EIN-1 / justask

This is a blog that allows you to ask questions and receive answers form other users.
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JustAsk Blog - Project Portfolio 4

am responsive

1. Key project information

Table of Contents


Project Management

Kanban Board & User Stories

I've been using the application Kanban Board and the project board in GitHub to keep my project together. It has been working really well and has helped me structure up my work a lot. Trello was used on a more general plan and GitHub was used to plan and organize my user stories.

Kanban Board

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Database Schema

application draw.io.

Models used (besides standard user model) in this project are:


Database Schema

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Existing Features:

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The Idea

Just ask Blog website is a question-and-answer website where users can ask questions, answer questions, and interact with other users by liking or dislinking comments. It covers a wide range of topics from technology and business to health and entertainment. Users can follow topics, answer questions based on their expertise, and engage in discussions with a community of users. Just Ask's objective is to connect people with information and allow them to share knowledge and learn from each other.

The Ideal User

The target audience is anyone curouis of the outside world and is interested to interact with other people.

Site Goals


As a thought process of the strategy plane, 9 epics were created and utilized. Please see below the detail list of epics with links, or a link to the project's Kanban Board. Those Epics were further sliced into USER STORIES.

Kanban Board

User stories

User stories were created based on the Epics. Each user story uses the MoSCoW prioritization technique. Each user story on the Kanban Board was given (MoSCoW) labels.


MoSCoW prioritization technique stands for:

Must-Have: Critical requirements that must be implemented for the project to be considered successful.

Should-Have: Important requirements that are not critical but add significant value.

Could-Haves: Desirable features that would be nice to have but are not crucial.

Won't-Have: Features that are explicitly excluded from the project scope.

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Surface Plane

Color pallette

Used Elements

Landing Page


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Forms authenticators

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User feedback

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Admin feedback and authentication

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Responsiveness Test

The responsive design tests were carried out manually with Google Chrome DevTools and Responsive Design.

Desktop Display > 1280px Display < 1280px
Render pass pass
Links pass pass
Images pass pass
Tablet Samsung Galaxy Tab 10 Amazon Kindle Fire iPad Mini iPad Pro
Render pass pass pass pass
Links pass pass pass pass
Images pass pass pass pass
Phone Galaxy S5/S6/S7/S20+ iPhone 6/7/8/ plus iPhone 14pro max
Render pass pass pass pass
Links pass pass pass pass
Images pass pass pass pass

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Browser Compatibility

justask blog was tested for functionality and appearance in the following browsers on desktop. No visible or funcional issues on all the browsers below.

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Technologies Used

Main Language

Frameworks, Libraries & Programs

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Version Control

The version control was maintained using git within Codeanywhere to push code to the main repository.


Validator Testing

html validator

css validator

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Manual Testing

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Remaining Bugs

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Error Pages

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Transfer of progress from IDE


How To Fork The Repository On GitHub

It is possible to do a copy of a GitHub Repository by forking the GitHub account. The copy can then be viewed and it is also possible to do changes in the copy without affecting the original repository. To fork the repository, take these steps:

  1. After logging in to GitHub, locate the repository. On the top right side of the page there is a 'Fork' button. Click on the button to create a copy of the original repository.


Create A Local Clone of A Project

To create a local clone of your repository, follow these steps:

  1. When you are in the repository, find the code tab and click it.
  2. To the left of the green GitPod button, press the 'code' menu. There you will find a link to the repository. Click on the clipboard icon to copy the URL. Use an IDE and open Git Bash. Change directory to the location where you want the cloned directory to be made.
  3. Type git clone, and then paste the URL that you copied from GitHub. Press enter and a local clone will be created.

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Offline cloning

Deployment Prerequisites


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Deployment to Heroku


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The application Just Ask was completed as the Portfolio Project 4 for the Full Stack Software Development Diploma at the Code Institute.