EGI-Federation / fedcloud-dashboard

Common dashboard for the EGI Cloud Compute service
MIT License
3 stars 2 forks source link

FedCloud dashboard

A web dashboard which shows all OpenStack Horizon endpoints published in EGI GOCDB


This code relies on docker-compose to run 3 containers:

The existing docker-compose file assumes you will run the code on a publicly accessible host with a valid name. You can create a .env file with the DASHBOARD_HOSTNAME variable defined with the hostname of your server and just start the service:

cd /path/to/working/directory
git clone
echo "DASHBOARD_HOSTNAME="<your host name>" > .env
docker-compose up --build

This will build the container that generates the list of endpoints and start all the process to make the dashboard available.

Running locally

If you don't have a publicly accessible host, the easiest is to manually run dashy and the code to generate the list of endpoints:

First clone the repository:

cd /path/to/working/directory
git clone

Create a conda environment with requirements:

# Download and install conda
cd /path/to/conda/install/folder
bash -b -p conda-install
source conda-install/etc/profile.d/

# Create conda environment using the environment.yml file
cd /path/to/working/directory/fedcloud-dashboard/
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate horizon-aggregator

Test whether the query script works:

cd /path/to/working/directory/fedcloud-dashboard/
python dashboard/ > assets/config.yml

Use the generated conf.yml with dashy:

cd /path/to/working/directory/fedcloud-dashboard/
docker run  \
       -p 8080:8080 \
       -v $PWD/assets:/www/assets/ \

And point your browser to http://localhost:8080 to see your dashboard running