EMZEDI / pythia-hallucination

Set of experiments to evaluate hallucination on the Pythia suite
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Set of experiments to evaluate hallucination on the Pythia suite on multiple checkpoints of one model size.

MIND pipeline for the activation extraction

This version of the code uses the MIND framework in order to extract the activations of Pythia models for hallucination explainability on the wikipedia dataset.


To install the required packages, create a python3.10 environment (3.10.11 preferred) and run pip install -r requirements.txt.


  1. Generate the data on multiple models for future analysis:
    • Run python ./MIND/generate_data.py --model_type <1b, 2.4b etc.> --model_family pythia --step_num <1 to 143 for the checkpoints> to generate the data for the models of the Pythia suite. The script is meant to be run for one model size accross multiple checkpoints.
    • This will generate MIND train, valid, and test json files for the model at the specified checkpoint executed on the truncated inputs. This data will be saved to the ./MIND/auto-labeled/output/ directory.
    • Finally run python ./MIND/utils/gather_results.py --model_family <> --model_type <> to gather the results from the generated data. The results will be saved to ./data/diff_results.csv and is the file that shows the wikipedia examples on which the models hallucinate in an oscillatory manner.
  2. Extract the activations from the generated data:
    • Run python ./MIND/generate_hd_chunk.py which automatically looks at the directories of the generated results (3 checkpoints for now) and extracts the activations for the hallucination examples. The activations are compiled in one json file for each data point and saved in the ./data/hidden_layer_activations.json files.
  3. The activations can be used to generate the explanations for the hallucinations over the training process of a model.

Running the experiments with HPC