BubbleShowCase is an elegant and easy to use framework that provides developers with a user-friendly buble-like view you can display to help your users understand your App features, improve the use of some functionality or display your App onboarding. It consists of a translucent view that obscures the screen, a bubble that displays the message for your user and the targeted view itself.
pod 'BubbleShowCase'
To integrate BubbleShowCase into your Xcode project using Carthage, create a Cartfile
and add:
github "ECLaboratorio/BubbleShowCase-iOS"
You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:
$ brew update
$ brew install carthage
If you don't have know what HomeBrew is, check their site for installation instructions.
It's pretty simple to show-case a feature in your App by using BubbleShowCase framework. All you have to do is initializing a show case by using one of its constructors, customizing it the way you want and calling its show
let showCase: BubbleShowCase! = BubbleShowCase(target: myBarButton)
showCase.titleText = "You know what?"
showCase.descriptionText = "You can do amazing things if you tap on this navbar button"
showCase.image = UIImage(named: "show-case-bar-button")
showCase.show() // Simple as that
Note: You should call show
when the target is loaded, set and positioned in the screen.
BubbleShowCase offers several constructors depending on the targets. Use the specific constructor in case of UITableViewCell or UICollectionViewCell:
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, willDisplay cell: UITableViewCell, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
if indexPath.row == Constants.IndexPathForShowCase {
let showCase = BubbleShowCase(cell: cell, target: nil, arrowDirection: .down)
showCase.titleText = "Am I not in the screen?"
showCase.descriptionText = "I'll stop the scroll and make sure the cell displays"
showCase.shadowColor = UIColor.green
Customize your show cases according to your App style:
showCase.color = UIColor.yellow
showCase.textColor = UIColor.black
showCase.shadowColor = UIColor.black
showCase.crossColor = UIColor.red
showCase.arrowDirection = .up
showCase.titleText = "My first show case"
showCase.descriptionText = "I hope you enjoy it"
showCase.image = UIImage(named: "my-show-case-image")
showCase.delegate = self
showCase.titleFont = UIFont(name: "Roboto-Bold", size: 14)!
showCase.descriptionFont = UIFont(name: "Roboto-Regular", size: 13)!
showCase.showAnimationDuration = 0.2
showCase.dismissAnimationDuration = 0.2
showCase.flickerAnimationDuration = 0.2
// Use this to force your users to tap or perform any other gesture over the target view
showCase.isCrossDismissable = false
Do you need to show-case several features one after another? That's easy, you just have to call concat(bubbleShowCase:)
or show(after:)
. The former concatenates the argument as the next show case to show whereas the latter displays the show case after the argument:
let firstShowCase = BubbleShowCase(...)
let secondShowCase = BubbleShowCase(...)
firstShowCase.concat(bubbleShowCase: secondShowCase) // secondShowCase.show(after: firstShowCase)
Conform to BubbleShowCaseDelegate to be aware of the show case status in the screen or to be notified of common gestures recognized over the target:
let showCase = BubbleShowCase(...)
showCase.delegate = self
func bubbleShowCase(_ bubbleShowCase: BubbleShowCase, didTap target: UIView!, gestureRecognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
print("Target was tapped!")
Note: In order to show-case a UIBarButton, this must be constructed by means of a custom view:
let myBarButton = UIBarButtonItem(customView: myCustomView)
let showCase: BubbleShowCase! = BubbleShowCase(target: myBarButton)
For more information, please check our sample app.
If you have any issues or feedback, please visit issue section.
Please feel free to collaborate make this framework better.
is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.