ENEZA-DSI / mini-projects-2024

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Project 3: Role of sylvatic transmission in the AAT of livestock in Shimba Hills. #3

Open kipkurui opened 1 month ago

lmwagandi commented 1 month ago

This project is my first choice Im Lenny Mwagandi from Pwani university as a faculty member (Lecturer) in the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology. My background is in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with good background in analyzing data using normal statistical packages such as mintab, Genstart, SPSS, etc.. However, I'm not very competent in Bioinformatics in the area of genomics specifically population genomics. I have a strong interest in population genomic in pathogens that cause Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) including Trypanosomiasis which I acquired during my MSc and PhD. Through this project Im expecting to acquire knowledge and understanding on the molecular epidemiology of AAT and its transmission using the various tools and pipelines

karegi commented 1 month ago

Name: Mputhia Milka Education Background: BSc Genomics Science & MSc Bioinformatics Institution Affiliation: Pwani University 3rd Choice

Why I am choosing this project:

Studying ecological and epidemiological dynamics in Shimba Hills involves exploring how environmental factors impact disease transmission among livestock. This project is a chance to expand my expertise beyond molecular biology, offering insights into broader biological interactions. These insights will complement my MSc research on unravelling disease mechanisms in plants by providing a comprehensive understanding of pathogen dynamics,

adolfmukama commented 1 month ago

Name: Adolf Oyesigye Mukama Institution: Pwani University Choice: 2nd Choice Motivation: Preferred over other options if not selected for my first choice, however, I would like to work on a project that integrates machine learning with genomics.

Ojwang-Biot commented 1 month ago

2nd Choice Name: Paul Ajwang. Background: MSc. Bioinformatics.

I am interested in applying the concepts I have garnered so far in the bioinformatics coursework and Eneza Data Science training. By participating in this project, I will get the opportunity to sharpen my skills as a bioinformatician especially in the aspects of developing a workflow. With my background, I believe that I will contribute immensely towards the completion of the project and learn in the process.

Kimani-kj commented 1 month ago

Alternative Project

my 2nd Choice

Am kimani kariuki from pwani University. This is the alternative choice if not selected for my preferred choice project five .. This fulfills one bit of my preferred goals with the exception being integration of machine learning with omics

Rodneyomukuti commented 1 month ago

Name: Rodney Omukuti Institution: Pwani University Background: Biological Sciences & Bioinformatics

Preference: Third


1. Research Interest: The project involves using whole-genome sequence data and the development of a bioinformatics workflow, which directly relates to my interests in genomics and my desire to develop expertise in data analysis.

2. Relevance to Public Health: AAT is a fatal livestock disease that has a significant impact on agricultural communities in Africa. Addressing this challenge will have a meaningful contribution to public health.

Parcelli commented 1 month ago

Second Choice

Name: Parcelli Jepchirchir Background: MSc Bioinformatics Institution: Pwani University

Reasons for choosing #3 .

For my MSc project I will be required to develop a bioinformatics analysis workflow using nextflow.The project presents an opportunity to gain hands on skills on workflow development. I am well versed with genome assembly and annotation making me a good fit for the project.

OdongoIsaya commented 1 month ago

THE SECOND CHOICE-ISAYA ODONGO As an Msc Bioinformatics student from Pwani University working on a project that explores the impact of pathogen colonization on host microbiome composition, diversity, abundance, and co-occurrence networks, as well as how the microbiome drives pathogenicity and plant host health status, I am deeply fascinated by the intricate interplay between genomics, ecology, and disease dynamics. Investigating sylvatic transmission of Trypanosoma within the context of Animal African Trypanosomiasis (AAT) not only satisfies my intellectual curiosity but also holds practical relevance. Developing robust bioinformatics workflows for genome assembly, host identification, and variant calling is pivotal to unraveling the mysteries of pathogen-host interactions. Furthermore, analyzing the genetic diversity within Shimba Hills National Reserve can provide valuable insights into strain variations and inform effective mitigation measures against AAT transmission in livestock. The project will also equip me with core data analysis skills that I currently need to successful work on my master 's project data analysis sectio

DOREENKDAVID commented 1 month ago

second choice I am Doreen Kinya, an MSc Bioinformatics student at Pwani University, currently working on genome assembly and annotation of endophyte and ectophyte tree bark lichen bacteria. The experience gained in developing bioinformatics workflows, including genome assembly and variant calling, aligns well with the objectives of my project and it further enhances my skills in genomic analysis and comparative genomics, aiding in the classification of bacteria and identification of cellulolytic genes.

yiasei commented 1 month ago

First Option My name is Yiakon Sein, a MSc Bioinformatics student at Pwani University. This mini project will offer me an opportunity to learn how to analyse Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) data, run association techniques and make use of Machine learning techniques to model trends in epidemiological disease transmission.

JoelALukwe commented 1 month ago

My names are Joel Alukwe, Institution Africa International University. My background is in information technology with specialization in software engineering, focusing primarily on backend development.

This project interests me as a potential third choice as I am very versed in the area, I am still excited due to its investigation into the role of sylvatic transmission in the spread of African Animal Trypanosomiasis (AAT) among livestock in Shimba Hills. Understanding how wildlife reservoirs contribute to AAT transmission could significantly impact livestock health and agricultural sustainability in the region.

My aim after this is to gain insights into wildlife reservoirs' impact on disease transmission and to contribute to effective disease management strategies. The concepts I aim to master include epidemiological research methods, wildlife-livestock interactions, and sustainable disease control measures in veterinary health.

Thank you for considering my interest in this opportunity. I look forward to contributing to our collective success.

Best regards, Joel Alukwe