ELETTRA-SincrotroneTrieste / cumbia-libs

Generic purpose C++ multi threaded library, C++ Tango and Epics modules, Qt components for control system graphical user interfaces
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 4 forks source link



Cumbia is a library that offers a carefree approach to multi-threaded application design and implementation. Written from scratch, it can be seen as the evolution of the QTango library, because it offers a more flexible and object oriented multi-threaded programming style. Less concern about locking techniques and synchronization, and well defined design patterns stand for more focus on the work to be performed inside Cumbia Activities and reliable and reusable software as a result. The user writes Activities and decides when their instances are started and to which thread they belong. A token is used to register an Activity, and activities with the same token are run in the same thread. Computed results can be forwarded to the main execution thread, where a GUI can be updated. In conjunction with the Cumbia-Tango module, this framework serves the developer willing to connect an application to the Tango control system. The integration is possible both on the client and the server side. An example of a TANGO device using Cumbia to do work in background has already been developed, as well as simple Qt graphical clients relying on the framework. An Epics module has been added to the cumbia-libs set.

Release 2.0

CHANGELOG.md contains the detailed list of changes across versions. If you have a cumbia 1.x background, the suggestion is to read the dedicated documentation.

cumbia-world super project

Since version 2.0, a cumbia-world super project collects libraries and plugins all together and provides a Makefile (with initial support for cmake) for an automated build of the entire world.

Enabling or disabling specific components is as easy as editing a simple text recipe.


The base library supports several engines, including:


The default installation provides some base applications ready to be used with the supported engines

The cumbia random module is a tool to test the behaviour and performance of the upper level modules (e.g. the graphical components) without connecting to any control system.

(1) Auto completion is provided by the qumbia-tango-findsrc-plugin.

Library documentation

cumbia documentation is hosted on github pages.

Visit the dedicated github.io pages.

Enjoy and safely test the latest version of the library

New releases of the library, including the version from the master branch, can be built and installed locally, under the user's home directory. Thereafter, a one line instruction is enough to use and test the latest features.

Build using the cubuild.sh script method discussed below (editing scripts/config.sh and changing the prefix= line) and then proceed to the instructions described in the local environment setup section.

Download and installation

Download the cumbia-libs set of modules

cd $HOME/Downloads

git clone https://github.com/ELETTRA-SincrotroneTrieste/cumbia-libs.git

Check pkgconfig and dependencies

Most of the software relies on pkgconfig for its configuration. Please be sure that the PKG_CONFIG_PATH includes the relevant dependencies required by cumbia. For example:



shows the list of the required packages to build all the modules in cumbia-libs: omniorb, tango, zeromq, epics qwt...

Qt5 or Qt6

Cumbia 2.x build under Qt version 6! Apart from the Qt libraries, qwt needs to be built with qt-6. Pkg config path may need to be updated. Any reference to other installations of qt-5 based cumbia-libs or qwt shall be removed from the PKG_CONFIG_PATH.

Prepare an ubuntu system for cumbia installation (time: 5 - 8 minutes)

If you are interested in using ubuntu, please refer to the instructions in README.UBUNTU.md file. Since cumbia requires the C++-17 standard, the Tango packages shipped with ubuntu are not compatible (at least at the moment of writing this moment and ubuntu-19.10). Therefore a manual build of both Tango and its zeromq dependency are presently needed. Omniorb dependency can be installed with apt-get.

The README.UBUNTU.md describes the following procedures aimed at the cumbia installation:

Quick installation using the cubuild bash script

The cubuild.sh bash scripts installs the cumbia base libraries and apps, including support for either Tango or Epics, or both, if specified.

Dependency checklist for an installation with Tango, EPICS and random modules

This section can be skipped if you have installed an ubuntu system following the instructions in README.UBUNTU.md.

Necessary dependencies

Once all dependencies are installed on your system, check the file scripts/config.sh, where:

The installation prefix can also be set through an environment variable. We provide two scenarios:

export install_prefix=/usr/local/cumbia-libs

export install_prefix=/home/myself/.local/cumbia-libs


Another environment variable named build_dir can be exported to let the script build the libraries under the specified build directory. If install_prefix=A and build_dir=B, then the directory B can be copied (moved) to A after building and this just works fine for the installation. In other words, whatever is build_dir, at last libraries and includes must be placed under install_prefix.

EPICS modules require two environment variables:

The cumbia-random doesn't need any special prerequisite.

Install cumbia through scripts/cubuild.sh

The build process can be automated by executing

scripts/cubuild.sh install tango epics random

from the cumbia-libs directory resulting from the git clone ... command above.

