EMMA app
MIT License
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Fertility treatments can be rather challenging, mentally and physically.

Let’s make fertility treatments easier!

Emma is a free app, specially designed to assist women with organizing their fertility journey: protocols, injection times, lab results, follicles size, trigger shots – follow up is challenging! Emma app is here to help with organizing and saving the medical records.

Emma app was founded by a team of volunteers led by a physician, in order to help women and families to go through fertility treatments without getting lost down the road, between all the paperwork and tests.

After finding out that most of the people track their treatment on paper, we believed it was time for a change.

Talented developers - your help is needed!

The year is 2022, and women still run their fertility follow up on papers. Our team of volunteers created a free app dedicated to assist women undergoing fertility treatments with managing their treatment.

We still have a few open issues where your help would be greatly appreciated. The application is designed in React Native (javascript) powered by Expo. Among the subjects: debugging, implementation of a tutorial screens, development of a new feature.


Built using React Native on Expo


Run yarn android to debug, yarn build-android for a production build and yarn upload-anrdoid to publish a new version to Play Store.


Make sure you have an emulator listed: emulator -list-avds

Start up your emulator: emulator -avd [avd-name] (i.e emulator -avd Pixel_2_API_29). Note this is a blocking command.

To install apk: adb install emma-XXX.apk


Run yarn ios to debug, yarn-build-ios to create app to run in simulator and yarn build-ios-prod to create a production app.


To install app on simulator:

rm -rf emma.app
tar -xzf ~/Downloads/emma-XXX.tar.gz -C .
xcrun simctl install booted emma.app
xcrun simctl launch booted com.emma.app