ENEZA-DSI / mini-projects-2024

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Project 2: Open Data in Health in Kenya: What is available? #2

Open kipkurui opened 1 month ago

jbasiimwe commented 1 month ago

I am John baptist Asiimwe from Aga Khan Uganda, school of nursing and midwifery. I have a background in nursing, midwifery, and public health.

I am interested in this project as my second choice because numerous data sets exist, especially the DHS data. I have analyzed and published findings using this type of data especially around factors or explanatory variables for various public health problems but I have not applied any machine learning and AI technologies to help solve some social problems such as poor health seeking behaviours for diarheal illnesses or maternity care

Asiya-Ayoob commented 1 month ago

Asiya Ayoob from AKU, IHD with a background in Psychology.

This project is my second choice as it has an element of mental health in it.

monchari2002 commented 1 month ago

Roselyter from DPH Aku, With a background in medical Sociology. this is my choice 2 project

I am currently working on a project that involves analysing the progress of HHSDGs and this involves the review of government gray literature and data.

mainarose12 commented 1 month ago

This is my second choice. This project has the potential to give significant contributions in open data science, improve strategies for health in Kenya, and provide a valuable learning experience in data science and public health.

barrygenre commented 1 month ago

Reason to undertake Project 2 (2nd choice):

Data availability is crucial for applying AI and machine learning to health. This project explores open data in Kenya, focusing on HIV, malaria, and maternal and mental health. By identifying and analyzing public datasets, i will address key health questions using machine learning techniques. This enhances my skills in data analysis and contributes to understanding and improving public health outcomes.

Sharonsang44 commented 1 month ago

I am Sharon Sang from AKU, with a nursing background. I would like to select this mini-project as my second choice. By working on this project, I hope to learn how to navigate the process of accessing open health data, understand the legal and ethical considerations involved, and identify common challenges in this area. Additionally, applying machine learning to real-world health datasets will help me improve my analytical skills and gain practical experience in health data science.

ninah20 commented 1 month ago

As my project 1, I chose this model for my project because it aligns with my background in Mathematics and Statistics and my interest in data science. By focusing on open data related to HIV, Malaria, and Maternal and Mental Health, I can use my skills to analyze the data and identify important patterns. This project will help me apply my statistical knowledge to real-world health issues in Kenya, contributing to public health and improving my expertise in data science.

Dzoro5 commented 1 month ago

My name is Edwin Dzoro Mwazuma, a research Assistant at Aga Khan University. I have a background in Economics and statistics. This is my 2nd option. It offers an opportunity for me to understand the application of data science by employing data mining, visualization, and natural language processing (NLP) techniques. This project will enable me get important insights published research, news articles, and social media regarding the state of data science in health within Kenya. This project aligns with my goal of leveraging data science to improve health outcomes and to contribute to the discourse on how data science can be adopted and optimized in the health sector, thereby supporting evidence-based decision-making and innovation in Kenyan healthcare.

JohannesMedagbe commented 1 month ago

Background information

Research interests

Level of preference

This is my second choice. I am quite interested in this project.


Access to open data represents one the main issues in biomedical research. Since machine-learning and AI initiatives in Health Sciences depend on availability of data in appropriate formats, I am really looking forward to getting to experience some of the challenges experts of the field are encountering. This project will probably have more impact on my career as it will prepare me and make me start thinking about some potential ways to solve those problems. This will make research more reproducible, impactful and even make discoveries. I also like the wide scope of this project. FAIR data are essential in all research fields. I believe that insights obtained from this project can easily be translated or can at least inspire other areas of research. I expect to make fully use of them in my future investigations.

Interesting facts

I am an advocate of Open Data. In fact, my MSc project aiming at dissecting interactions in multidimensional data using machine-learning, would have not been possible without the availability and curation of thousand datasets in GeneNetwork :)

Skills of interest to the project

Dan-Bern commented 1 month ago

2nd choice- Daniel/Bernard AKU- Stats background Data driven decision-making and development of context-specific data analytics tools relies on availability of data. With my underlying research interest areas, HIV, NCDs, and Adolescents health, understanding the scope of the available data is key in informing mechanisms of optimizing health care services through Data Science.

Puritynjenga commented 1 month ago

Third choice

I am Purity Njenga an Intern at ICIPE with a background in biotechnology.

I am eager to be involved in the "Open Data in Health in Kenya" project because I am passionate about using data to drive public health improvements and tackle health disparities. This project offers a unique opportunity to leverage open data for innovative health solutions and informed policy-making, directly impacting the well-being of communities. Contributing to this initiative aligns with my commitment to advancing global health and fostering transparency in healthcare.

Asiimwe23 commented 1 month ago

Project of choice number 2

Asiimwe Emmanuel MSc. Bioinformatics, Pwani University I am choosing this project because it nearly covers a big portion of what we have studied in the training from accessing dat from the source, data protection and ethical issues and drawing insights from available data using machine learning techniques. This project will give me experience on how to access and utilize the vast amount of health data that is out there to draw biological and significant conclusions. It will give me the confidence to make the silent data speak great biological insights. It will also address the ethical issues related to use and handling of data, identify the gaps that we can address but above all equip me with the machine learning techniques that am thirsting for in this training.

Dzoro5 commented 1 month ago

I am Edwin Dzoro Mwazuma from Aga Khan University. I have a background in Economics and Statistics. This project will give me the opportunity to apply exploratory data analysis and machine learning techniques to address pertinent health questions. This experience will deepen my knowledge of how open data can drive health research and innovation, and will enhance my ability to contribute to data-driven health solutions. (3rd choice)

AnitaKer commented 1 month ago

My Third Choice

I am Anita Kerubo from Aga Khan University, with a background in statistics and research methodology. This project is crucial for shedding light on the state of open data in Kenya. The review and machine learning skills gained will hugely benefit my research career.

Dorothy1800 commented 1 month ago

My second choice

I am Dorothy chepkoech, Aga Khan University. I have a background in statistics and programming and currently looking forward to an msc in data science. I am interested in this project because it explores already available data and this will give the opportunity to enhance my skills in machine learning and exploratory analysis which I will later apply in my areas of research.

Rodneyomukuti commented 1 month ago

Name: Rodney Omukuti Institution: Pwani University

I might take this as an alternative