The command in the example builds and installs the cumbia base modules, cumbia-tango, qumbia-tango-controls, cumbia-epics, qumbia-epics-controls, cumbia-random, qumbia-apps and qumbia-plugins


scripts/cubuild.sh --help for more options

You will be asked some questions during the install process. Read them carefully before answering yes [y] or no [n]. In particular, at the end of the installation, cubuild.sh will try to detect if the chosen prefix lib directory (default: /usr/local/lib) is already included in the ldconfig search paths. If not, you have two possibilities:

With the same logic, the script scans the PATH environment variable to determine if install_prefix/bin is included. If not, a new file named cumbia-bin-path.sh can be placed under /etc/profile.d to append to the PATH list install_prefix/bin.


  1. If the script does not prompt for the installation of cumbia-bin-path.sh, you have probably already included install_prefix/bin in your $PATH. The opposite may happen:
  2. install_prefix/bin is in the user's $PATH but still the script asks to add cumbia-bin-path.sh to /etc/profile.d: you have probably called the cubuild.sh script with sudo, and the PATH is thus different from the user's.

If the quick installation using the cubuild.sh bash script fails, please read the step by step installation procedure to point out the possible causes.

Post installation

The install procedure will ask your permission to add paths to the sytem profile. If this is accepted, you may need to execute

source /etc/profile before using cumbia

Set up the environment for a local installation

If you installed the libraries either using a custom prefix or without modifying the system profile, you can set up an environment in bash by typing

source $install_prefix/bin/cusetenv.sh

This is useful if you are testing new versions locally.


export TANGO_HOST=test-tango-host:PORT cumbia read sys/tg_test/test/double_scalar sys/tg_test/test/long_scalar


Foreword about plugin path

cumbia plugins are installed under

and they are searched under the QT_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable at runtime. The command

source $install_prefix/bin/cusetenv.sh exports the variable for you. Alternatively, the QT_PLUGIN_PATH should be correctly set if the system profile files installation option was selected.

Additional plugin installation

Once installed the main distribution package, you may want to add some plugins.

Change directory one level up:

cd ..

Clone the desired plugin(s). Example: qumbia-tango-findsrc-plugin for bash auto completion of Tango source names.

git clone https://github.com/ELETTRA-SincrotroneTrieste/qumbia-tango-findsrc-plugin

cd qumbia-tango-findsrc-plugin

Follow the build instructions provided with the plugin. Usually, if it is a Qt project, you will need to execute qmake, make and make install. According to how install_prefix has been chosen in the cumbia-libs installation, two scenarios are possible:


qmake INSTALL_PREFIX=$install_prefix

After qmake, make and make install can be issued

make && make install


If the install_prefix is the same as that used for cumbia-libs, the plugins are installed under


and the QT_PLUGIN_PATH required to find the plugins for the base cumbia-libs can be used for the additional ones as well. If you proceed otherwise, remember to add the plugin installation directory to QT_PLUGIN_PATH.

Upgrading cumbia

If cumbia has been installed with the cubuild.sh bash script, upgrading is as easy as typing

cumbia upgrade

on a terminal.


If you followed the instructions above, you should have a copy of the cumbia-libs sources under $HOME/Downloads and executed scripts/cubuild.sh from within $HOME/Downloads/cumbia-libs.

The following observations must be taken into account to let cumbia upgrade work properly:

If you remove the folder, cumbia upgrade will not work and you will have to git clone cumbia-libs and manually execute

scripts/cubuild.sh update && scripts/cubuild.sh tango install

once again.

Step by step installation

The meson build system

The Meson Build System is an open source build system designed to be fast and user friendly. It provides multi platform support. The cumbia, cumbia-tango and cumbia-epics modules rely on meson for compilation and installation. Dedicated sections below for each module. The modules involving the Qt libraries, cumbia-qtcontrols, qumbia-tango-controls and qumbia-epics-controls adopt Qt's qmake build system. Meson configuration files are named meson.build. One file resides inside the main project directory and another one, intended to build and install the documentation, is under the doc subdirectory. For the cumbia library, you will find:

The meson.build files are the sole build configuration files. They have been prepared by the developer but they can be edited according to your needs.


As the Using Meson guide states, meson has two main dependencies:

On Ubuntu these can be easily installed with the following command:

sudo apt-get install python3 ninja-build meson

Another way (recommended by the guide) to get Meson is to pip install it for your user:

pip3 install --user meson

Notes about compiling a meson project

For each meson project (cumbia, cumbia-tango and cumbia-epics) you need to create a separate build directory. For example, to build cumbia:

cd cumbia

meson builddir

Meson will not allow you to build source code inside your source tree. All build artifacts are stored in the build directory. This allows you to have multiple build trees with different configurations at the same time. This way generated files are not added into revision control by accident.

