ENEZA-DSI / mini-projects-2024

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Mini Projects 2024

Eneza 2024 Residential Training Mini-Projects

Mini-projects for the residential training. As part of the Eneza Residential training 2024, you will collaboratively work on mini-projects in groups of at between 4 and 6.


  1. Project 1: Impact of Data Preprocessing on Machine Learning from a Diabetes Dataset
  2. Project 2: Open Data in Health in Kenya: What is available?
  3. Project 3: Role of sylvatic transmission in the AAT of livestock in Shimba Hills.
  4. Project 4: Data mining to understand the adoption of Data Science for Health in Kenya
  5. Project 5: Utilizing machine learning for attributing sources of foodborn pathogens
  6. Project 6: Biological age prediction using routine laboratory test results in a cohort of healthy adults in sub-Saharan Africa

To select a project, please comment on the issue and why you'd like to tackle the mini-project. Select at least two, and specify your First, Second and Third choice.
