ECMWFCode4Earth / CW4Floods

Main repository for challenge 31/2022: Flood forecasting: the power of citizen science
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Main repository for challenge 31/2022: Flood forecasting: the power of citizen science

How to contribute

- To make changes
  - Added it in the task for github
  - Link it to an issue
  - Create a branch for the same 
  - Make changes to your branch
  - Push your code
- Happy coding!

### Cheat sheet 
- To generate the requirements.txt `conda env export > environment.yaml`

### BUGS

If you have issue with cfgrib

This might not be required.
- pip uninstall cfgrib
- conda install ecmwflibs
- conda install eccodes==1.3.1
- conda install cfgrib
- conda install -e .

and only this might be required
- conda install -c conda-forge cfgrib

### To-DO 
- Improve the readme file.

### Step by step guide

- Make sure that efas, and the crowd water data is already present in the folder directories mentioned on the top.
- Running the script `` would generate `station_ind.tsv`. This will in default setting have all the station index inside which we have a crowdwater station.