Checking the meson project configuration

After meson buildir is run, you can optionally check the configuration with meson configure. Change into the build directory:

cd builddir

and optionally run:

meson configure

You can switch on debug build:

meson configure -Dbuildtype=debug

or release:

meson configure -Dbuildtype=release

To change the default prefix (/usr/local and includedir /usr/local/include/cumbia):

meson configure -Dprefix=/tmp

meson configure -Dincludedir=/tmp/include

The last command would install the cumbia include files under:


because the instruction: "install_headers(headers, subdir : 'cumbia')" specified by the developer in the meson.build file installs the header files under the cumbia child of the include directory. This observation is valid for cumbia, cumbia-tango and cumbia-epics modules.

Normally, if you don't change the aforementioned options with meson configure, libraries are placed under:

include files under:

and documentation in:

See the Using Meson documentation for more details.

1. Install cumbia base library

cd cumbia

Create build directory and let meson populate it with the necessary set up files:

meson builddir

Change into the build directory:

cd builddir

Optionally check the build configuration:

meson configure

and compile the sources:


To recompile after code changes, just type ninja. The build command is always the same. You can do arbitrary changes to source code and build system files and Meson will detect them.

To install the library, the documentation and the pkg config file, run:

ninja install

To read the documentation, execute:

ninja show-docs

The index.html of the cumbia docs should be opened in the default web browser.

2. Install the cumbia-tango module if you want to connect to the Tango control system

cd ../cumbia-tango

meson builddir

cd builddir


meson configure

Build library and docs:


Install everything:

ninja install

To read the documentation, execute:

ninja show-docs

The index.html of the cumbia-tango docs should be opened in the default web browser.

Note if you installed cumbia outside a system wide directory, you may have to update the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment so that it contains cumbia's lib/pkgconfig directory containing the cumbia.pc file. For example:

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/home/giacomo/devel/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig

Next, install the cumbia qtcontrols module: a set of widgets to compose graphical user interfaces that understand cumbia.

3. The cumbia-qtcontrols module

This module provides a set of Qt widgets aware of the cumbia data model. cumbia-qtcontrols is independent from the actual engine (Tango or Epics) that is used to connect to a control system.

In order to build this module, you need the Qt and [Qwt libraries] (http://qwt.sourceforge.net/). If you build Qwt from sources, remember to uncomment (enable) the line

QWT_CONFIG += QwtPkgConfig

in the qwtconfig.pri Qwt build configuration file. Then you can proceed to building the cumbia-qtcontrols module as follows:

cd ../cumbia-qtcontrols

Set the install path for the cumbia-qtcontrols module in cumbia-qtcontrols.pri (example: /usr/local):

INSTALL_ROOT = /usr/local


If the option

QWT_CONFIG += QwtPkgConfig in the qwtconfig.pri Qwt configuration file has been enable, qmake should print a message like this:

Project MESSAGE: Qwt: using pkg-config to configure qwt includes and libraries (Qt5Qwt6)

Otherwise, it may be necessary to adjust the cumbia-qtcontrols.pri configuration file in order to specify where Qwt is installed. The relevant configuration directives to look for are the following:


Inspect cumbia-qtcontrols.pri to see where and how these are used.

Once the


directive has been set, you can build and install cumbia-qtcontrols.

make && make install

will finally install the libraries (and the documentation, with no extra commands this time) in the location specified by the directive


in cumbia-qtcontrols.pri

4. The qumbia-tango-controls module

qumbia-tango-controls glues the cumbia-qtcontrols module and the cumbia-tango engine together.

cd ../qumbia-tango-controls

See the considerations done for the cumbia-qtcontrols Qwt and cumbia-qtcontrols.pri configuration options and then proceed the same way to build the library and install the documentation:


make && make install

5. cumbia-epics.

The cumbia-epics module can be installed as follows:

cd ../cumbia-epics

meson builddir

cd builddir

Configuration through pkg-config is not available because some early EPICS versions do not provide a pkgconfig file and newer versions' support seems not complete. The installation procedure relies on the definition of two variables that can be passed to meson with the -D option:

meson configure -Depics_base=$EPICS_BASE meson configure -Depics_host_arch=$EPICS_HOST_ARCH

In the example above, EPICS_BASE and EPICS_HOST_ARCH are environment variables defined earlier. You can provide the actual values to the -D options as well:

meson configure -Depics_base=/usr/local/epics/base- meson configure -Depics_host_arch=$linux-x86_64

Don't forget to specify the installation directory, and the libdir option if you want to install the libraries under lib rather then lib64. The -Dbuildtype= option can be used to build the module in release or debug mode. A meson configure command condensed in one line looks like this:

meson configure -Depics_base=$EPICS_BASE -Depics_host_arch=$EPICS_HOST_ARCH -Dprefix=/usr/local/cumbia-libs -Dlibdir=lib -Dbuildtype=release

Build library and docs:


Install cumbia-epics:

ninja install

To read the documentation, execute:

ninja show-docs

The index.html of the cumbia-epics docs should be opened in the default web browser.


