windows.
Gradle will now install ForgeGradle, download all needed files and build Refined Relocation. This can take a while the first time.
Find your fresh copy of Refined Relocation in mcdev/build/libs
icon at the top-right of this page (below your username).Pull Request
at the right-hand side of the gray bar directly below your fork's name.Click to create a pull request for this comparison
, enter your PR's title, and make a description of what's changed.Send pull request
, and you're done!New Issue
right below Star
and Fork
.Submit new issue
, and you're done!