ENEZA-DSI / mini-projects-2024

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Project 4: Data mining to understand the adoption of Data Science for Health in Kenya #4

Open kipkurui opened 1 month ago

jbasiimwe commented 1 month ago

I am John baptist Asiimwe from Aga Khan Uganda, school of nursing and midwifery. I have a background in nursing, midwifery, and public health.

I am interested in this project as my third choice because numerous reactions and views exist on the use of interventions like vaccines, yet little sentimental analysis has been undertaken to understand public opinions about them, and to come up with public solutions. learning how to analyze this data is very important

Asiya-Ayoob commented 1 month ago

Asiya Ayoob from Aga Khan University, Institute of Human Development. I have a background in Psychology.

This project is my first choice as it will use techniques that are quite relevant in the field of psychology (data mining, visualisation & NLP)

monchari2002 commented 1 month ago

I am Roselyter from Aga Khan University, Kenya, Population Health Department, Medical College. As a medical sociologist by training and a qualitative methodologist, I am deeply engaged in analyzing qualitative data in my professional capacity. I also teach master's students qualitative research methods and guide them in analyzing qualitative data for their theses. This hands-on project will be incredibly useful for my work, enhancing both my analytical skills and teaching methodology.

EstherNjuguna commented 1 month ago

This will be my second choice topic as it starts all the way from data extraction and working on NLP and text based analysis

Sharonsang44 commented 1 month ago

I am Sharon Sang from Agha Khan University Hospital and have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing background. This is my third choice. I am intrigued by the potential for data science and AI in health, particularly in Kenya. For this project, I am interested in learning about the broader landscape of data science adoption in the health sector, especially in developing regions like Kenya. I aim to understand the challenges related to communication and legislation and identify key areas where machine learning and AI can be most impactful. This will provide me with valuable insights into the practical implementation of data science solutions in the health sector.

ninah20 commented 1 month ago

This is my 3rd choice. In this project, I plan to apply the foundational concepts I've recently learned in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and dive into data mining techniques for the first time.

Dan-Bern commented 1 month ago

My 2nd Choice: Daniel/Bernard - AKU-SONAM- Statistics Background Evidence synthesis is essential in informing health literature/knowledge gaps. Having participated and published various systematic and scoping reviews to inform evidence gaps in SSA, I am interested in exploring the data mining concepts to help me advance as well as complement my database search techniques. Additionally, project #4, Data mining to understand the adoption of Data Science for Health in Kenya, aligns well with my masters program on Data science and Statistics. Thus, undertaking this project will help me explore the underlying contextual knowledge gaps for further exploration.

Rodneyomukuti commented 1 month ago

Name: Rodney Omukuti Institution: Pwani University Background: Biological Sciences & Bioinformatics

Preference: Second


1. Research Interest: The project involves data mining, visualization, and natural language processing (NLP) techniques, which align well with my interests and skills as a budding data analyst.

2. Identification of gaps: The project aims to uncover communication, understanding, and legislative gaps, crucial for informing future interventions and capacity-building efforts.

3. Geographic focus and comparative analysis: The fact that this project focuses on Kenya and Africa, provides an opportunity to explore health-related challenges and opportunities in these regions. There is also the aspect of incorporating data from the global North for comparison to give you a broader perspective.

Parcelli commented 1 month ago

Choice three

Name: Parcelli Jepchirhcir Institution : Pwani University Background: MSc Bioinformatics

Reasons for choosing #4 The project will provide me with the skills and expertise in data mining, visualization, and sentiment analysis which will compliment my skills in genomic analysis and machine learning.

kipkurui commented 1 month ago

@Asiya-Ayoob and @monchari2002, we are closing this project. Please comment on Project 6 to join that

Dzoro5 commented 1 month ago

I am Edwin Dzzoro Mwazuma from Aga Khan University. I have a background in economics and statistics. This project will equip me with essential data science skills including data mining, visualization, and natural language processing. These skills will help me as I venture into data science for evidence-based decision making.