Check that the PKG_CONFIG_PATH contains the epics-base lib/pkgconfig directory.

6. qumbia-epics-controls

The qumbia-epics-controls module integrates cumbia-epics with cumbia-qtcontrols.


cd ../qumbia-epics-controls

The same care needed for the cumbia-qtcontrols Qwt and cumbia-qtcontrols.pri configuration must be taken. Then build the library and install the documentation:

qmake make && make install

7. Plugins

7a. cumbia-dbus - DBus plugin for cumbia

cd ../qumbia-plugins/cumbia-dbus

Adjust cumbia-dbus.pro include() directive if necessary



make install

7b. cumbia-multiread - Multiple reader for cumbia

cd ../cumbia-multiread

Adjust cumbia-multiread.pro if necessary



make install

7c. Qt designer plugin

cd ../qt-designer/

Adjust qt-designer.pro if necessary:



make install

8. Build some basic applications

cd ../qumbia-apps

Some base tools are provided to test the cumbia-libs and perform some basic operations on the underlying control system (reading or writing quantities).

8a. qumbia-client: a client to read/write from/to Tango and Epics:

cd qumbia-client

Check qumbia-client.pro and adjust the include directives if needed. Beware that the lines

CONFIG+=link_pkgconfig and PKGCONFIG +=

tell Qt to rely on pkgconfig for dependency resolution. See the comments on the cumbia-qtcontrols section above.

To build generic_client type:



Read the README.txt for details

./qumbia-client test/device/1/double_scalar,giacomo:ai1,test/device/1/double_spectrum_ro

starts the qumbia-client and performs readings on the two Tango attributes specified and the Epics PV giacomo:ai1

make install

copies the qumbia-client binary file into INSTALL_ROOT/bin. See qumbia-client.pro

If the library has been installed with the scripts/cubuild.sh procedure, the command

cumbia client test/device/1/double_scalar,giacomo:ai1,test/device/1/double_spectrum_ro

will start the client

8b. qumbiaprojectwizard: create a new Qt + cumbia project with a graphical interface.

Change into the project directory:

cd ../qumbiaprojectwizard

Check INSTALL_ROOT, SHAREDIR, TEMPLATES_INSTALLDIR directives in qumbiaprojectwizard.pro before building the project, so that make install places the binary and the templates under $${INSTALL_ROOT}/bin and $${TEMPLATES_INSTALLDIR}/ INCLUDEDIR variable in qumbiaprojectwizard.pro must correctly point to the root include dir where cumbia, cumbia-tango, qumbia-tango-controls, cumbia-epics, qumbia-epics-controls have been installed, for example /usr/local/



make install

qumbiaprojectwizard is an essential tool to create a project skeleton that is later typically edited with the Qt designer. You will have to build and install the cuuimake tool below in order to successfully build a cumbia Qt application generated with qumbiaprojectwizard and edited with the Qt designer.

8c. [cumbia < 2.1 ] cuuimake: a tool to configure a Qt project with cumbia widgets (parses Qt designer-generated ui files and

expands .h and .cpp files in the project to make their constructors compatible with cumbia-qtcontrols classes constructors). This is an essential tool prior to cumbia version 2.1. Since 2.1, cuuimake is no more necessary, provided that QuApplication is used.

Go into cuuimake's source directory:

cd ../cuuimake

Edit cuuimake.pro if you need to adjust the INSTALL_ROOT and the SHAREDIR paths:



Install the cuuimake utility that must be used before building any cumbia project created with qumbiaprojectwizard and edited with the Qt designer:

make install

Extensive information about cuuimake can be found in the qumbia-tango-controls documentation installed according to the instructions given in the fourth paragraph. (cuuimake/html/md_src_cuuimake.html)

9. Test applications.

9a. Creation and deletion of objects

This application lets you create and destroy objects during execution, to check for memory leaks and test stability.

cd qumbia-apps/test/create-delete


Test with an arbitrary number of sources. For example, Tango attributes:

./bin/create-delete test/device/1/double_scalar test/device/2/double_scalar test/device/1/long_scalar

9b. Watcher application example

This example shows how to use QuWatcher class to read data and display it on arbitrary objects or internal class attributes.

cd ../watcher



Launch the watcher application with a Tango device name

./bin/watcher test/device/1

9c. context: an example to understand the context (Tango):

This example shows how to send and receive data to/from a reader. The application relies on the Tango engine. You can start, stop a reader, change the refresh mode, the period, get and send data from the link.

cd qumbia-tango-controls/examples/context



Start the application with a Tango attribute as parameter

./bin/context test/device/1/double_scalar


Giacomo Strangolino