EDM-Research / cross-that-boundary-mmsys23-nossdav

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NOSSDAV '23 Artifact "Cross that boundary: Investigating the feasibility of cross-layer information sharing for enhancing ABR decision logic over QUIC"

This repository contains the necessary artifacts to reproduce the findings of the NOSSDAV 2023 paper submission "Cross that boundary: Investigating the feasibility of cross-layer information sharing for enhancing ABR decision logic over QUIC" by Herbots and Verstraete et al.

The instructions below are to reproduce our findings using the Vegvisir QUIC-HTTP/3 testing framework.

Repository structure

Instructions for reproducing the setup with Vegvisir and examining the results

Setting up the testing framework

  1. Create an empty folder in which to reproduce the setup, we shall henceforth refer to this as root
  2. Navigate to root
  3. Clone and follow the installation instructions over at the Vegvisir repository
    1. Enter the cloned vegvisir folder
    2. Follow the recommended instructions and make use of a virtual environment called venv
      1. To make execution on ubuntu easier, install the following software apt install python-is-python3 python3.10-venv
    3. Additionally install the following pip packages manually, we will need these for the scripts further down the line: pip install numpy matplotlib
  4. Navigate back to root and clone this repository git clone https://github.com/EDM-Research/cross-that-boundary-mmsys23-nossdav.git paper
  5. Create the required Docker containers for Vegvisir
    1. Navigate to paper/cross-layer-implementation and create a Docker image using the provided Dockerfile: docker build -t godashcl .
    2. Navigate to paper/tc-netem-shaper and create a Docker image using the provided Dockerfile: docker build -t tc-netem-cl .
  6. Copy all Vegvisir environment scripts from root/paper/paper-utilities/vegvisir-scripts/ to root/vegvisir/vegvisir/environments, overwrite existing files
  7. Copy root/paper/paper-utilities/segmentGraph.py to root/vegvisir/util/
  8. Navigate to root/vegvisir/util/ and clone the ITU-p1203 standalone implementation: git clone https://github.com/itu-p1203/itu-p1203.git
  9. Navigate into the itu-p1203 folder and install the implementation with pip install .
    1. Make sure the virtual environment of step 3 is still enabled!
  10. Copy the contents of root/paper/paper-utilities/vegvisir-configurations/ to root/vegvisir
  11. Increase the UDP receive buffer size (non-BSD instructions)
    1. *Note: This is volatile. To make this change permanent, add the configuration to /etc/sysctl.conf and reload the configuration with sudo sysctl --system

Preparing the dataset
This paper makes use of the MPEG-DASH dataset provided by Lederer et al.

  1. Navigate to root/ and create an empty folder called datasets, then navigate into root/datasets/
  2. Create three folders BigBuckBunny, OfForestAndMen and ElephantsDream
  3. Retrieve the 2sec, 4sec and 6sec datasets in their respective folders of the following datasets (we recommend using wget --recursive --no-parent --reject="*index.html*" -nc -l 20 --continue {URL}):
    1. Big Buck Bunny
    2. Of Forest And Men
    3. Elephants Dream
    4. Note: the 2sec, 4sec and 6sec folders should be placed in the roots of BigBuckBunny, OfForestAndMen and ElephantsDream (e.g., BigBuckBunny/2sec/..., BigBuckBunny/4sec/... and BigBuckBunny/6sec/...)
  4. Navigate to root/paper/paper-utilities
  5. Convert the 9 MPDs with simple in the name using the Convert_to_BBA2.py script
    1. python Convert_to_BBA2.py /full/path/to/simple.mpd produces MPDs compatible with our BBA2, BBA2-CL and BBA2-CLDouble ABR algorithms
    2. E.g., python Convert_to_BBA2.py root/datasets/BigBuckBunny/2sec/BigBuckBunny_2s_simple_2014_05_09.mpd
  6. Navigate to root/datasets and execute pwd to retrieve the full path to this folder, copy this in your clipboard
  7. Open root/vegvisir/paper_experiment_full.json and paste the copied path in the settings > www_dir JSON key (bottom of file)

Run the experiment

  1. Navigate to root/vegvisir, make sure the virtual environment is enabled
  2. Execute python -m vegvisir run paper_experiment_full.json
    1. Vegvisir will show the experiment progress in the console
    2. If any errors occur, recheck the above steps for any mistakes
  3. After completion, the results of all testcases can be found in root/vegvisir/logs/cross_layer_paper/{datetime of run}
    1. The folder structure will be the same as paper-logs explained in the section above.

Convenience script
Checking every testcase folder individually is cumbersome and it makes comparing results difficult. As such we have provided a small convenience HTML page that autoloads the graphs produced by the above experiment and displays them on a grid.
Note: This script only displays graphs for the above mentioned datasets. If you want to display other datasets/test setups, please change the script accordingly.

  1. Copy the root/paper/paper-utilities/visualize_ouput.html file to root/vegvisir/logs/
  2. Open and edit the variable on line 86 to represent the correct folder prefix as explained in instruction 19
  3. Navigate to root/vegvisir/logs/ and perform python -m http.server
  4. Open a web browser and navigate to