ELRI National Relay Station (fork of the ELRC-SHARE repository)
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ELRI National Relay Station (forked from the ELRC-SHARE SOFTWARE)


This code base is a fork of the ELRC-SHARE software, itself a fork of the META-SHARE software.

With respect to the ELRC-SHARE, the ELRI National Relay Station (NRS) software will integrate, among other things:



In order to set up a minimal working development version of the platform, the following steps need to be undertaken:

  1. Copy metashare/local_settings.sample to metashare/local_settings.py and change the local_settings accordingly.

  2. Set up a Python 2 virtualenv

    virtualenv venv

    activate it

    source venv/bin/activate

    and install the dependencies via

    pip install -r requirements.txt

    Check the version for psycopg2 in the requirements file. You may need to use psycopg2==2.7. Check if flup is also in the requirements file. It may be needed.

    If this error occurs:

    django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Error loading psycopg2 module: /data/elri/ELRI/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/psycopg2/.libs/./libresolv-2-c4c53def.5.so: symbol __res_maybe_init version GLIBC_PRIVATE not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference

    Try upgrading psycopg2:

    pip install psycopg2 --upgrade
  3. Launch Solr by cd-ing in the solr/ folder and doing

    java -jar -Djetty.port=chosen_port start.jar

    Make sure to update the SOLR_URL and TESTING_SOLR_URL environment variables in metashare/local_settings.py accordingly.

  4. Set up a PostgreSQL database and provide relevant information to the relevant local_settings.py section, this is updating the DATABASES variable.

    4.1. Install postgresql

    sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib

    4.2. Change postgresql access mode to create new database(s) and user(s). Edit the pb_hba.conf file by using the editor of your choice. The file pg_hba.conf will most likely be at /etc/postgresql/9.x/main/pg_hba.conf or /etc/postgresql/10/main/pg_hba.conf

    sudo <editor> /etc/postgresql/10/main/pg_hba.conf
    #Database administrative login by Unix domain socket
    #local all postgres peer
    local all postgres trust
    # Database administrative login by Unix domain socket
    #local  all             all                                     peer
    local   all             all                                     md5
    # Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the
    # replication privilege.  
    #local  replication     all                                     peer
    local   replication     all                                     md5

    And restart the postgresql service

    sudo service postgresql restart

    4.3. Create a user and assign to it a password. The one you will add to the local_settings.py file.

    psql -U postgres
    postgres=# create role your_user;
    postgres=# alter user your_user with encrypted password 'yourPassword' ;
     and allow this user to login to the psql service:
    createdb -U postgres your_user
    psql -U postgres
    postgres=# grant all privileges on database your_user to your_user ;
    postgres=# ALTER ROLE "your_user" WITH LOGIN;

    At this point, you will be able to login with your user doing psql -U your_user.

    4.4. Create a database. The one you will add to the local_settings.py file. And grant permissions to the user you created before.

    createdb -U postgres your_metashare_db
    psql -U postgres
    postgres=# grant all privileges on database your_metashare_db to \
    your_user ;

    If you have allowed the login for the your_user user, you will be able to login on the your_metashare_db data base by doing

    psql -U your_user your_metashare_db

    4.5. Check the postgresql service port:

    sudo netstat -nl | grep postgres
    unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     186337   /var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5433

    and check the PORT field in the DATABASES variable of the local_settings.py, in this case it should be 5433.

  5. Generate migrations for the relevant apps by doing a

    python manage.py makemigrations accounts repository stats \
    recommendations storage
  6. Do a

    python manage.py migrate

    to set up the DB schema.

  7. Do a

    python manage.py rebuild_index

    to set up the Solr index.

  8. Create the directories metashare/unprocessed and metashare/processed.

  9. Create the file metashare/maintainers.dat, which should have the following format:


    for each authorised country_name/maintainer_user_name in the system.

  10. Create the folder specified in the STATIC_ROOT metashare/local_settings.py environment variable and run

    python manage.py collectstatic

    to collect all static files to the STATIC_ROOT directory.

  11. Create a superuser so that one can log in to the application:

    python manage.py createsuperuser

    and follow the instructions.

  12. Add to the local_settings.py the list of ALLOWED_HOSTS from which the webapp will be available:

    ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['', 'localhost']

    Should you need to access the development server from remote machines, you need to set up ALLOWED_HOSTS to accept connections from any host:

    ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["*"]

    Also, check the DJANGO_BASE and the DJANGO_URL variables to know the base path under which Django is deployed. By default, the webapp will be deployed in http://localhost:8000/django_base_value.

  13. Do a

    python manage.py runserver --insecure

    to launch the app in the development mode.

    If you want to launch the app in development mode and make it available from an internal network run:

    python manage.py runserver --insecure

    We provide the start_dev_webapp.sh script for starting the app in development mode and making it accessible from an internal network. And the stop_dev_webapp.sh script to stop the webapp. Notice that you may need to change the ports used in these scripts.